teaser [2] ;

ʟ❤veℛeaʟмs.com ; { apply closed }


"Sir, the emails have been sent out this morning."

"Ah, very good. To all the first ten, I suppose?" this so called 'Sir' replied as he continued to stand by his window. His secretary stood in front of her desk, a clipboard in her hand.

The secretary nodded even though she knew that he wouldn't be able to see her response. He saw her reflection though from the window glass and got his answer.

"Very well then. Please send out the emails to the girls," he said. "i can barely hold my excitement."

"Yes, Sir." She sighed and bowed with respect, making her silent leave afterwards.

He heard the door click and soon, he was alone.

On the other side side of the window was the perfect view of Seoul, one of the most brightest cities in Korea.

The city that's filled with technology and teenagers.

For him, nothing's more perfect with this two combinations together.

Soon, he will be controlling most of these teenager addict's minds, making them do whatever he wanted. At this thought, he laughed out loud, thinking how screwed up her was.

But no.

He doesn't plan on taking over the world and killing the remaining Jews in the world.

He only wanted one thing.

One thing that will make him the happiest man on Earth.

One thing that he lost and eager to have it back.

This one thing is the only thing that keeps him going.

And he'll do whatever it takes to make it come back to him.





dundundunnn! 8D even i'm interested to know what's going to happen next xDD i know it's short but my mind's currently....blank........


anyway~ :D
thank you for those who applied ^O^ loving the applications so far<3 hope we get more in the future x3

oh, and i'm guessing that some of you already knows who this 'Sir' is ;) If you do, then lets keep it a secret for now, shall we?


i don't know what to say now .______.
so, i shall give you macros!<3

enjoy ;D



Oh yeah..So want ;)


Stupid kid >.>

You are Kangin. You are =__=
[Miss you though! D:]

You go tell them Dongwoon! >D

Currently spazzing XDD

These kids...I just love them! 8D

Bad Niel >D


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did you drop this?;(
where are you now?;(
btw 1OOth comment.
update soon bby.
Sorry if this sounds impolite, but...did you drop the story or..?<br />
I really looked forward to it =(
Please Update! ^^ <3<br />
Mian for not commenting on this!!<br />
I made it? <br />
0___________0<br />
It's kinda late, but congratulations to the other chosen girls too<br />
xD<br />
*spazzes*<br />
Thanks again! xD
thanks for picking me!! :D<br />
I´m already curious about some of the girl´s nick names! <br />
so far the one that strickes me most is ibbie.mobbie XD
SooJin_08 #7
OMO~! Kamsahamnida for choosing me.. yay!!!<br />