Chapter 7

Welcome to the H.I.V.E.

      Yesterday was.....interesting. I got to hang out with B.A.P and observe them a bit more. It wasn't exactly quality, heart-to-heart time but I did learn a bit more about them individually. I guess I should record all of this in my profile journal. Choi JunHong, better known as 'Zelo', is a real, cutie, the adorable, little, skater-boy maknae. He specializes in stealth and weaponry. Next, JongUp is pretty shy, really sweet, and totally cut! I bet he's got some serious abs. Anyway, he specializes in hand-to-hand combat. YoungJae was a bit snarky; I sensed some serious attitude in that guy, I think it be pretty fun to get into some 'friendly arguments' with him. Heh. He's pretty cute and super squishy looking :3. I bet he gives good hugs. wat. nothing. He's a techy, gear head, specializing in all things in the world of shiny buttons, lasers, and complicated coding. Who's next? Ahh, DaeHyun. Mister-mystery-mask-boy. I saw him pull it down the other day when he thought no one was looking. He's quite handsome. Maybe it's just my situational claustrophobia talking but, how does he breath with that ? I would have so much fun messing with his head. He was theoretical science and tactics buff. Now HimChan, the major flirt! There was nothing subtle about that pretty boy. He's a clingy ulzzang that makes strange almost psychotic faces for seemingly no reason at times. Not that I minded I thought it was hilarious and he was gorgeous. Better believe I was gonna tease the heck outta him though. Who wasn't I gonna tease?

Absolutely no one. That's who.

      Channie excelled in communications- he really was a people person- bribery, and money management. Last and possibly least- I can't really judge them yet with only basic data- was Leader YongGuk. He seemed very polite and formal, but, boy, did he have a temper. He had a handsome face, a buff, manly physique, and a really deep voice. His speciality was hand-to-hand combat, leadership, and tactics. 

      Those were the basic stats of the B.A.P boys that I deemed worthy to keep in my files for future reference. I glanced once over my notes and quickly fussed over my fugly handwriting before closing my profile journal and clicking my silly, little Badtzmaru pen. I looked at it for asecond and grinned at the moody little bird creature.

      RiChan bounced into the room as I was replacing the pink, bunny encrusted notebook into its spot on my bookshelf of mischief. "Oooh! Da profile journal! Who were you writing about? Did you finally figure out why Uk can't stand bananas??" "I- What? No. I was just- What? No. I'm not sure i ever wanna find that out though." I said making an uncomfortable face. "Speak for yourself!!" "I was speaking for myself!" She grinned and said, "Whatever! Who were you writing about then??" "B.A.P. They're an interesting lot. " "whaaa? How did you manage to profile them??" "I spent the entire day giving them a grand tour of the H.I.V.E." I said in a sarcastically grandizing tone. "What?! OMG lucky! You got to spend a whole day with all six of those hot boys! What did you learn about them?! The squishy, fluffy one! What's his type?! Is he single?!" "Uhm, I don't know? I assume he is though considering his total nerdishness. How would I know?" I questioned. "Hello? You said you profiled them?" I could tell that mentally she was still fangirling over YoungJae. "Dude, I was observing important things about them like their abilities and strengths and weaknesses. Not their online dating profiles! I was trying to see if their really as big as a rival as Headmaster implies they'll be! Not working for e-Harmony!" I joked. "And besides 'Squishy-Fluffy has a name." "What is it?!?" "Is that all you heard me say?!?!?" "Squish squish. " she said while squishing her cheeks. We stared at each other a minute before cracking up with laughter. 

      "Ahhhh." I sighed while flicking away small tears that formed in the corners of my eyes. "A'ight. His name is Yoo YoungJae. Quite the smartass at times, very snarky, with sass like nobody's bizz." "Really? That's hot. You HAVE to find out his type for meee." "Well I have first period with him now so I'll see what I can do for ya." I winked. "What?! OMIGAWD. You're so lucky!" "Actually I have one of them in all my classes now." "WHAT?!? How the hell did you swing that?!?!?!?" I shrugged. "I'ono. Just happened to happen that way I guess." "Well then who's your favorite?"

      "What?" "Oh come now. They're all gorgeous and there's no denying it. You've had to have picked a favorite or two?" She grinned and waggled her eyebrows suggestively. I thought about it for a second, if only to humor her, before reaching a conclusion. "I guess either JunHong, err, Zelo or whatever he's called! Or JongUp would have to be my favorites then. " "Hmmm...yes...interesting....I see- Yeah I have no idea which ones they are." She chuckled sheepishly. I snickered at her silliness. "JongUp is the one with the really hot bod and the brown hair. He's so shy and cute. It's adorable. Zelo is the blue and blonde haired boy with the ultra perfect skin." "Oh! The cute, little maknae!" "Yeah! Him." "Well he's not so little really; that kid is mega tall! Oh but you're the perfect height for him! You guys would be as perfect together as me and Squishy-Fluffy! I really like that nickname now; I'm using it too!" "What?! I can't even with you sometimes. You say too many different things and end up confusing me! Anyway, I'm not saying I like him, but that I can admit when someone is really attractive. Besides, they are our competition! We can't afford to be getting distracted!"

      "Whatever! It's not even that big a deal; I'm still talking to YoungJae!" "Thats fine, but I still expect for you to be in top shape! And you'd better think carefully once mission week rolls around." At this RiChan became silent. 

...................................OH MY GOD Y'ALL I AM SO SORRY I SO BAD IT HAS BEEN LIKE THREE MONTHS SINCE I UPDATED ASDFGHJKLSEMICOLON!! If you've completely given up on me I completely understand. Just completely know that I stayed up to midnight to completely type oh this chapter on my phone in the dark and ING cold. So if formatting is ed up blame mobile. I'll fix that tomorrow or something. Anyway thank you so much if you're still reading my darlings. I promise I'll try much harder to update sooner. School is just being such a ratchet- . Anyway comment, subscribe, do as you will! I love you all!

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Lol my story is at 69 views right nao. *immature mode activate* *boop* Ahhahaha...i'm not funny u.u"


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JChannie #1
I swear, my eyes lit up like a kid thats in a candy shop when I saw this in my updated subscriptions.
Even though this barely has any chapters, I'm hooked!
JChannie #2
I wonder if there's gonna be any romance ~
ME AND JELLO? ;D lol no.
I seriously wait for every update. No lyfe. /sobs.
I love you too~ ^^ lolol.
GrizzlyBexar #3
OMG readers why must you make me love you so!! Thank you for reading! I would update every hour on the hour for you guys if I could, but I hope almost everyday is good enough???
omo~ new reader here. update :D ^^
GrizzlyBexar #5
Asdfghjkl; That means so much to mee! I'm so glad you like it that much! TTwTT You have given me the strength to update! Love You so much right now. Thank you thank you thank you!
JChannie #6
If there are no comments yet for a story, I like to go ahead and give a compliment! ^^
I wanted your lazy bum to update anyway, kekeke~
I'm like so obsessed with this story right now omfg.
Can't wait for the next update! Figthing1 ^o^
Omg, this is a based on the book.
GrizzlyBexar #8
Thank you! For reading and giving my lazy bum a reason to update! >w<
JChannie #9
I'll be the first to comment and say, I like it! :3
Keep up the good work! ^^
Wonder what happens next~