Chapter 9

How I made Luhan my husband in just... 1 day

9 days later…

“Ahh~ I love warm showers!” Ji Eun squealed as she stretched her arms out into the air, a wave of relief washed through her when she couldn’t felt any more stinging pain at her waist but only a rather bearable ache. “I can even walk now!” She wriggled her feet, and then strode along her pretense fashion runway. She chuckled, posing in front of the vapour-filled mirror.

She pressed her finger against the misty mirror, then pulling it away to find the part of it clear. Ji Eun grinned when an idea popped into her head.

“Mirror, Mirror on the wall, can you grant me a wish or not?” She leaned forward, then started writing on the mirror with her index finger.

To have a great husband and to meet my brother again. She read off the mirror. Ji Eun then wiped the mirror with her hand, glancing at it once more.

“Argh. I look-” She shuddered at her reflection on the mirror. There reflected was a beaten down and pale-faced girl. Instead of the usual rosy cheeks was a rather faded purple shade, she even had some black scratch marks near her temples. “I’m a walking zombie…”


Ji Eun entered EXO-K’s apartment, grinning as she bowed to everyone in the house. “Good morning!” She greeted in English cheerfully.

Everyone in the house paused to take a look at her, a frown and looks of worry filled each face when they saw how terrible her complexion (or face) was.

“Good morning, Ji Eun-sshi!” Suho greeted as he walked towards her, an angelic smile was plastered on his face.

“Good morning, Suho-sshi……” Ji Eun smiled back, then followed Suho to the dining table, her voice drifting off when she saw Sehun opposite the seat that she was going to take.

“You can cut the formalities Ji Eun, just call me Junmyeon. I’m sure the others would mind either! Right, guys?” He said, turning back to face the rest of the members who were catching the morning news or rather, pretending to do something while eavesdropping.

“Yeah! We don’t mind Ji Eun!” They chorused, beaming widely.

 Ji Eun nodded, rubbing the back of her neck bashfully. “You can call me Ji Eun too!”

Suho chortled, glancing at Sehun at the same time.


Ji Eun sat on the seat opposite Sehun, her eyes darting from the table to him then back again.

“Ji Eun, your breakfast is over there!” Kai said, pointing to the plate of sandwich near where Sehun was. Sehun eyed the plate of sandwich, then to Suho and Luhan. He lifted the plate and then held it out to Ji Eun.

“Here you go…” He muttered, placing the plate in front of her.

 “T-thank you…”



“Take care!” A few of the members shouted to the three students who were about to leave the house. Ji Eun waved, grinning when she saw the metal piece around her ring finger glimmered under the light. All of a sudden, Luhan walked forward and stood beside Ji Eun. He cleared his throat, before scratching his head. “I’m coming with you guys…”


The four of them hopped of the bus and started walking to the entrance of the school. Luhan fidgeted for a moment before he swiftly slipped his hand through Ji Eun’s, earning a loud gasped from her. The other two males turned when they heard her, giggling almost immediately when they saw the pinked faces from the two of them.

The couple managed a shy and small grin despite their racing hearts. Ji Eun bit her lip to prevent her smile from getting any wider due to the happiness she had bottled up inside her at the moment. The smooth and warm hand of Luhan’s made her feel the comfort and protection despite the commotion near the gate of the school. She felt her smile grew wider when she felt another metal piece rubbing against her ring around her finger.



Ji Eun entered the class and sat next to where Sehun was. Her hands were starting to turn clammy after the skinship with Luhan that caused many fangirls at the school to squeal (and sobbed LOL). She sat still for her while, and then a thought hit her. Where were the three fangirls that always pester Sehun?

She looked around the classroom in confusion. Were they late or-? She opened , wanting to ask the somehow kind Sehun about it when she felt her stomach churning. . She covered with her hand and dashed out of the classroom.


Ji Eun groaned after vomiting practically all her breakfast out. She stood up, holding onto the sides of the toilet seat for support. Scrunching her nose at the bad smell, she quickly flushed the toilet bowl and then placed the cover down. She sat down, trying to relax and not puke again. “Why do I feel nauseous all of a sudden... Am I PMSing?” She held her breath when she realized it was late. By almost a week.





I took more than an hour to wrie this chapter due to the lack of imagination these days :( I have a new fic in head and I'm dying to write it out. But I've already got 3 stories... I'm pondering whether if I should delete 'Jerk from EXO Planet'..

It's 4am now... omma...

I love you guys~ Subscribes and Comments are always loved and sobbed over (happily)! Bye~


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JungHyeSeo #1
Chapter 11: Please Update... I Love it...
shikasic #2
Chapter 11: update soon!
Chapter 11: omg i like this. pls update :(
ilovebapyessir #4
Chapter 11: Upgrate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? So interesting!!!!!!
Sushi_suk #5
Chapter 11: LOL!
She's preggo!
Chapter 11: Update's getting so good~
please update soon.....
Goldie #8
Chapter 11: Omg! update please
Chapter 11: update please !! hwaiting~~
Chapter 9: LOL to the last gif .! :D