
Love Light

/authors' note: The first picture you can see in the foreword is our KRIS♥. :) And the handsome guy above is our LAY, he has that killing dimples. I'll show yah next time! Enjoy!/


It was one cold day in Seoul and another typical day for Kristine and Kris, the two have been bestfriends since they were little. They're so close, to the point where thay can't live without each other.  They're  classmates and they love to do school works together. And to mention, they're neighbors too. In short, they're INSEPARABLE.

"Good Morning, Kristine!" Kris said arrogantly.

"Fine, Mr.6'1" Kristine answered, chuckles were heard after that.

They love to tease each other and still act immature allthought they're senior year high school students already. Like their daily routine, they walked to school together. After hours of tiring and challenging classes, they went to a nearby library to do their homeworks and teach some unclear lessons to each other.

"Ugh, Kris. I can't understand it at all." Kristine complained with furrowed eyebrows. 

"Nah, this is so easy. Listen to me carefully." Kris said, and he explained her everything.


after a while...


"Ehem, can I talk to Kristine first?" the tall and hadsome guy with dimples on his both cheeks said. She looked up and blushed.

Kristine's POV~

Oh my Gosh!!!!! It's Lay!!!! My Crush!!!!

"Y-yes, what are w-we going to t-talk about?" I asked shyly as I try to cover my blushing face.

Then suddenly, Kris walked out from the library.

Oh?! What happened? Kris!!!? 

I was about to follow him when I realized that Lay is still in front of me. 

Lay is my crush. My Second Crush, to be exact. And Kris is my first crush, scratch that, my first LOVE. 

"Can you meet me in the park this 7 pm?" Lay said. 

"S-sure. I'll be there" I answered.


"Alright then, see you later" Lay cheerfully said while waving goodbye to Kristine, as he runs to the door. Her heart beats so fast and she felt butterflies in her stomach. But all of it disappeared when Kris suddenly appeared in  her mind. She texted Kris, her bestfriend and first love, right away. She told him about her convesation with Lay.


Later that night, Lay and I met.

"I love you." Lay confessed. 

I was so shocked to reply. I looked into his eyes and yeah it was filled with love. 

I am confused. Will I be happy or not? Right now, I should be happy. He loves me. Lay loves me. My crush! The guy that almost every girl in the school fantasized. But why do I feel indifferent? Why do I feel numb?

I like Lay. But that's the problem. It is only LIKE. I love Kris. Yes! That's right! I LOVE KRIS!

"I'm sorry Lay, I love somebody else." I told him. I don't want to hurt him but that is the truth.

"Is that "somebody else " Kris?" He asked.

I was surprised that he knows, then, I nodded.

"Well, it's not surprising since it is quite obvious." He added.




Kris' POV~

What the heck was that?! What should I do now? That Lay! Why does he have to appear?!

I love Kristine eversince, but I was to afraid to tell her. I was scared that our friendship might disappear. It's been hours since I started worrying about Kristine and Lays meeting. I know that she likes Lay. 

So, what if they become a couple? What wil I do? I have to think!

I looked outside my window and there I saw Kristine and Lay. They are chatting happily. Then, I grew more frustrated. And what more, they stopped right infront of our house and ring the doorbell.

I can't take it!

I rushed downstairs and opened the door. 

"Yah! What are you two doing here! Go away! Just continue your date!" I yelled at them.


Lay's POV~

Hmmm. Jealousy. What a crazy boy. If he only knew.

Then a smile grew on my face. I have an idea. A bright one.

"We, just want to tell you that we are a couple now. I though that you might want to congratulate us since you two are bestfriends. Guess, I was wrong." I announced.

I saw how shocked Kris was while Kristine was clueless of what's happening.


Kris' POV~

My heart was shattering into pieces after I heard that. I can't believe it.

"What?! Kristine, do you love hime more than me? Aren't you satisfiend with me by your side? Look, I love you and I always do. I do love you more than a friend. " There I said it.  But it's too late.I was on the verge of crying but I stop myself for this tears will do nothing.

"Woah, easy there. We're honestly not a couple. But it's true that I confessed to her, unfortunately, she rejected me saying that she loves somebody else" Lay said while smiling.



Kristine's POV~

What's exactly happening? Wait, did Kris said he loves me?! Yeah, he did! He loves me! Kris loves me! Kyaaaaahh!!!

"You moron! How come you didn't tell me? I love you too, jerk! I love you as far as I can remember!" I said.


Author's POV~

Kris frozed for a while and held Kristine's hand. 

"I love you more. No words can describe my love for you. I love you unconditionally, you are my everything, you are my love light." And they hug each other.

Lay left them without saying anything so that he can't disturb them and that scene hurts him so much. But he know someday, he'll find the right girl for him. Someday, he will be happy just like Kris and Kristine.




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Kris_Tinne0024 #1
yeah~ This is my English homework, honestly. ^-^ ShinyStarBM bugged me for the whole day at school just to allow her to post this short story here! kekeke. And that was the day that we started to write fanfics! :) That's the beginning of everything!

And my ultimate bias in Exo was Lay, :D
Kris_Tinne0024 #2
Thank you~ ♥ I'll try to do my best! :))

Sequel?! YEAAAHHH! There will be a sweet sequel. I'm working on it, kekeke.
i love this :)