
Falling In Love with a Total Jerk (Discontinued)

After unpacking, me and Maru started our bet. He chose to sing his group's song 'Solo' and I chose BoA's 'Only One'. 

"Hurry up. I want to win this bet too." I said annoyed. He nodded and the music.

After hearing him sing and rap, I was in amazement.

"You're good... But not as good as me." I said and furrowed my eyebrows. 

"Then sing. I want to see how terrible you are." He chuckled and crossed his arms. I the music and started to sing and dance. One day, I got so bored that I started to learn how to dance to BoA's song but did some of my own moves since it was only me.

When I was done, I was panting and looked at Maru. His face was emotionless.


"I'm going to bed." he said and I just stood there with my mouth like an "o". I ran to him and I grabbed his shoulder.

"A bet is a bet. I win. You lose." He scofted.

"So what?"

"Soooo.... You have to make me dinner every night until we go back home."


"A bet is a bet." He sighed and nodded. "Want to go out somewhere? I can show you around."

We went around the city and ended up in a Japanese restruant. When we walked in there, some cute boys were looking at me. I just smiled at them and the winked at me. Making my face all red and making me giggle.


Maru POV

When we waked into the restruant, I noticed that some boys were giving Mi Sun smiles and winked at her. I looked at her and she had a smile on her face and her cheeks were all red. What is she thinking about flirting with strangers?! Why is she flirting with those ugly boys?! Wait... STOP IT MARU!

"Come on Maru! We're getting seated now." Mi Sun said. I snapped back into reality and surprisingly, those guys weren't getting seated. When Mi Sun passed them, they were checking her out which made me mad. When I walked passed them, I gave them a death glare and one of them flinched.

"Maru! Walk faster!" Mi Sun said loudly. I sighed and sat in a chair across Mi Sun. "What are you going to order? I'm thinking about-"

"What do you see in them?" I blurted out. STUPID MOVE JAEJUN! YOU NEED TO STOP THINKING OUT LOUD! I covered my mouth and stared at her.

"Excuse me?" she asked and I shock my head. "Tell me." I shook my head again. "Yah! Tell me or you'll be doing lunch and dinner for me!" Defeat.

"What do you see in those ugly boys?" I said not making eye contact with her.

"What do I.....? Maru! Are you jealous?" she said smirking. My face became all red.

Maybe... "No!"

"Mhm. Sure." I rolled my eyes and the waitor came to our table.

"Hello, I'm your waitor today. Have you decided on anything yet?"

"Umm.. Can I get the the chicken katsu and California Roll?" Mi Sun said and the waitor nodded.

"What would you have sir?" I was dumbfounded. I don't know what they're saying.

"Sorry, he speaks Korean and doesn't understand English yet. Can you get him teriyaki chicken?" The waitor nodded and walked away.

"What was he saying?"

"He wanted to know what you wanted to eat. I'll teach you some English when we get back to the suite." I nodded and looked to find the boys. Wow. Why  did they put them infront of us?! I clenched my fist which made my knuckles white.


Mi Sun POV

"Are you sure you're not jealous?"

"Why would I be? I don't want to be with an ugly girl like you." Maru said coldly. I crossed my arms and stayed silent until the food came.

"Thank you!" I said and started to eat my food. Then one of the cute boys came to my table.

"Excuse me... Are you two dating?" I choked on some food but stopped.

"Sorry, but no we're not. May I ask why you're asking?"

"Oh.. well.. um... My friends.. they want your number.. And I.. um.... Want your number too." the guy said, rubbing his neck.

"Oh.. um.. I'll be glad to!" I cheerfully said. I gave him me phone and he gave me his. When I got my phone back, I checked the name. Ian..

"Well, I'll see you later!"

"Ian! Wait.. Um.. I actually live in Seoul, Korea.. I'm just visiting with uhhh... My friend." I got nervous.

"Oh, well, we should hang before you leave! But nice meeting you!" he said and walked away. I looked at Maru and he looked angry.

