Ch. 1 My life

You ease my pain away


It was my 17th birthday, the day I met him. Those eyes that captivated me, that smile that burned my heart, and  his kindness that made me pity mine. Yet in those eyes of his, it showed sorrow, and pain. Was he the same as me? No, he isn’t. His presence is to pure to be tainted, to be tainted like mine. My best friend happened to pass by me. I stopped him, and asked him.
“Hey Sehun! Who’s that person over there?”
He looked at the direction I pointed. Taking a few more minutes, his head turned towards me.
“That’s Kyungsoo. Why?”
“Just asking”
Sehun shrugged his shoulders and ordered himself another beer. That’s right Sehun took me out to party tonight since its my birthday. I would have taking any offer just to get away from that hell hole. Looking back at Kyungsoo, he noticed me staring. I got embarrassed and looked away. 
“Dude you want another beer?” Sehun asked me. 
“no I’m fine. Its almost time for me to go”
His face suddenly changed into a serious one. I knew that look, he’s worried about me. 
“look if anything happens when you return home. Your always welcome to my house”
I chuckled.
“I think it going to be fine but…but thanks” my voice cracking a bit.
I got up from my chair and proceeded to exit the club. On my way I ran into Kyungsoo. He seemed to looked at me but continued to talk to his friends. I just ignored it. Walking into the empty sidewalk, I noticed how peaceful it was. As I opened the to my house I heard a shriek coming from the kitchen. I ran towards the sounds.
“FATHER! STOP!” I screamed, as a limped figure was below him. 
He looked at me, taking his eyes off of what seemed to be my mother. His large figure started walking towards me. I stepped back a little, but postured myself. Soon his face was close to mine. His breath stank like alcohol. I knew it. He’s been drinking tonight. 
“Stay out of this or I’ll beat you” he threaten. 
“h-honey not the boy” my mother breathed, blood dripping from her head. 
Oh god. He hit her with a bottle. I went passed him, helping mother. Wiping the blood, I noticed she was crying. No it wasn’t from the pain, but she was crying because of father. Father grabbed her arm, pulling her towards him. I wouldn’t let him. I made the greatest mistake. I pushed him off her. 
“WHAT THE ARE YOU DOING BOY!” he yelled, voice full of anger. 
Mother tried stopping him but he was too strong. He punched me, letting blood drip from my mouth. The thing was…I let him. I let him take out his anger on me, not my mother. He kept striking me, making me taste my own blood. 
I fell on the ground, my face all bloody. He started kicking my stomach as hard as he can, sending pain all through my body. Once down with his beating, he left. Walking out the door with mothers hard earned cash. I laid on the floor bleeding. Every part of my body hurt. My mothers eyes were filled with tears again. 
“My baby…my baby” she sobbed.
I’m sorry mother. I sorry I’m not strong enough to protect you. That’s when I out. Only hearing my mother weep. I couldn’t go to school looking like this. Two black-eyes, bruises all over my face, and cuts around my lips. Father hasn’t been back since then. Probably passed out at the bar. Its not like Father was always like this, its when my two older sisters died in a car accident. Since their deaths he abused himself with alcohol, and turned abusive towards mother. My mother never left him, she couldn’t. She always believed that he will turn back into his old self but I know that will never happen.
“Honey. Someone’s here to see you”
Sehun came inside my bedroom. 
“You okay?” he asked, looking at my bruises.
I nodded my head weakly. He pouted.
“I brought your homework. I also took some notes for you”
“thanks” I groaned, trying to lift my arms. 
He set it down at the bed table next to me. He toke out something out of his back-pack. It smelled sweet like cookies.
“Kyungsoo made these for you” he laughed, placing them on my lap. 
Sehun looked at the time on his watch. 
“Uh…I have to go”
“leaving already?”
“Luhan is waiting for me” he smirked. 
“Have fun”
I looked at the container of cookies. Kyungsoo made these for me. Since my wounds are healing, I should thank Kyungsoo tomorrow. Grabbing one cookie,, I noticed words on it.
