
Stray Cat (One-Shot)

He walked down the familiar street in the darkness dimly lit by a few streetlamps, drenched in a sense of nostalgia. It had been two years - two very long years - since he had been here.


How he had longed to come back...


How he had longed to see her...


He had met her during the darkest part of his short life. Even though he never owned a single picture of her, he remembered her clearly: her wavy dark purple hair, the way her eyes curved up into pretty crescents, her beautiful gums and teeth that showed when she smiled, her pale skin... He never forgot. 


He could never forget, not after the way she had captivated him upon first look.


He made his way further down the street, nearing the spot he had come to hundreds of times a few years earlier. The snow crunched under his feet with every step in the silence of the evening.


She was practically everything to him, reminding him there were still good and sweet people in the world. There were those kindhearted enough to go out of their way to feed a stray cat each night...


He smiled, recalling the nickname she used to call him. He wondered if she ever found his note that told her of his real name: Choi Jun Hong.


...Would she still be living here? After all, two years was a long time...


He stopped under the streetlamp, staring wide eyed at a familiar plastic chair collecting the falling snow. 


It was still here...


He carefully dusted off the snow, surprised once again to find a small ziploc bag taped to the chair.


Was it for him...?


With his heart beating hard in anticipation, he pulled the plastic bag away from the chair. He dug into the bag to take out three pieces of paper, the message on each of them handwritten. 



Choi Jun Hong...

Finally, I know your name!

If you told me earlier, I could have called you by your name,

instead of calling you 'stray cat'.

...You know...

It's not called leaving if you come back. 

So I'll be waiting, Junhong-ah.

Keep your promise, okay?

Now I'm the one wondering if you'll ever read this...

...I'll miss you, kitty...





Junhong-ah. Junhong-ah.

I never got to call you by your name and somehow,

it's already been a years since you left... Left? Disappeared?

I don't know...

To be honest,

I thought you'd be back by now.

I wish I could see you again.

I miss you...

...a lot...





Choi!! Jun!! Hong!!!!

Two years already...

Where did you go? Are you ever coming back?

Will you ever read this?


I still miss you every night.

Come back home, Stray Cat.




He bit his lip, reading the words on the paper under the light of the streetlamp.


She had waited for him.


She still remembered him...


For the longest time, the thought that she would have forgotten him had eaten away at his mind. She was his savior, but he feared his existence in her own life was not as significant. He feared she would forget him. And though it was highly likely, it would have broken him a little regardless.


He carefully tucked the notes into his jacket pocket to prevent it from getting ruined by the snow. 


He felt like his heart would leap out of his chest, his overwhelming affection for her suddenly too much. He wanted to see her. He needed to see her. Most of all, he wished more than anything to hold her.


"Stray cat..."


Zelo turned at the sound, the familiar name and voice sending his senses tingling.


He came face to face with the one he loved, even after being away for two years.


Jun Hyo Sung.


She was as beautiful as she had always been, if not more so.


Befitting the winter weather, she was dressed in a thick wool coat, a scarf around her neck and boots on her feet. Her straight long hair was tied up into a loose ponytail, the dark shade turned to a light lavender purple. The blunt bangs that used to be straight across her forehead curved to the side a little, revealing more of her bright brown eyes framed by dark lashes. They were wide was she looked at him, baffled. Her lips formed an 'O' as her jaw dropped from the shock of seeing him. 


Hyosung's eyes searched Zelo's.


She stared at the boy with spiked blonde hair, a chunk of blue in the middle of his bangs. She stared at his brown eyes, his straight nose, his pouting bottom lip, his round cheeks. He stood tall in dark denim jeans, high top sneakers and a thick jacket. He seemed much more mature than the boy with the bubble gum pink hair she had befriended years back, but it was, without a doubt, him.


"Is it really you...?" she let out quietly, her voice quivering.


Hyosung didn't give Zelo a chance to reply before she dropped the plastic bag in her hand and ran up to him. She wrapped her arms around his waist, embracing Zelo. 


"I missed you so much," she mumbled into his chest, tightening her hold. 


I missed you too...


Zelo wrapped his arms around her shoulders lightly, taking in her scent. Here was the one he had been praying to meet again, greeting him with more warmth than he felt he deserved.


Suddenly, Hyosung pulled away. She gave Zelo a nervous laugh as she wiped at the corner of her eyes.


"S-sorry. I didn't mean to invade your personal space, I just..." she started to say softly, blushing.


Zelo gazed at the petite girl just an arm's length away. Maybe it was the slight curve of her lips; her flushed cheeks; the tears gathering at her eyes despite her efforts to keep them dry; maybe it was just her. Hyosung was more than lovable in Zelo's eyes, and he couldn't contain himself. 


Before Hyosung could say anything more, Zelo took a step towards her. In a single fluid motion, he reached his free hand to the back of her head, his other arm finding its way around her waist. 


Zelo leaned down, planting his lips firmly on Hyosung's.


And then he knew. He knew he had found a place he belonged to at last...


The sweet moment lasted too short for both of them as Zelo broke the kiss. With just enough time to take a breath, Hyosung got up on her tip toes and wrapped her arms around his neck. She pulled him into another kiss, which Zelo eagerly accepted.


It was the purring of a cat that interrupted them. Hyosung pulled away, glancing at the black cat that was rubbing against her leg. She chuckled, her face still stained pink.


"Sorry. Channie gets impatient for his food," Hyosung explained, withdrawing from Zelo's embrace to walk over to the plastic bag she had dropped earlier. She dug her hand in and retrieved a can of cat food. She opened the can and set it out for the cat.


