Te Quiero

What's up Bojoong? ONE SHOT COLLECTION

I sighed happily as I entered my apartment and sat on the couch. After all the rehearsals and the anxiousness of traveling to New York for the concert, I was finally at home in Korea. Even if I was alone right now, I had managed to talk to my family and tell them how excited everything was. It was like another dream come true and I really enjoyed the experience knowing how much I had wanted to be part of the SM Town Paris too.


I grabbed my phone from my purse and checked my messages. Luckily since we had just settled down in Seoul again after the concert we didn’t have any schedule prepared for the next day so I smiled ready to take a bath and go to sleep early for once in this month.


But as I was standing up I noticed I had a bunch of emails and I wondered how long I hadn’t checked my email. So I just walked to the kitchen and took a bottle of juice from the refrigerator and some cookies from the cupboard. I was ready to get conceited after the hard work.


And as I sat at the couch again now with my laptop I started drinking the juice. I had so many emails from the staff thanking me, ads from magazines I read and from the ones I had had interviews and photo shoots and also emails from my family.


It was nice to actually have time to read all of them, and also read some comments the fans made about the concert. It hadn’t been easy considering the tight schedule all the artists had, to prepare for the concert.


I continue going backwards through the unread emails when I noticed one that made me smile the most.


We hadn’t planned for it to be like that, but it started like that and we keep it like that happily. Our friendship was never something we wanted to be publicized even if once in a while we actually expressed how close we are. But then everything happened with the lawsuit and it was during that time, more than ever that we thanked that our friendship was almost like a secret.


So I opened the email from my favorite contact ‘Joongie’ as I ate a cookie and noticed he had attached a picture.


I got excited since the last time we talked he told me JYJ was going to Spain and I wondered if it was a picture from it, since I didn’t had him as a friend in twitter. We really didn’t need to create chaos in the web. Since the all problem with the twitter last time, I desisted from the idea of talking through twitter with him.


So as I downloaded the picture I continued reading, but I was surprised that it was only a sentence. I took a sip from my juice but I instantly started coughing as I almost spit it out in laughter and also in annoyance.


[From: Joongie ^^

Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2011 2:00:51 PM

To: BoA


1 attachment (50KB)


I think the stylist confused the artists, Miss shorty shorts! ;)  ]


And I read the sentence again pouting because the picture was of me pulling my shorts during the concert with a shy face.


How come he always found a chance to bully me?


I was about to reply to his email when I noticed he was online in Skype and smirked.


I put him on video call and waited for him to answer.


I was ready to put my angry face but when he accepted I couldn’t control my smile because he was also smiling and on the background I saw a picture I took with him and the guys when I secretly went to their concert in Seoul. So after a moment or so realizing my plan failed I glared at him and as always he acted innocently blinking his eyelashes.


“Yah~! What did you mean with ‘I think the stylist confused the artists’?!’’ I asked with a glare and a cookie in my mouth.


“Hahaha~~!” He started laughing with his trademark laugh making me more annoyed.


“Yah~! Tell me~~~!” I said playfully punching the screen.


“Well….first Hello BoA, how are you? At least you should greet me, don’t you think so?”  He said smirking and with that confident attitude I hate when I knew he was teasing me.


“Yeah, yeah…Hi, Jaejoong….I’m fine and you?....so now, could you please tell me what you meant with that!?” I asked with a mischievous smile.


And he started laughing again making me roll my eyes. He was always making fun of me!


“You are the cutest, you know? How come your angry face is so funny?” He asked as he ‘pinched’ my nonexistent cheeks on his side of the screen.


“Yah~! Stop teasing me and tell me!” I said pouting. And yeah, I had realized how childish I could act when I was with him. But he was my best friend after all.


“Ok, ok….what was the phrase? Oh, yeah… I think the stylist confused the artists because ‘I just realized that my shorts are really short’.” He said with a mocking tone imitating my voice…and of course I didn’t sound like that!


