Chapter 2

Welcome to the H.I.V.E.

Wowzers! I finally finished a chapter. Anyway, B.A.P finally shows up in this one! Yeh! >3<


      Finally! Time for eighth period! My last and favorite subject today. Stealth was one of my stronger suits, sneaking around was just plain fun, and the ninja garb was so cool. I was really on my game today, cracking two industrial safes and sneaking past a security system that included infared lazers, body heat and motion detectors, trip wires that set off the alarms, and pressure triggered mines. I picked a couple of locks for kicks and somehow got into a speed picking contest with a girl in my class. We were picking at the speed of light when the bell suddenly rang. We snapped our heads up, looked at each other, and busted out laughing while high-fiving. We declared it a tie and each of us swore we would win when we challenged each other again. 

      As much as I enjoyed this class I raced out of the room still in my ninja gear. Seeing as it was a Friday the halls were packed with kids just as ready as I was to get out of class.Realizing my current ninja status I got an idea and quickly scaled a pillar all the up to a gargoyle pedastal with plenty of extra space for me to perch on. I leapt from pedastal to pedastal with the speed of.... well a ninja. I was in such a rush I nearly passed up mine and RiChan's locker. RiRi was already there packing up and freaked when I nimbly dropped down to the floor next to her. "Whoa! Holy crap!! Phew. You startled me." "Haha! My humblest apologies, dude." She cracked up at that."I swear you are the only person I know that would end such a formal apology with the word 'dude' I grinned stupidly at her and we laughed. "Anyway, why are you still in that get-up. You don't plan to go to the movies like that, do you?" "You know I would do something like that, but no. Heh I just really wanted to get out of my classroom! Plus it gave me the idea to get out of the crowded hallway!" I smiled cutely at her without realizing it and she pinched my cheeks saying, "Well aren't you the clever one?" "Who cares let's just get to the dorm and get ready to leave already!" "All righty then." She said linking arms with me as we marched to our dormroom we shared with Lee.

      As we turned the corner in the hall that led to our room we ran into Lee. "Yay! LeeLee!" "Hello Ri-Ri." Lee smiled. "Good we're all here! Let's hurry up and shower and change so the boys don't kill us." I rolled my eyes and laughed when I said that so sarcastically. We all started giggling at how silly the boys were sometimes. Little did we know the fateful encounter we would have mere moments later.

**B.A.P. P.O.V.**

      "Ahem," the tall, commanding man cleared his throat and rolled his broad shoulders back. "Welcome to the H.I.V.E, the most advanced and prestigious school for young villains and villainesses in the world. I am Headmaster Nigel." I rolled my eyes and chuckled as I saw Himchan smile and raise an eyebrow at the mention of 'villainesses' but turned my attention back to the Headmaster. "We are very glad that boys of your talent and capability have decided to hone your natural abilities and acquire new abilities here." As cheesy as his words seemed his voice was very suave and persuading; it was a bit unsettling. I made a mental note that this man was probably a brainwasher and to be careful around him. I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts by YongGuk's deep booming voice "Zelo! Be respectful! Pay Attention!" "S-Sorry!" I bowed quickly when DaeHyun swatted the back of my head. The Headmaster laughed deeply and said, 'That's alright boys. My boring lecture is almost over. I'd like you to meet a group of our highest ranked students." 

