My Badass Journey to Becoming Good


My mouth roughly crashed onto her’s, all idea of personal space being thrown away. I smirked at the way the girl was panting heavily, her red lipstick smeared. Her eyes looked half lidded as I pushed myself closer to her. We broke apart for a moment, briefly catching our breaths. I dove in again only to stop half way. I blinked rapidly in confusion. Was it me or did the girl’s chest shrink considerably? I focused my attention back to her face and my eyes dilated to twice the size.

What the hell was Jihye doing in my dream?! Nightmare right now more or less.

“Yah Oh Sehun.”

Her voice still sounded annoying even in my dream. I furrowed my eyebrows together and my lips formed into a tight line.


“Wake up you dweeb.”

My eyebrows shot up.

“Wait what?”

“Wake up I said!”

“Yah Oh Sehun!”

“I’m going to kick you awake.”

I groaned and clasped a hand over my eyes. Rolling to my side, I buried my head into my pillow doing my best to block out the voice that finally reached my ears. That dream had a horrible ending.

“What the hell...go back to sleep. It’s too early,” I said in a groggy, tired, and obviously irritated voice; my pillow muffling half the words I spoke. Jihye crossed her arms, clearly having none of it.

“My house my rules. It’s 6:30 AM. Now get up,” she replied in a huffy tone. She pulled on the ends of the sheets, quickly lifting it up and away from my body. I shivered slightly, my body automatically curling into a ball as my eyes remained shut. Thank god I decided to wear a shirt and briefs to bed or it would have been really awkward…for her anyway. I don’t mind. It’s not like I have anything to hide. Insert me winking here. Jihye rolled her eyes at my lazy form and raised her leg, bringing it down not so nicely on my side. My eyes shot open in surprise and pain.

“YAH THAT HURT!” She really hurt me. I groaned and rubbed at my side, it stinging as I touched it. The girl in front rolled her eyes and nonchalantly waved it off.

“At least you’re awake now. Do remember that if you don’t wake up on time, that’ll be happening to you.” After making sure that I wasn’t going to go to sleep again, she walked out of the room, slamming the door behind her. I dropped back down to the bed, not sleeping but continued to moan in pain. My dad wanted me to work with her on making my bad ways good? Hell no. She’s the freaking reincarnation of a devil…a very hot devil that is. But anyways, moving on with my statement. I don’t think she’s going to be helping me, more like beating some sense into me.

Yeah like that was going to happen anytime soon. Oh Sehun will never lose to a powerhouse woman like her. A determined expression washed over my face as I sat up, a smirk pasting itself on my lips. I was going to cause hell for Moon Jihye. I threw my legs over the bed and stood on my foot as I walked in long strides over to my luggage. I quickly ped the nearest one, clothes spilling out as I did. I dove my hands into the large pile, looking for the perfect outfit to wear for that day. My hands touched something denim and I pulled it out to find one of my favorite pair of jeans. Why were they one of my favorite? Because they were one of the many jeans I owned that made my perfect and god-like. Oh yeah.

I flung the denim pants onto the bed and my hands went in again now searching for a shirt. Purple? Blue? White? Why so dull? All the shirts I saw were all normal and original colors. They looked plain. My eyebrows scrunched together. Did I not own any unique looking shirts? That was hastily answered when my eyes caught some that was similar to the color of green but a bit…ickier? Well it was olive and a very pretty color I might add. On it were the words, ‘You Love Me? I Know, I Love Me Too’. I snickered to myself and took the current shirt I had on off. My head slipped into the hole and my arms into the short sleeves. The shirt fitted perfect over my built figure. Nice. I went over to the bed and quickly wore the pants, feeling the familiar fabric against my legs.

I yawned, raising a hand to cover my open mouth as I walked to where I assumed the bathroom was located. My mind couldn’t register the words Jihye had rambled yesterday. She had spoken too fast. It was also extremely boring. Don’t blame me. I don’t like listening to boring stuff…but if it means that I get the girl in the end, I would have no problem in listening to some hot chick going on and on about whatever she wanted.

Hey, living the life of a y guy with a good looking face has its benefits. Why not use it right? 




- mirotonic

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ReenRieX #1
Chapter 2: Heoll !! Such a self arrogant person... Haha.. But i like the way you make it.. Updates pleasee
sayuriNami #2
Lol. I love his shirt! I want one
sayuriNami #3
Interesting. I hope this crack me up as much as your baekhyun story.
fantasy240 #4
update soon!!!!!!!