“Yah~!” I shouted annoyed, almost throwing my laptop to the floor but my cookies weren’t that lucky and now the floor was covered with cookie crumbs making me gasp.


“Hahahahaha~!” He kept laughing at the other side of the screen and I smirked at him when I made the camera focus on the mess in the floor. He had always been obsessed with order and cleaning so I couldn’t help but enjoy my sweet revenge looking at his surprised face.


“BoA! Clean that now!” He said exasperated and it was my turn to laugh.


“No. Now what were you saying? Oh, right! My beautiful friend BoA looked soooo pretty with that outfit, right?” I said smiling brightly. I knew he was going to find a way to make fun of me again, but at least I wanted to receive a serious compliment for once.


“Ummmm well…” He started but suddenly the screen turned black and I couldn’t see his face anymore only muffled sounds and the sound of a chair moving.


“Jae?” I called him when the image returned but now this time it wasn’t my best friend but two playful boys smiling in a suspicious way.


“Hi BoA!” Both of them said simultaneously.


“Hi guys….where is Jae?” I asked confused.


“Ummm he…he had to go to the bathroom.” Junsu said and I chuckled. I guess he never understood when everyone said he was the worst liar ever.


“Yah Junsu! You are making everything more obvious.” And there it was Yoochun who was as good in covering things as in blowing everything up.


“Guys, you aren’t making any sense. Jae? Where are you?” I asked trying to catch a glimpse of him from the sides of the screen but I still couldn’t see him.


I just saw Yoochun typing and clicking a lot of things on the computer while Junsu looked at both sides as if waiting for Jae to appear.


“Hey guys, what’s going on?” I asked concerned.


“I found it!” Yoochun half screamed and high fived with Junsu. I continued looking at them questioningly when I noticed I received a new email.


[From: Joongie ^^

Sent: Saturday, October 29, 2011 3:07:28 PM

To: BoA


1 attachment (50KB)





I have been trying to write this to you for two hours but Yoochun and Junsu keep appearing behind my back saying silly things and singing love songs which they think I should sing to you. WE ARE JUST GOOD FANBOYS ;)


Yeah, I think they are too excited because of the concert and because of the new phrases we have learnt for the concert.


Yoochun keeps saying “Besame mucho” …which means ‘kiss me a lot’….yeah, to his imaginary girlfriend…since it’s summer here so his girlfriend made of snow won‘t last a second XD JAE HYUNG IS GONNA PAY FOR THIS


So, how are you? ….I got to see some of the performances of the New York show and well…you know about how complicated things are until now with the guys… SEND THEM OUR GREETINGS


But I saw all your performances and as always my respects to Queen BoA ;)


Just one comment…the outfit thing…you really]


“YAH~! HOW COULD YOU LOCK ME IN THE BATHROOM??!”  was the shout that interrupted my silent reading of his ‘real’ email.


And I noticed the excited faces Yoochun and Junsu had while I read the email and how they ran away faster than I could imagine when a disheveled Jaejoong emerged from the side of the screen.


And I had to laugh at that. Those guys were always so playful.


“BoA?” He called me as he turned to look at the screen in which I was sure my laughing face was in.


“Hey! Don’t laugh! I don’t even know how they managed to enter the room.”  He said annoyed.


“Ninja Yoosu is great!” I exclaimed with a teasing tone.


“And then you complain I make fun of you...” He said pouting and I bit my lip, because he was still such a cutie like when we first met.


“Ok, ok, sorry…” I said and continue eating my cookies that I had forgotten with all the commotion.


“BoA, did you clean the floor?” He asked with that motherly tone that scared me so much. I still remember my mother saying the same when I was a kid.


“No, mom.” I said sitting more comfortably in the couch only to annoy him even more.


“Yah~! What ‘mom’!?” He asked with a shocked face.


And I immediately remember I hadn’t finished reading the email. But at the same time I wasn’t sure if I should continue since he wasn’t the one who sent it.  It was true he wrote it, but if he really didn’t want me to read it?


