Feelings Rebuild

To Kill Or Love (complete)
Mr.Km: bring them both to us . sir thank you for joining me in a time of war like this

Mr.Lee: no problem as soon as those two die the world will be ours

Mr.Kim: certainly.


JooYeon: lets stop here i don't think i can walk anymore

JaeJoong: ugh something happened

JooYeon: what do you mean?

JaeJoong: they have left me dead already they wouldn't come back to check on me.

JooYeon: wait they're after you because

JaeJoong: the diamond

JooYeon: ouch ahh

JaeJoong: here turn around let me help you take out the bullet.

JaeJoong took out his survival kit. He took out the alcohol bottle and pour it over her. she scream of pain. He handed her a cloth to bite down on.

JaeJoong: here bite down on this. stay still it's gonna hurt.

He took out the tweezers and dug it in to her skin taking out the bullet. the pain was excruciating but in just a minute it was taken out.

JooYeon: thank you but you didn't have to save me.

JaeJoong; if i didn't and you died they would've been a step closer to getting what they want

JooYeon: I Know what happened

JaeJoong: what?

JooYeon: I've known for a while now

JaeJoong: what is it.

JooYeon: they've teamed up my father and yours. They trying to kills us both and share the power equally.

JaeJoong: what do we do now

JooYeon: there's only one

JaeJoong: i only have you and you only have me. lets make it to the end. i promise I'll help you alive

JooYeon: I'll help you get your life back.


That night it got cold and it rained down hard JaeJoong fell sick and weak unable to regain strength

JooYeon: are you ok your burning up

JaeJoong: I'm sorry I'm sorry i hurt you. it only hurt me as much

JooYeon: JaeJoong wake up are you ok.

JaeJoong: I'm sorry. can you ever love me again

JooYeon: there's only been you and there always will be

JaeJoong: thank you for loving me

JooYeon: promise me we'll win this you'll be by my side forever

JaeJoong: i have before i will again.

JooYeon: i love you and you were right no matter how much i wanted to kill you i couldn't because i still loved you

JaeJoong: i love you too. we're in it together we get loose to them

JooYeon: i believe you. i trust you

JaeJoong: I'm not one to trust. come on we gotta keep going they're getting close.

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