Chapter 7

Miss A's Min Collection Of One Shots


A/N: Hello! sorry for not updating for a long time i've been busy with my trailer shop, please check it out if you have the time: 

 this story is about Min and exo's Baekhyun!!! I hope you enjoy reading this


Min walked into the kitchen in a hurry "I'm really sorry, I over-slept"

Her step father glared towards her, stood up and slapped her right across her face

Min's sight got blurry as she felt the heat spreading on her cheek "I'm really sorry, I'll fix you breakfast right away…"

He held her wrist and twisted it, Min yelped in pain "say it" he barked in her face

"What?" she winced in pain

"You know exactly what I mean!" he growled

"D…Dad" she stuttered "I'll do it right away… appa"

He let go of her pushing her roughly against the wall "you better!!"

Min nodded and made her way to the kitchen


Min sniffed and wiped her tears as she walked to school, her wrist was hurting her, and she still felt her cheek burning "till when do I have to suffer?!" she yelled and she kicked a can on the ground

Min placed her headphones on and started listening to music trying to change her mood, when suddenly someone grabbed her shoulder and whirled her around, Min was now face to face with a guy, she swallowed hard seeing his features closely *how can someone be this… good looking?* Min thought blinking dazed

He started talking, Min took off her head phones, and placed them around her neck "What??" she asked

The mood was ruined as soon as she heard what he wants to say, he pointed into the can in his hand "you kicked this and it hit my head while I was trying to sleep"

Min's eyes widened "really?? I'm sorry I was being careless" she bowed a couple of times "I'm really sorry"

The guy blinked a couple of times shocked, he held her shoulder and straightened her up "you don't have to do all that, I was just expecting a simple apologize"

"But… it's my fault you're in pain" Min said in a low voice

The guy chuckled *she look innocent, that's cute* "ok then, your apology is accepted" he looked up meeting with her eyes


Amber was resting her head on the table and blinked sleepily  

"looks like you haven't slept at all" Min told her

Amber nodded with drowsy eyes "yup"

Min frowned and slapped her back "I told you stop playing video games at night, it's not healthy"

Amber groaned "I can't help it" she hid her face in her arms

Min sighed and sat on her seat that was in front of Amber

The teacher soon came and started class, His eyes soon landed on Amber who was sleeping

Min turned to her shook her shoulder and whispered "Amber wake up"

Amber looked up "what??"

"Amber Liu!!" the teacher called "if I caught you sleeping in my class again you're going to get into trouble"

"Damn it!!" Amber grumbled in a low voice

The class room's door shot open, Min jumped at the sudden sound and looked up

A guy walked in, he had a pale white face, messy black hair and familiar attractive eyes stood by the door

Min stared at him blinking surprised *I know him! He's the guy from this morning*

He lazily walked in and Mr. Park turned around noticing him "you're the new student, Byun Baekhyun right?"  

Baekhyun straightened himself up "right"

"Welcome, I'm your history teacher Mr. Park Ki Young, if you need anything you just need to tell me, you can take the empty seat in the back"

Baekhyun turned around and walked to his new seat when he passed by a recognizable face, he paused and turned around meeting with Min's friendly smile


Once the lesson ended, Min approached Baekhyun and sat next to him "good to see you again, Byun Baekhyun"

He smiled at her charmingly "good to see you too…" he paused not knowing her name

"Lee Minyoung,  but you can call me Min" Min said her name and offered a handshake

He took it, Min smiled "I really didn't expect seeing you here"

"Neither did I" Baekhyun told her

"didn't you get your new uniform?" she asked

"no, not yet" he said

Min noticed the teacher coming in "talk to you later" she told him and went back to her seat


The school came to an end, Min, Amber and Baekhyun walked out of the school gates

"See you tomorrow" Amber rode her bicycle and left to the opposite side

"My house is that way" Min pointed to the left side

"Mine too" Baekhyun told her

Min grinned and started walking "ok, then let's walk together"


The two walked together as the refreshing breeze hit their faces

The wind played with Min's short hair, she quickly tried to fix it with her hands *I hope he didn't see that* she thought embarrassed

Min turned around to see Baekhyun staring at her trying hold in his laughter but couldn't and started laughing loudly

"Byun Baekhyun stop laughing!!" she snapped playfully, but he couldn't and wouldn't stop

Min smirked and ran to him, she started messing his hair up with both of her hands

"Yah! stop it" he held her wrists and stopped her causing her to yelp in pain

He quickly pulled his hands away "Are you ok? Did I hurt you?!" he asked with a worried tone

She nodded "I'm ok"

He grabbed her wrist and pulled her sleeve upwards to see a painful bruise

He looked up directly into her eyes "Min… who did this to you?"

Min looked away "no one… I just fell" she lied and pulled her hands away and lowered her sleeve "it's nothing"

Baekhyun knew that this wasn't just a simple bruise that was caused by falling, but he decided to stay quiet and not ask about it


They continued walking without saying a word until Min stopped

Baekhyun turned around "why did you stop?" he asked with a soft voice

She seemed a little uncomfortable "my house is around here"

He stared at her "Where?"