"What did they want?" he said. He had his hand in a fist and he kept glaring at them.

"They just wanted to know if we were dating... and what time it was." I lied little bit. He became shock when he heard 'dating'.

"D-Dating? W-We aren't d-dating." he stuttered. I nodded my head and continued with my food.


When we were done, we got back to the hotel.

"I'm so full!" I said and fell on the couch. Maru ignored me and walked to the room. What's with him? I walked to the room and saw him sitting on the bed. "Is there something wrong?"

"No." he said coldly.

"Come on! Make that frown, upside down!" I said and put my two fingers on the corner of his lips to make a smile. He chuckled a bit.

"Yah! Stop it!" he said and pulled away.

"Just tell me what's wrong. I could fix the problem if you want." It stayed silent for a couple of minutes.

"Stop flirting with strangers." he said. I became shock. Is he jealous?

"Why?" I crossed my arms.


"Because..... you're jealous?" He looked away. "Are you?" I kept asking that question over and over again. And he finally snapped.

"YES! NOW LEAVE ME ALONE! I'M TRYING TO SLEEP!" he yelled. I jumped back a little but smirked.

"That's all I wanted to know." I said and walked to the other side of the bed. It was silent since it was night time and we were in the same bed.

Then all of a sudden, "How could you have this affect on me?" Maru whispered. He thinks I'm asleep! What does he mean affect? Act like you're sleeping Mi Sun! Don't move either! He scofted. "I can't believe you flirt with strangers. They could be es. But if anything happens to you... I'm going to be there... I know you can't hear me since you're sleeping but, I'm going to protect you. No matter what................ You make my heart beat fast whenever I'm with you. But I'm not sure if that's love or not. Your beautiful eyes and smile are so perfect. You're so cute when you're sleeping. I'm sorry for walking in on you when you were changing... Anyways, good night my angel."

He shifted to the other side of the bed and I opened my eyes wide open. What?! Does he like me?! His angel?! He called me cute! Oh. My. Gosh. I can't breathe. Did he confess he likes me or not? WHAT IS AIR?! I couldn't go to sleep that night. Or the other nights until we were heading back to Seoul.


"Mi Sun. Sit." he said. I couldn't back away now since we have to sit next to each other on the plane. "Why have you been avoiding me?"

"I.. Uh.. Haven't been a-avoiding you! Y-You're being silly!" I started fake laughing and cleared my throat. "I'll be sleeping now. Wake me up when we get back to Seoul.Maru nodded and fell asleep.

Maru woke me up by shaking and poking me.

"Yah! That hurts!" I yelled and slapped his arm. He just had a poker face on and left. "Wait for me!" We got off and immediatly saw C-Clown and Kwang.

"WELCOME BACK!" they all chanted.

"How was America?"

"A lot of cute girls?"

"Good food?"

"Is it beautiful there?"

"Did you get anything for us?!" They kept hammering us with questions.

"Calm down! We bought you guys presents. Now let's go back to the dorms." I said. Oh, you guys are so childish!

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theexoticbacon #1
Chapter 16: Maru and TK had an indirect kiss with Misun's lips!!! LOL
Chapter 52: It's a shame you discontinued this story... But at least you're making another Maru fanfic :) HWAITING author-nim!! Can't wait for your next Maru fanfic~

~ <3 Roselle <3 ~
Chapter 40: Why is your format like that?
Chapter 1: Sooooooooo.... He's Prince Charming is Maru
bangtits #5
I hope you update. Lol new reader here! Its hard to look for c clown's fics. I'll definitely read thiss ^^
PolarBears #6
Chapter 40: Wahhhh, so dramatic. I love this story even though I got to a sad part. but I love it! Since C-clown is still a rookie group, it's hard to find fanfics about them, so I decided to write my own. I don't regret subscribing to you! Please update!
TsuTsuMio #7
Chapter 40: -tears fall down face- so conflicted!