“BoA?” He called waking me from my thoughts.


“What did the guys do while I wasn’t here?” He asked starting to click just like Yoochun before.


And as the next click sounded he gasped and sighed in annoyance, glaring to the side in which I supposed Yoochun was.


“Did you read it?” He asked nervous.


“Not completely.” I answered truthfully.


And the atmosphere turned awkward. It was true that we were best friends and we shared a lot of things, but we always respected our privacy and if we didn’t share something we just needed silent comprehension and comfort. And I guess this time I was reading something that I shouldn’t have.


“Read it if you want.” He said with a tired tone after a short silence.


I bit my lip and nodded slowly.

I wasn’t sure if I wanted to keep reading because of his expression but I decided to do so.


[Just one comment…the outfit thing…you really…


You were pretty…really pretty…even if I think of you more comfortably with your dance practice outfit, this outfit matched perfectly with your black hair I like so much.]


I gasped.


Through all of our years of friendship he hadn’t complemented my looks like this. We had always shared the love for music. For singing. Him always wanting to improve his dancing and me wanting to write as beautiful as him….


But what was with this completely different email? How come it changed to a simple sentence making fun of me?


What was Jae trying to say?


I decided to continue reading, but then I remembered the Skype was still open and I blushed knowing Jae was looking at each one of my expressions, but as I minimized the email page I found just a picture and no more video.


“Jae?” I called him.


“Yeah, I’m here.” He said with a soft tone that made me worried and annoyed at the same time.


Why was he making this sound so weird? Does the email have something even more confusing than what was below?


[Umm…How to say this? I know it has been hard on you to be a solo artist and that you would be happy to be part of a group, like you had mentioned before. But as selfish as it sounds I wouldn’t want it to be that way. You are great on your own and with your uniqueness. Don’t let others change you…if you don’t feel comfortable with the outfit you should wear something you like because you will still look pretty…]


And as silly as I may sound I started giggling. It was all too cute…and I knew how shy Jae could be when he had to express his feelings like that. That’s why he always covered everything with a joke and only his songs could reflect his real feelings.


“Jae?” I called him and he hummed. “I want to see your face…” I said softly and with a big smile. “Please?”


And suddenly the video image appeared again and Jae’s face slowly appeared on the screen.


I sighed and smiled at him even more. “You are so sweet Jae…thanks.” I said feeling my own cheeks turning pink.


It was always easier to talk to him about another boy and for him to talk about another girl with me, but complimenting each other like that, in a serious way like now, was making me nervous.


I played with the cookie in my hand as silence took place again and I looked at his sincere eyes through the screen.


“Hyung! They are calling us for lunch!” Junsu’s sudden voice interrupted our moment and Jaejoong replied to him turning to the side.


“Bye BoA!” I heard the two distant voices as Jae turned to look at me again.


“I gotta go.” He said in a soft voice as if all the playfulness at the beginning of our conversation had gone away.


“Yeah, take care…and I will make sure next time my shorts aren’t that short.” I finished trying to lighten the mood even if it was late.


“Yeah…” He said waving and sighing.


“Jae? Is there anything else you wanted to say?” I asked concerned knowing well what that sigh meant.


“Umm…” He began and bit his lip.


“Jae! We gotta go!” Yoochun‘s voice shouted from the side and Jae nodded taking a deep breath.


“BoA, I gotta go now. After this I will have to go to the rehearsals and then a short presentation, then the concert, then I guess more work. But I just want you to take care, ok? I hope I can talk to you really soon.” He said everything fast and with an anxious tone made me wonder since when he was so desperate to go to eat and finish a conversation like that. “And well…I guess that’s all.” 


“Yeah, bye Joongie.” I said with a confused smile and a wave.


He stood still and in silence for a second before smiling.


“Bye, BoA……te quiero.”


And he finished the video call leaving the screen with just a picture of us smiling and leaving me with a big question mark above my head.


“Te qu-ier-o.” I repeated not knowing if I was even pronouncing it well and even less what it meant.


