Final ch. The End...

You ease my pain away


Finally me and Kyungsoo started dating. Its been six weeks since then. Problems at home seemed okay. Father quit his drinking habit and started being a workaholic. I guess he finally realized what he was doing, and how it effected the family. I slowly opened my door, yawning when I reached the kitchen. 
“Good morning Jongin-honey” 
“Good morning umma” 
She set a plate of food in front of me, smiling as she did it. Since father changed, she changed too. She’s been more happy, and cheerful. I grabbed some toast and spread some butter on it. Looking at the time, I quickly headed out as I finished my breakfast. 
“Good morning” Kyungsoo smiled, as he watched me walk out the door.
“Good morning babe” I replied, giving Kyungsoo a peak on the lips. 
He seemed to whimper and wanted more. I gave out a soft chuckle, and kissed him more. He seemed satisfied after five or more kisses. Laughing a bit to myself, I rested my arm around his shoulder.
“Today I made you lunch” he said, trying to break the silence.
I kissed his cheeks.
“thanks babe” 
I really didn’t mind Kyungsoo cooking for me everyday, in fact I kind of like it. We met with the Hunhan couple. Walking together, we started engaging into topics. Well it doesn’t matter anymore, now that my life is now peaceful. 
“see you later” I whispered in Kyungsoo’s ear tenderly. 
He seemed to flinch, and give me those cute Bambi eyes. My class schedule changed, and got transferred into another home base. Damn. 
“Ayo WasuuuUuuup Jongin” Kris hollered from his seat.
Kris or Wufan became my friend when I transferred. He had a boyfriend who is apparently seated next to him. His name was Zhang Yixing or one of the smartest students in the school. They kept whispering to each other. I was curious about it but never asked them Justin case they felt awkward. The bell rang for lunch, and I zipped through the class. Heading for the rooftop, I met a smiling Kyungsoo.
“Jongin! I missed you” he said, running up to me.
I smiled in reply and hugged him tight. He seemed to enjoy it and snuggled close to me. His hot breaths going down my chest. We stayed like that until finally Kyungsoo pulled away. He reached for the wrapped lunch box, and handed to me. 
“Thanks again”
“no problem”
As I tasted the food, I had to admit it was scrumptious. It was well seasoned, and cooked perfectly. I always asked him where he learned how to cook, he always replied by saying “umma taught me.” I guess that was true. It made me think about my own mother, and how she taught my sisters. 
Oh crap. The tears are coming again.
“is it…is it about you sisters?” 
I nodded my head, covering my mouth. I wanted to block my whimpers or sorrow, but being in Kyungsoo’s warm embracement made me spill all my emotions. I looked up at him…he was crying with me. I’m weak and broken. I even made my own boyfriend cry with me. 
“Kyungsoo don’t cry” I muttered under my whimpers and sobs. 
“then don’t cry too” he chocked a reply. 
That worked. My tears started lighting up and my hurt, painful emotions were lifted up. He really is a the greatest boyfriend. He brought his head down, and touched my lips with his soft, plumb ones. His kissed were warms, and loving. 
“do you feel better” he sniffed.
“yea…thanks to you” 
He kissed me more, giving me comfort. The bell rung which meant our time was up. As I arrived at the classroom, Kris greeted me with much delight.
“YO! Jongin”
I waved my hand and seated myself. He looked like he needed to say something. 
“what do you want?”
He scratched the back of his head, and leaned his head near mine. 
“What’s a good birthday gift to give you lover?” his voice filled with embarrassment. 
I gave out a loud laughter, and watched Kris blushed. 
“YAH! I’m serious!”
“okay okay! Hmmm since its Yixing?”
He was now leaning his head ever nearer.
“why not flowers, giant teddy bear, chocolate, and take him out to a restaurant”
“OH! Thanks! You’re a great help”
After school came by and I waited for Kyungsoo.
“did I keep you waiting” Kyungsoo’s voice startling me a bit. 
“no…not at all” 
That’s when we started walking home. It was quiet, no of us dared to talk. As we arrived at his house, it was hard to even say goodbye. I guess I’m really in love with him. I opened my door, to find father. Mother seemed to be shopping, but something seemed wrong. I looked back at father. He looked weird. 
“appa what’s wrong?” I asked.
He looked paranoid, like he needed something. Oh ! He’s high on crack. Great something to break my peace. 
“I need more…I need more” he kept saying.
“look appa you should quit this crap” 
He just pushed me away and retreated to his room. Mother came back. 
“umma I think fathers on something”
“oh. It that so?” she said, lot looking up. 
Why is she acting like this? No it must be…
“you knew?”
She raised her head, and looked at me. Her eyes piercing me.
“Jongin-honey…something are meant to be kept” 
“umma! He’s getting addicted!” my voice cracking. 
That was the first time she ever raised her voice at me. She seemed like a different person to me now. I just looked away from her gaze and headed towards my room. My life is getting ruin now, all because of father. I laid on my bed, thinking about my ty father now. Why was mother allowing this? Shouldn’t she be fighting? Damn this doesn’t make any sense. Closing my eyes I slowly drifted off to sleep.
“Good morning Jongin” Kyungsoo greeted as I emerged from my house. 
I didn’t reply back, just shrugged my shoulders. 
“What’s wrong?” he asked me.
I looked at him and confessed. All of it. He just patted my back. He offered to let me stay at his place, but I refused. 
“I’m fine since its my problem” 
No. I mustn’t be weak and always seek out help from my boyfriend. Heading to school, I’ll tell father to stop what ever he’s on. After school came by, and I left without waiting for Kyungsoo. I was about to open the door, but father came bursting out of it. He gave me a look before running away. My body became filled with fear. I ran inside to find mother on the floor.
“umma…UMMA!” I yelled.
I ran to her side but he body was already dead. My eyes started to tear up. All warmth from her body started to turn cold. Just then Kyungsoo came in. 
“OH MY GOD!” he screamed as he saw my mothers dead body in my arms. 
Kyungsoo called the police. Minutes later my mouse was filled with officers, and an ambulance gabbing my mother from my grip. Time when in slow motion. Everything around me started to fade away. 
My life is now crushed…
Will I be able to live on?
A/N: I’m sorry I made the last chapter short and rushed things. I have other ideas in my head and couldn’t think of a way to end things here. 
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walkingaccidentzone #1
Nooo.!!! You can end it like this TT^TT ~!!! Please if you can continue with the fic :)
WHAT?!? why did you stop it there? :O