
Falling In Love with a Total Jerk (Discontinued)

I screamed and Kwang Sun ran out of his room.

"What's wrong noona?" I looked at him and I ran out the dorm and headed to C-Clown's dorm. I kicked the door open.

"Oh hey Mi Sun!" Siwoo said and waved.

"I'M NOT MARU'S GIRLFRIEND!" I screamed and looked at Maru. He was smirking. "STOP IT WITH THAT SMIRK!"

"Okay! Sorry! I don't want this to happen too you know." He rolled his eyes and looked at the TV.

"What are we going to do?" I asked.

"We don't know yet. Plus, our manager wanted you and Maru to go to his office when you found out about this." said Rome. I looked at Maru and we headed to his manager's office.

"Oh hello you two! Sit! Sit!" He's joyful today. We sat down and he continued. "I know you both know that the news think you two are a couple." Me and Maru nodded. "Well, I approved the news about it. Isn't this great news?!" he had a smile on his face while me and Maru's jaw dropped to the floor.

"YOU DID WHAT?! WE'RE NOT EVEN A COUPLE!" we both yelled.

"That's why you two will be living together from now on." He's out of his ing mind. There's no way I'm going to live with this jerk!


"I'm not doing this because I want you two to be a couple, I'm doing this because you two need to get along." I sloutched back in the chair and crossed my arms.

"But what about my brother?"

"That's taken care of. He'll be living with the rest of C-Clown in the dorm, while you two live in a house that we bought you." SOMEONE GIVE THIS MAN SOME PILLS AND SHOVE ALL OF THEM DOWN HIS THROAT. "Now go and pack! There's a limo downstairs waiting for you two." I rolled my eyes and stomped all the way to my dorm.

Me and Kwang Sun finished packing and went to C-Clown's dorm. I opened the door and saw Maru standing with his luggage all ready.

"Hurry up." he said. I rolled my eyes and turned to Kwang Sun.

"Be good always when I'm gone. And if you have to use martial arts on someone, go ahead and use it. Okay?" he nodded and hugged me.

"Good bye noona! I'll miss your annoying mouth!" I rolled my eyes and walked away with Maru.

"Here's the rules since you're living with me. One. Don't touch my clothes. Two. Don't walk in on me while I'm showering. Three. DO NOT WAKE ME UP. Understand?" I nodded. We got into the limo and arrived at this big house. Me and Maru ran into the house but it was smaller than you would think. As we scanned the whole house, there was one bedroom. ONE!!!! Oh lord, help me.

"Why is there only one bedroom?" Maru asked with anger. I shrugged. We looked inside and there was only one bed that fits two people.

"OH HELL NO! I'm not sleeping in the same bed with you."

"Why not? We could have fun." he winked and laughed. I punched his arm. "Kidding! Aish." I started to unpack and looked around the house.

"Jerk! I'm going to take a shower! Don't bother me!" I yelled and I started the shower in the bathroom. I stripped off my clothing and went in.

Maru POV

I heard her yell and walk into the shower. She did not just call me a jerk. I got mad and luckily, the door was unlocked. I barged in and saw her . Not again. We both yelled and I ran out the bathroom.

"My eyes!!!!!!!!!! My innocent eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled and heard Mi Sun laughing at what I said. She turned off the shower and walked out the shower.

"It's not like you never saw a girl." she said. I shook my head and her eyes widened. "You never saw a girl ?!" I nodded.

"It's not like I wanted to see a girl ."

"Oh, so you're gay?"

"NO! I-I just haven't found the right girl to see .. but now it's useless." She laughed and walked to the bedroom and locked it. I can't believe I saw her .. I shook off the thought.


Short chapter! >.< I'll update as soon as I can later or tomorrow. Hope you enjoy :)

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theexoticbacon #1
Chapter 16: Maru and TK had an indirect kiss with Misun's lips!!! LOL
Chapter 52: It's a shame you discontinued this story... But at least you're making another Maru fanfic :) HWAITING author-nim!! Can't wait for your next Maru fanfic~

~ <3 Roselle <3 ~
Chapter 40: Why is your format like that?
Chapter 1: Sooooooooo.... He's Prince Charming is Maru
bangtits #5
I hope you update. Lol new reader here! Its hard to look for c clown's fics. I'll definitely read thiss ^^
PolarBears #6
Chapter 40: Wahhhh, so dramatic. I love this story even though I got to a sad part. but I love it! Since C-clown is still a rookie group, it's hard to find fanfics about them, so I decided to write my own. I don't regret subscribing to you! Please update!
TsuTsuMio #7
Chapter 40: -tears fall down face- so conflicted!