“Hope you get better”
Its been long since I smiled. Its been way too long. I took a bite, it tasted delicious. Just then mother came in, holding some ointment. Smearing the oily substance on her fingers, she rubbed the bruises on my cheeks. She had a smile on her face but I knew that was fake. I looked at her wrapped head. I couldn’t help but tear up. She stopped motioning her fingers.
“Jongin Honey. What’s wrong?” her voice shaking.
I looked up at her, tears slipping down.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I was late.” I sobbed.
She wrapped her arms around my body, tighten her grip. She rocked me back and forth. It soothed me. She stopped for a moment. That’s when I noticed that she was crying too. 
“Saranghae umma” my voice weak.
“Saranghae” she whispered, kissing my forehead. 
I handed the teacher my assignments, and reached my seat. As I scanned he room I found Kyungsoo, staring at me. Someone poked me from behind. 
“Chanyeol what do you want?”
He just smiled and laughed, twitching his eye.
“Welcome back. Where did you get those bruises?”
I swallowed hard. Sehun is the only one who knows about the problems at home, I haven’t told my other friends. Chanyeol waited for my answer, but the class started. I doze off, luckily the teacher didn’t see. After class was over I went to find Kyungsoo. I have to thank him for the cookies he gave me. I finally found him in the empty music room. He was singing. It was a song about someone in pain but still was able to find happiness and love. While he sang it, he cried. I opened the door quietly and stood there by the doorway, letting the music sink into my ears. I clapped my hands as he stopped singing.
“J-Jongin when did you get here?” he used his sleeve, wiping the tears, 
I walked up to him, smiling.
“Thanks for the cookies” 
He blushed madly and looked away.
“I’m glad you like them” he smiled. 
I was about to leave the room, but he grasped my shirt. His eyes begging me to stay, I chuckled. He simply blushed again and let go. 
“you want me to stay?” I asked him.
He nodded slowly, bringing his head down. He’s just to cute. I grabbed a empty chair and sat in front of him. He then began to sing before we had to go to class. After school came by, and I walked together with Kyungsoo. It almost seemed like we were dating. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow then” thats when we headed our separate ways.
I kind of missed him already. Wait what I’m I thinking. As I returned home, I noticed fathers shoes. He’s back. As I walk in, I was glad that mother was in the kitchen making dinner. Father must be in his room, sleeping. I glace back at mother before heading to my room. Moments later, I heard yelling. I ran out my room to find mother yelling at father. That’s when I noticed a e behind father.
“HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO ME!” mother screamed. 
“I CAN DO WHATEVER I WHAT !” he yelled back.
The argument kept continuing. Stop. Please just stop. The e ran out the house, scared.
“SEE WHAT YOU DID!” my father’s voice fuming.
“STOP!” I yelled louder than their own voices.
“What would my older sisters say?” I said, leaving father and mother speechless. 
I ran out the house, and ran to the nearest relief…Sehun’s house. I ringed the doorbell and Sehun answered it. He quickly let me in. He led me to his room, where I found Luhan sitting quietly on his bed. Did I come at the wrong time? 
“I came at the wrong time” I said, beginning to head out the door. 
“no you didn’t” Luhan said. 
I slowly came back. Taking a seat on the floor. Luhan looked a bit confused. 
“you okay?” Sehun asked me.
“What happened to Jongin?” Luhan said. 
Sehun looked at me, giving me those can-I look. I nodded my head. Sehun began to tell Luhan my problems. I’m surprised that Luhan broke in tears, hugging me. Sehun join the hug, as I told them what had happen. 
“I mentioned my sisters even though…” I couldn’t finish the sentence because of the tears coming out of my eyes.
I couldn’t help but cry again and again.
A/N: Hoped you liked the first chapter! Please keep following me and support me. 
Saranghae~ <3
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walkingaccidentzone #1
Nooo.!!! You can end it like this TT^TT ~!!! Please if you can continue with the fic :)
WHAT?!? why did you stop it there? :O