      He cleared his throat and walked up to an intercom system and pressed the button before speaking into it. "Alpha Team Sobriquet come in." ""Team Sobriquet?" JongUp snickered. "Is that just a clever way of them saying they couldn't come up with a team name?" HeadMaster Nigel laughed lightly and said, "Lack of creativity aside, they are our most elite students." At that moment a confident, professional female voice replyed through the little yellow box with black trim.  "Team Leader __(Last Name__)   , reporting." She sounds cute. I looked around and could tell the others thought so, too. "Ahh yes, Miss _____. Just who I wanted to talk to. Please report to the foyer with your team A.S.A.P." A few moments passed before she replyed. "Err....yeah. See me and the gang are getting ready to go to the movies. Can it wait till after we shower and change and stuff? We'll be like thirty minutes, Nigel, promise."  The Headmaster splutered back flustered and taken aback at her casual brevity. "Miss _____! Report to the foyer with your team IMMEDIATELY. And you will address me as Headmaster or Headmaster Nigel!" "*sigh* Yeah got it. A'ight we'll be there in a second H.M." Headmaster Nigel sighed and rubbed his temples. It wasn't long though before we realized something as a familiar female voice, accompanied by others, were heard through the intercom, a bit distanced. "What was that all about? 'Well you'd know if you hadn't been listening to my iPod, wouldn't you?' 'Hmm I guess so. You're music , bro.' 'Then why were you listening to my iPod?!' 'I dunno. Whatever, what did Nigel want?' 'Beats me, he just said to drag our butts to the foyer IMMEDIATELY!' 'Hahahaha! I swear you do the best impression of him.' ' Ha! I know right?'  'Yeah but can't he wait till we're ready to leave.' 'Nah. I asked but the man sounded like he was gonna bust a nut.' " The Headmaster looked enraged and taken aback at this comment but then a softer voice replyed. " _____, you're leaning on the intercom button. 'Whut. Oh SHI-' 'Hahahahahaha!' 'Shut up Ri-Ri!' 'Dude! Get OFF of the FREAKING BUTTON. Gah!' " It was silent before we heard " Eheheh. Humblest apologies Headmaster Nigel. Alpha Team Sobriquet reporting immediately, sir. 'Hurry Up! Get up Now!' 'BUTTON! REALLY!!' I-! " It finally went silent for the last time. The Headmaster looked stressed beyond belief after just a 2 minute conversation.

      It wasn't long before we heard the faintest shuffling. Before we could find out what is was a girl dressed as a ninja dropped down from the ceiling very suddenly. We nearly jumped but the Headmaster wasn't fazed in the slighest. She landed on one knee with her head down, one hand chambered to her side and the other in a fist touching the ground. "Team Leader ______, reporting. The rest of my team will be arriving shortly. Sir!" She was completely still. She looked and sounded like a trained soldier. I could only see her eyes with her mask, but they were big and pretty, and the ninja outfit really fit her body nicely. I subconciously smiled and blushed lightly when YoungJae elbowed my side and raised an eyebrow with a suggestive smirk. This was really the rude, snarky girl we heard on the intercom just seconds earlier? "_(Last Name) , what on earth are you wearing?" She looked up with a raised eyebrow. "Seriously? You didn't give us time to change. I was just in Stealth class, dude."    

      The Headmaster eyed her dangerously and growled lightly. She looked down again quickly and said "Err...I mean Uhh Sir.... Hehe."     

      Yep. This was her. 



Yah! Chapter 2! Whoo hoo. I'm kinda liking it so far. And I hope you are too! Comment? Subscribe? Cookies? *suggestive eyebrow wiggle* >:3



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Lol my story is at 69 views right nao. *immature mode activate* *boop* Ahhahaha...i'm not funny u.u"


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JChannie #1
I swear, my eyes lit up like a kid thats in a candy shop when I saw this in my updated subscriptions.
Even though this barely has any chapters, I'm hooked!
JChannie #2
I wonder if there's gonna be any romance ~
ME AND JELLO? ;D lol no.
I seriously wait for every update. No lyfe. /sobs.
I love you too~ ^^ lolol.
GrizzlyBexar #3
OMG readers why must you make me love you so!! Thank you for reading! I would update every hour on the hour for you guys if I could, but I hope almost everyday is good enough???
omo~ new reader here. update :D ^^
GrizzlyBexar #5
Asdfghjkl; That means so much to mee! I'm so glad you like it that much! TTwTT You have given me the strength to update! Love You so much right now. Thank you thank you thank you!
JChannie #6
If there are no comments yet for a story, I like to go ahead and give a compliment! ^^
I wanted your lazy bum to update anyway, kekeke~
I'm like so obsessed with this story right now omfg.
Can't wait for the next update! Figthing1 ^o^
Omg, this is a based on the book.
GrizzlyBexar #8
Thank you! For reading and giving my lazy bum a reason to update! >w<
JChannie #9
I'll be the first to comment and say, I like it! :3
Keep up the good work! ^^
Wonder what happens next~