What was that supposed to mean? And why was Jae so nervous saying it so….?


[From: BoA

To: Joongie ^^

Subject: Te quiero?


What do you mean by ‘te quiero’, Joongie?]


And I sent him the email even if I knew he was going to be so busy to respond soon. But I was willing to wait for him, because no matter what meaning I could find on internet, he was the only one who could really tell me the definition of ‘Te quiero’ that I wanted to know.




*meeeyi: Thanks for the comment! :) I’m glad you liked the previous one shot…and it’s ok if you can’t really express what you thought since it was confusing hehe….and well in the story BoA changed physically and also in the inside since she became dependant of Jae and I don’t really like twilight so I never thought of making it similar….and I think it is really interesting that you think the situation can work both ways…and in reality Jae did hurt her both ways…he killed her and also showed her his true intentions breaking her heart. Hope you like this one too!

*madz67: Thanks for your comment!!! I hope you like this one shot…and you still make me wonder what did you meant by that…hehe…

*petalcake: Thanks for the comment! And I’m sooooo ashamed that I seem to confuse all your stories…(blame me for that!) T____T. And well, yeah at the beginning BoA seems the one to have problems….but at the end Jae was the creepy one hehe….and of course…who can resist Jae!???? Hehehe…and well Jae is not really a vampire since they blood not air…and yep, at the end he gave her the kiss to finally kill her since she was too weak to keep giving him enough air…(creepy, I know XD) and I’m glad you thought it was interesting….and here it was another one shot for you…sorry for keeping you waiting…I hope you like this one too! :)

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Chapter 21: this is indeed a sweet shot :) though jj's plan was almost ruined by himself lol I know I haven't commented on the last three chaps before this, but spare me, I want a happy one since I started writing an angst haha!! I promise I give my comment on the three soon :) “Marry who?” when I read that, at first I was like seriously Boa?you're asking him that? XD but then she just wanna a bit, meanie Boa XD "“Now answer mine. He finished taking a small white box out of his pocket." it's not the usual scene in proposing but I like it ;) "BoA caught one of them with one hand and the flying small white box with the other." she's a good catcher lol tbh, when I read the title, I thought you wrote what we talked about what will happen in their concerts XD well anyways, this is such a nice chap, wanna read more with the same genre. thank you! :)
Chapter 21: I imagined every part of this fict and found the fluffines. I couldn't help giggling and flirting ><
Jaejoong was so innocent that took him so awkward. But it ended up with how cute he is ><
I really ship this couple~
they look great together! ><
hope bojoong is real! ><
nice chap author-nim! d(^.^)b
btw, I'm new reader ._.
Chapter 21: "Marry who? | Marry me." /face-palmed/ seriously his proposal is indeed cute and sweet..
Chapter 21: kyaaaa so sweeeeet<333 and yups this is my first time (well second time including this) cause I just found this. (just became a bojoong shipper not long ago) keke thanks for writing this, this one-shot is too sweet<33333333
Chapter 21: So sweet!!! Yeah... Haha....
meeeyi #6
Chapter 21: Kyahhhhh!!! Sweet sweet Bojoong chap with a clumsy Jaejoong proposing in a way he didn't expect!
If only this would happen one day... *ledreamysigh*
Chapter 4: Awww... Such a bitter sweet story. I love how JJ's beautiful face matched his personality. And the part where JJ noticed her dimples was the cutest! Wee~
Chapter 3: HAHA, I like the switching scenes. And the two were adorable. Yay! Hamtaro, you saved the day!
Chapter 2: Awww... How cute! The flustered BoA is always so adorable and JJ is such a cutiepie!!! I love the straightforward manner you used to write this. kudos!
Chapter 1: OMG, of course the first story in this one shot collection would be so heartbreaking... It's wrong for me to read this before going to school. I'm so depressed I don't wanna leave the house anymore :c

But great narrative. I love the emotion that flowed while I read it!!! Imma read everything! HAHA!