
Just For Today (One-Shot)

"It's only for today."




"The whole thing ends at midnight."




"You're really going to pull through with this?"


"Uh huh."


"...Why?" I finally asked the question that was nagging me at the back of my mind. Sure, the two of us were schoolmates and we've seen each other once or twice on campus (supposedly), but in no way were we close to each other. He had no reason to help me, especially with something as ridiculous as this.


Dae Hyun gave a casual shrug and a smirk. I knew it was pointless trying to get legitimate answer from him; he would probably just go around in circles, avoiding the question. I figured that in the long run, it didn't even matter. Nothing would have changed after today. Not one bit. So I might as well enjoy it...


"Then what should I call you?"


He raised an eyebrow at me. "Uh... Dae Hyun...?"


"No! I can't call you by your real name if you're going to be a replacement boyfriend," I explained.


"And why not?"


"Because. It'll be weird if I call you by your name today, as boyfriend and girlfriend, and then say it again when I see you around school, as your sunbae."


"You never say hi to me at school to begin with," he muttered under his breath.




I laughed nervously, feeling a little guilty.


"Point is! What should be your nickname for today?" I asked, clapping my hands together.


Dae Hyun thought about it for a moment.




He smirked at me, though the happiness on his face at the idea of being called 'Batman' seemed undoubtedly honest.


"We're in public," I replied monotonously, unimpressed.


"Then Bruce Wayne."


I rolled my eyes at the way he didn't miss a second to give me that answer.


"What about Dae Ji?"


Dae Hyun looked offended by the suggestion of me calling him a pig.


"It's a play on your name: Dae Hyun... Dae Ji. Pretty similar, right? Cute?" I grinned, liking the name the more I thought about it.




My smile dropped. "Fine. Hm... What about Dae...Dae? Dae Dae!""


I was surprised when there was no word of objection from him.


"You're good with Dae Dae?"


He only shrugged, looking away to hide his expression but I already caught the satisfied smile on his face.


"Alright! Dae Dae's been decided! Now, what are you going to call me?"


"Sun Hwa-noona."


"No noona. My boyfriend is the same age as me," I said, waving a finger at him.


"Sure. Sun Hwa then."


"...That's it? No nickname for me?" I whined, disappointed by his lack of effort. After all, I gave him such an adorable name.


"At school, I would call you sunbae or noona. Today, it's just Sun Hwa. The difference is clear enough for me."


I pouted. He had a point, but still, it would have been nice if he could be more creative... I mumbled, "Fine."


Dae Hyun chuckled at me, leaning into the table.


"Now that that's settled... Let's start our date. Everything and anything you wanted to do or planned to do with your boyfriend - I'll gladly follow your wishes." He said it in such a grand tone, I was almost suspecting him of making fun of me. I decided to brush it off.


"Well, I did have a few things in mind..."






"First, there's this restaurant I've always wanted to go to..."


I giggled as I read through the menu. We were finally here at the restaurant I had planned on coming with my boyfriend months ago, and I was more excited than I thought I would be. It was really just a regular family restaurant, but I was told good things about here. Dae Hyun stared at me as if he didn't understand.


"You wanted to come here that badly?"


I nodded happily. "Ever since it opened."


"How come you didn't come with your friends then?"


I furrowed my brows slightly as I flipped the menu page. "I was reserving the experience to go with my boyfriend..." I paused to look up slightly at Dae Hyun, who had an unreadable expression on his face. "...To go with you, right?"


I had to admit it was still awkward, this whole replacement boyfriend business. It was a little confusing, to say the least.


Dae Hyun's lips curved into a small smile. "Right."


"Do you know what you're ordering?" I asked.


"Well, the steak combo looks nice. Maybe I'll order the nachos too. And the hamburger. Do you think it'll be enough? I'll probably get some dessert later. Cheesecake, hands down."


"Can you eat all that? The combo comes with a salad, bake potato and pop, you know." I said, astonished. I checked the prices on the menu. "Can you really pay for all that?"


"Huh? Who's paying?"


I stared at him blankly. "You, of course."


This time, Dae Hyun looked at me, his eyes glazed over. "I thought you would be paying."


"You're my boyfriend. You pay."


"I'm younger. You pay."


"The boyfriend always pays. Didn't you say you were my boyfriend for the day?"


"I said I'll provide companionship, not money!"


"Look at how much you're eating!" I exclaimed, slamming my finger down on his menu. "That's three people's portion! Why do I have to pay for that?"


"Because you're my girlfriend."


"What I wanted was companionship, not an empty wallet."


I wondered if it was really such a good idea to come on a date with this guy, even if it was only for a day. I didn't even know him, to be fair. Now that I thought about it, the theory of a "replacement boyfriend" itself was beginning to sound shifty again.