"Channie?" Zelo asked, walking over to Hyosung. He laced his fingers with hers; he didn't want to be away from her, no matter how small the distance. Hyosung returned his grip as she smiled up at him.


"I named him after you left..."


"Oh... I see..."


"You're finally talking...." Hyosung mumbled, "You have a nice voice."


Zelo was the one to flush this time as he looked away, not knowing what to say at her compliment.


"Junhong-ah..." she whispered.


At her voice, he turned towards her to see her grinning at him.


"I've always wanted to call you that."








"Yeah, it's me! Back with food," Zelo yelled out, propping his skateboard against the wall after shutting the door. He carried a bagful of take-out food with him as he made his way over to the living room.


He smiled as his eyes landed on her.


Hyosung was in one of his t-shirts - claiming it was more suited for physical labour - and jean shorts. Her hair was up in a messy bun, her bangs and some strays that fell loose framing her face.


"Thank God. I was starving," she said, walking up to him. Hyosung gave Zelo a quick kiss on the cheek before taking the bag from his hands. "Thanks, Kitty."


She then made her way to the makeshift table of empty boxes, stepping in between all their belongings scattered across the floor. She sat down on the ground and started to set the food.


"Who knew moving would take so much energy?" Hyosung complained.


Zelo laughed as he neared her and planted a kiss on the top of her head. He sat down next to her on the floor. 


"Talk for yourself. Only a quarter of all this is actually my stuff."


Hyosung glared at Zelo, causing another laugh from him.


"I miss the days when you just listened," she sighed dramatically.


"Do you...? Jun. Hyo. Sung," Zelo asked with a smirk, snaking his arms around Hyosung's waist. He leaned his face towards hers, staring intently at her lips. Hyosung only nodded, surprised at Zelo's sudden movement. She bit down on her lip once, the pressure casing a tint of rosy red at the soft skin.


Zelo brought his lips down on hers as Hyosung ran her fingers through his hair.




Hyosung withdrew at the sound of the cat. Zelo glanced over at the black feline only a few feet away, a little annoyed at the interruption. He could swear that Channie was jealous, only making noises at moments like these.


"Channie's hungry too, I guess," Hyosung chuckled. She untangled herself from Zelo, to his displeasure, standing up to search in a few boxes. "Where did I put all the cat food?"


When Hyosung found what she was looking for, she walked over to the cat, crouching down to feed him. He purred at the sound of the can opening.


Zelo observed the two of them, Hyosung hugging her knees as she watched Channie devour his food. The cat had gotten chubbier since Zelo and Hyosung finally adopted him, being borderline obese.


Back when Zelo and Hyosung had reunited, Zelo had moved out of his parents' house; he lived in a shabby one room apartment, working multiple part-time jobs to pay for rent and to treat out Hyosung. Eventually, Hyosung took both Zelo and Channie into her home. Somehow, she also managed to convince Zelo to keep going to school, even though he had no means to pay for it. Now, he was attending college with a well-earned scholarship.  


Meanwhile, Hyosung had moved jobs to a company with a higher salary and friendlier coworkers. She was happier at her new job, although Zelo was still wary of that one coworker who continuously hit on Hyosung. As time busily passed by, Zelo and Hyosung realized her one room wasn't enough for the three of them, including Channie the cat. 


And here they were currently, unpacking at their new apartment.


Hyosung looked up as she noticed Zelo staring. She flashed him a bright smile, waving her hand slightly. Her eyes curved into crescents in the way he loved, her pink gums as lovable as ever.


At the sight, Zelo felt a growing gratitude for this beautiful woman who had found her way into his life, helping him put it together when his own parents couldn't. It was amazing that she stuck to him all this time.


Zelo stared into Hyosung's bright eyes, unable to believe this happiness was truly his.


Once, Hyosung had been his escape. Now, she was his home.





















Channie, stop ing! LOL XD

So much for a quick 500 piece... end up being closer to 2000 words... sigh.... 

Anyways, how's the new "closed-ending"? Happy they got together? :)

Thanks for reading <3

(I went on tumblr, looking through zelo tags and although he's already 19 in this story, couldn't help but feel a little pedo... sighh... lolol)


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Chapter 4: Channie LOL
Chapter 4: Love this couple
I read this again and I cired again while reading
love this so much this like the best hyolo actually hyosung fic I have ever read
thankyou so much for writing this fic
leo0501 #4
I cried for like an hour in chapter 3. ;;
Really nice! More HyoLo shots pleasee!! :3
soulize #6
Chapter 4: I cried when I read chapter 3 and then smiled like an idiot after reading chapter 4 orz
I rarely comment on ff tbh ( what a bad reader I am LOL ) but this is so good
There are not so many hyolo fanfics, not to mention good ones and here it is, thanks to you
This is like, one of the best fanfics i've ever read. So fluffy and adorable and asdfghjkl
Ahh Channie the cat always interrupt but that's cute, and how Hyosung treated Zelo and how she remembered him and she remembered her even after 2 years is also cute, everything about this ff this cute
Can I love you omg
Chapter 4: can I just love this, it's amazing. ♡ perfect and adorable. q u q
Chapter 4: oh my.god author-nim, this is soo good
KimKibuki #9
Chapter 4: Ottoke~!!!! I cried for this story why Zelo left~!!!
lovedaehyun #10
Chapter 4: AMAZING!! ive read it for billions of times and never get boredd!! Youre amazingg!! I was trying to search for hyolo fic since theres not much of them and yours was just .. AMAZINGGG!! oh gossh.. The story really touched me.. Serious, im sad its over now. Oh well.. Thanks for the fic authornim! Foghting!