teaser [4] ;

ʟ❤veℛeaʟмs.com ; { apply closed }


"You seriously, are the BIGGEST IDIOT in this world," she murmured as she sent glares to her partner. She has been stuck with him for the past few hours and no one was looking for them yet, driving her completely insane.

"You seriously, are the BIGGEST NAGGER in this world," he countered back at her, smirking at the same time. While she was hating the whole idea of being with him, HE on the other hand was enjoying it. He was programmed as one of those romantic guys and he can't help but feel attracted to her stubborn personality.

She faked a ha-ha laugh before stepping on his foot with her three inch heels. He gasped as he felt the impact on his toes and bit his lips as hard as they could. True, they were only programmes. But they are special programmes. They are built with emotions, real life features and many more that could almost count them as a human being.

Happy to what happened to him, she smiled and praised herself and started walking forwards to wherever. Once he saw her living him, he quickly went back on his feet since after the heel incident, she pushed him down, making him land on his .

"Where do you think you're going?" he yelled at her. She didn't even bother to look back to answer him. She just kept walking towards the right.

"I don't ing know!" she shouted back. "I just want to get out of here and get the scavenger hunt over with!"

He grunted in annoyance as he watched her from afar. But inside, he was happy as a fat kid that just received a big chocolate bar. He knew that his feelings for her are mutal, even if it's real or not.



haibum here ~ ! :DD Antoinette unnie aka meanteen1O is currently busy with her exams and all so as her co-author, I wrote the LAST teaser before the application closes. I know it's a bit late but unnie only told me that she was busy with exams yesterday D: I am so sorrryyy for the delay. Hope you all understand.

The applications will be open until tomorrow afternoon. I'm sorry for the wait ^O^


note (fonts to know who is writing/updating) :

haibum : trebuchet ms
meanteen : georgia


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did you drop this?;(
where are you now?;(
btw 1OOth comment.
update soon bby.
Sorry if this sounds impolite, but...did you drop the story or..?<br />
I really looked forward to it =(
Please Update! ^^ <3<br />
Mian for not commenting on this!!<br />
I made it? <br />
0___________0<br />
It's kinda late, but congratulations to the other chosen girls too<br />
xD<br />
*spazzes*<br />
Thanks again! xD
thanks for picking me!! :D<br />
I´m already curious about some of the girl´s nick names! <br />
so far the one that strickes me most is ibbie.mobbie XD
SooJin_08 #7
OMO~! Kamsahamnida for choosing me.. yay!!!<br />