I could have sworn Dae Hyun glared at me for a short moment, ready to talk back at me. But instead, he put up his hand and called the waiter over. I looked at him confused; we never decided on who was paying yet.


"Hello. What can I get you?" the waiter asked me.


"Uhm... The spaghetti carbonara please," I ordered. Oh well, we could just pay separately later.


The waiter jotted it down and turned his attention towards Dae Hyun. My eyes were wandering around the restaurant while Dae Hyun placed his long order, asking additional questions about the portions of the dishes. I was noting how nice the interior of the place was when my eyes glued itself to one table.


There he was.


My boyfriend.


There was another girl sitting across from him, a happy smile on her face. They were busy talking about something, their lips moving around constantly. Suddenly, my boyfriend picked up a piece of penne pasta with his fork and fed it to the girl. She shied away for a moment, before opening and biting down on the pasta. His grin seemed so genuine that I was beginning to feel nauseous.




So this was where he had to be today.


After all the times I told him I wanted to come here, he never gave it a second thought. I guess he was saving it to come here with her...


"Is that it for you two?"


"Sun Hwa, do you have anything else to order? Hey, are you listening?"


Noticing me staring intently at something, Dae Hyun turned around in his seat to find out exactly what it was. His eyes located the cheating couple. Dae Hyun was silent as he watched them. He faced me again, concerned.


"Hey, y-you're not going to cry..."


"Excuse me!" I nearly shouted, glaring at the waiter as I cut Dae Hyun off.


"Yes?" he replied in a small voice.


"Can you cancel that carbona? I actually want to order the steak combo too. Medium rare please. And if you could, can I order the poutine? With extra cheese and gravy. While we're at it, might as well order chicken wrap as well. Aaanddd..."


"Uh, uh... Sun Hwa?" Dae Hyun interrupted nervously.


"What?" I snapped, shooting lasers into the menu as I decided what more to order.


"Can you finish all that?"


I gripped harder onto the menu, speaking through gritted teeth.


"Of. Course. I. Can. Why. Else. Do. You. Think. I'm. Getting. It. Hm????"




"Add in a order of cheese sticks and that's it," I said, handing the menu over to the waiter. I took a drink of cold water from my cup.


The waiter seemed troubled. "Are you sure you two want to order this much?"


My head snapped towards the waiter; my grip on the cup tightened.


"Yes. We're. Sure. Thank. You. So. Very. Much."


"Ha...ha... Coming right up," the waiter said nervously before walking quickly away.


"Are you alright?" Dae Hyun asked as the waiter went away.


"Fine. Totally fine!" I squeaked, my tone higher than before. I took another long drink of water. It was hard to contain my emotions, even though I already knew. I had witnessed him cheat on me before, yet I supposed that I would never get used to this churning feeling in the pit of my stomach.


"Do you want to go to another restaurant?"


"No!" There was no way I was going to run away because of my boyfriend. I had wanted to eat here for ages, and I was going to reach that goal.


Dae Hyun kept silent for a moment as he watched me, his head propped up in his hand by his elbow.


"Then do you want to go embarrass him?"


I tilted my head, curiosity peeked. "Embarrass him how?"


Dae Hyun gave me a wicked smile. "Just watch."


Before I had a time to protest, Dae Hyun stood up from his seat. He walked all the way over to the other end of the restaurant and slowly made his way over to my boyfriend. My jaw dropped as I watched him with eyes as wide as saucers.


What in the world was he doing???


Quickly, I grabbed the wine list menu on the center of the table and hid my face with it. I peeked up from the menu to see what was happening.


Dae Hyun glanced at me as he neared my boyfriend. When our eyes made contact, he gave a wink.




"Hey, long time no see!" Dae Hyun shouted loudly with a laugh, hitting my boyfriend at the back of his head. I supposed some guys do that out of friendship, but the strength at which Dae Hyun hit him was exceeding that limit. I could hear the very solid 'whack' from my seat. My boyfriend's eyes bulged as he nearly spat his pasta back out.


"Dude, how can you not call me even once after school started?" Dae Hyun said, hitting my boyfriend's head again. My boyfriend dropped his fork as the girl in front of him simply stared at the whole scene with a shocked expression.


I dug my head into the menu, barely holding in my laughter.


"Oppa! Are you alright?" the girl asked in worry. I peeped a look again.


"Ah, what the hell..." my boyfriend muttered dangerously, glaring up at Dae Hyun. Dae Hyun didn't flinch. Instead, he gave a look of mock surprise.


"I'm so sorry! I mistook you for a friend," Dae Hyun apologized, bowing. My boyfriend glared at him.


"Oh! Sunbae! It was you. Having lunch with your girlfriend?" he asked, glancing over at the girl. "Hm? It's not Sun Hwa-noona?"


The couple froze in place at the mention of my name. I smirked, observing them. This was more and more interesting.


