teaser [3] ;

ʟ❤veℛeaʟмs.com ; { apply closed }
"Uwaahh~ This is so cool~" one girl said as she took a look around the new place. It was her first time doing this kind of thing and it amused her like there's no tomorrow.
A different girl snorted at the other girl to her childish behaviour. "This," she said as she pointed around. "amuses you?"
"Um..Yeah! It's like..so freaking cool!" she responded, not even bothered to look at the snobby girl. Who cares what she thinks? Her, that's who.
It seemed like the two girls were the first to arrive at the so-called-last-destination. True, the name freaked them out a bit. But it doesn't help that the two were new to this kind of thing. When they received an email from the game company, two completely different reactions were made. The first one was the excited one, jumping up and down for the opportunity. However, the other girl was the opposite. She laughed at the e-mail and went up to her room to listen to rock music.
"Unnie, look! Weird chairs!" the younger girl gigled as she skipped towards these 'weird chairs'.
"YAH! Don't sit on-- Aish!"
She scratched her head in annoyance and just followed her younger sister. When she came to these weird chairs, she found her donesaeng sitting quietly (suprisingly) wearing a black object that looked sunglasses on her eyes. She was still, like she was frozen on place. Her unnie waved her hand in front of her but nothing.
'That's odd.." she thought to herself. She tried shaking the younger female but she still didn't bulge, creeping the older one out. Her attention was moved towards to the chair beside her younger sister's chair, only it has a different color. The texture was like leather, but it was as soft as velvet. Never in her life had she seen such object and her curiousity grew. Not only that the chair was attractive, it has also the sunglasses-like shades sitting on it.
She took a deep sigh and walked to the chair and mentally cursed her sister for bringing her there. She sat down in place and wore the shades, making it activate.
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did you drop this?;(
where are you now?;(
btw 1OOth comment.
update soon bby.
Sorry if this sounds impolite, but...did you drop the story or..?<br />
I really looked forward to it =(
Please Update! ^^ <3<br />
Mian for not commenting on this!!<br />
I made it? <br />
0___________0<br />
It's kinda late, but congratulations to the other chosen girls too<br />
xD<br />
*spazzes*<br />
Thanks again! xD
thanks for picking me!! :D<br />
I´m already curious about some of the girl´s nick names! <br />
so far the one that strickes me most is ibbie.mobbie XD
SooJin_08 #7
OMO~! Kamsahamnida for choosing me.. yay!!!<br />