"Ah, Sun Hwa-noona must be so disappointed if she saw this. Surely, you're not cheating on her, right?" Dae Hyun said in a joking manner with a laugh. But there were thorns to his words; I was positive my boyfriend and his mistress felt it.


"What am I saying? You guys trust each other more than that. Been together for what, three years now? Sun Hwa-noona and sunbae were already a couple when you came to university, right?" Dae Hyun placed his hand on my boyfriend's shoulder, squeezing tightly although there was a smile on his face. He was looking at the girl dead on.


"Y-yah... W-what are you..." my boyfriend muttered, growing red in the face. He reached for his water, taking long gulps.


"Ah! Sorry, I actually have to get going. See you next time, sunbae. It was nice bumping into you," he exclaimed, patting my boyfriend on the back with as much force as the first time. Twice. My boyfriend choked on his water, spilling it over his pants.


I started snickering again.


"Oops," Dae Hyun whispered, before walking away. He looked over at me with a triumphant smile. I had a goofy grin on my face to return him. He showed me the victory sign with his hands for the quickest moment before disappearing into Men's washroom, in case my boyfriend was watching him.


"Oppa! You had a girlfriend? ...THREE YEARS?" I heard the sharp yell of the girl's voice. I turned my attention back over to them.


"N-no. It's not like that, baby," my boyfriend tried to explain hastily.


"I heard it with my own ears. You told me you were single! How could you???" she screeched. I swore I could see steam coming from her ears.


"Let me talk, b-baby."


"Don't call me baby," the girl growled. She stood up from her seat, sending him a glare. As if she couldn't hold in her rage, she grabbed her cup of water and threw the contents all over his shirt. She gave him a pretty smile. "To match your pants."


Then she stormed out of the restaurant. My boyfriend looked like a fish out of water, completely stunned, before he noticed the people staring at him. Turning red again, he hurried out of the restaurant after the girl.


By this time, I was laughing until my stomach felt like it needed stitches. I could barely breath as I gasped for air between my laughs.


I knew I should feel sorry, considering that was my oh-so-beloved boyfriend being humiliated, but I couldn't help but consider it justice served.


Dae Hyun slipped back into his seat across from me. "Enjoyed the show?"


I wiped the tears of laughter from my eyes as I gave him a thumbs up. "The best."


Dae Hyun chuckled. "You're pretty simple to please."


I leaned over and ruffled up his hair, smiling brightly.


"You're not all that bad, eh, Dae Dae?"


Dae Hyun flushed a light pink before he swatted my hand away, trying to look chic.


"Food's here."


I turned to my side to see the three servers, all with plates of our orders on their arms. I cleared the way for them and soon, the table was b with food. The two of us were busy digging into our food, Dae Hyun occasionally getting shocked at how much I ate. I occasionally commented on how Dae Hyun didn't look like he chewed threw his food; he inhaled it.


After what seemed like a long time, we sat with our bellies full, every plate on the table completely cleared.


"So what's next, Han Sun Hwa?" Dae Hyun asked.

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it's done! hallejuah - but I still need to edit through D: the final part will be up tomorrow for sure!! Thanks for your patience~~


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BelieveNU #1
Chapter 3: I absolutely loved this story! It was so funny and sweet! Perfect romcom!!!
Nadyangela #2
Chapter 3: How sweet XD
Hope for a sequel ? :3
Hyejunnie #3
daehyun soo cool
Chapter 3: I came to read that story because of Kekoko because she knows I don't like straight fanfs and so on...

But that story really made me smile a lot. It was so cute! Daehyun was the best, omg. And he really loves to steal people's food, right? Seemed like he found someone who enjoys food as much as him haha. I really enjoyed reading this one. Their date was perfect and I envy everything that happened (': Thank you for the story ^^
Chapter 3: Oh lord that was just perfect!!! I really liked the story!it was so playfull and fluffy and everything!Daehyun flawless as always...i enjoy it very very much!love the trolling Daehyun and his smirk!thanks for writing these perfect stories!:)
Chapter 3: omg.. im enjoying every bit of dis story.. i really love it.. i ship them a lot now...God.. cant explain how much i enjoy dis. hahaha.. pls pm me if u decide on sequel. i really really love dis <3
Gahh I really want a sequel to this, but then the ending is perfect too. I can't decide. You're a very good writer!
tsekyi21 #8
Chapter 3: words cannot express how good this story was. as a hardcore sundae(sunhwa+daehyun) shipper, you made me smile and laugh so hard while reading the story, my mouth hurts now. seriously, this is too good.
Chapter 3: This is so cutee!!!!! I'm starting to ship this 2 so much after I came upon the 'Busan Wonbin and Busan Kim Tae Hee' clip. <3 <3 Perfect visual couple. (sorry kwanghee) More DaeSun from you please!!