Min her dry lips and pointed to a dark alley "there, for about a few minutes walk

Baekhyun shot her a smile "let's go, I'll walk you there"

"NO!" Min quickly blurted out, she glanced around as if she was worried that someone might see them "I mean… its ok I can go on my own"

"But it's dangerous" Baekhyun argued "what if something happened to you?!"

Min shook her head rapidly "no it's ok, I walked through that way lots of times before and nothing ever happened to me" she tried to convince him, but Baekhyun kept gazing at her

"I'll be ok, trust me" Min forced on a smile as she gave him a push "see you tomorrow, Baekhyun" Min waved and started walking towards the alley

*Did she really think I was that brainless to make a  girl walk through that direction alone?* Baekhyun started following her without her knowing

Min reached her house, It was a small and old looking, she took a deep breath and opened the gate entering

Baekhyun saw her walking in and a relieved smile appeared on his face, he turned around and took a few steps, suddenly he heard the sound of glass crushing and a scream that made him completely frozen

He turned around to see that the voice was coming from Min's house, Baekhyun felt his heart stopping and he quickened his pace back towards the house

He opened the gate carefully and glanced in seeing Min standing in front of what seems a grumpy, over-weighted man in his forties, her petite body was shaking badly as she looked like she was frightened to death

The old man cleared his throat "your math teacher called me…" he got up

Min took a step back as he took a step foreword

"If you took another step your punishment is going to be doubled" he warned making her stop as if someone glued her feet to the ground

"You stupid, brainless girl!! You failed your test" he raised his hand and slapped her hard on the cheek which caused her to fall on the ground whimpering in pain

Baekhyun eyes widened *that bastard…*

"Stand up!!" the man demanded, Min tried but couldn't as she felt her knees turning weak, he grabbed her from her shirt and pulled her up "you weak, useless girl who can't do anything right" he raised his arm to give her another painful smack when someone pushed him from the back and he stumbled foreword falling right into the ground

Baekhyun got on top of him and started punching him angrily  

"Baekhyun!" Min said in shock, Baekhyun raised his leg and kicked the man in his stomach as he doubled over in pain

"Stop it!! Baekhyun" she screamed but he wouldn't listen "stop it!! Please!!" she tightened her arms around him

Baekhyun turned around looking into her eyes as he panted heavily

"What are you doing?!!" Min snapped "what brings you here?! "

"I'm here to save you, I couldn't just stand there seeing you in pain" he answered with a low voice

"Who's that boy?!!" Min's step dad started regaining his conscious "I'm going to kill you"

Min eyes widened in shock "GO!! Run away quickly! He's going to kill you" she screamed urgently

"What about you?!!" Baekhyun asked "aren’t you coming too?!"

"No, I'll be ok, don't worry" she started pushing him towards the gate "GO RIGHT NOW!!!"

"I'm not going unless you're coming too!" he grabbed her wrist and started pulling her with him

"Let me go!!!" Min yelled, Baekhyun pulled her wrists forcefully around his neck and started carrying her while he ran away


The two came to a stop as they reached a park, it was already dark and the place was empty

Baekhyun placed Min down on a bench, sweat was running down his forehead as he sat next to her, he started catching up with his breath

Min turned to him "do you know that if I go back now…" she took in a shaky breath "he'll kill me for sure"

Baekhyun faced her with his eyebrows furrowed "then, don't go"

"I can't… I don't have another place to go to" Min hugged her knees together and rested her head on top of her arms

She sighed heavily and stood up "you should be tired, you can go home now" she started walking and then turned around "oh, and thank you" she smiled tiredly

Baekhyun got up and caught up with her swiftly "where you will go?"

"I don't know... maybe I'll just sneak in when he's asleep" Min mumbled in a low voice and turned to leave but Baekhyun quickly stopped her, he held her hand as she turned around "don't go… it's not safe" he told her as if he was begging her "please, I don't want you to get hurt anymore"

"But… I have nowhere else to go" Min told him blinking back her tears

"Come with me" he blurted out

Min stared at him shocked "what?!"

"You can stay with me, Min" he smiled tenderly "I'll take care of you and protect you with all I have"

Min gazed at him moved, he only met her that day and yet he's willing to do so much for her "Baekhyun…" she burst into tears

"What is it?? Why are you crying??" Baekhyun patted her back "are you in pain?? Tell me Min"

 She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly "thank you"

Baekhyun froze in surprise, he could feel his heart thumping loudly as a warm smile appeared on his face *I've never felt like I want to protect someone as much as this, Min, and it only took me a day to realize that, in one long day you made me fall for you*


After taking a warm, refreshing shower Min walked out of the bathroom wearing Baekhyun's white shirt and black shorts that was a bit baggy 

Baekhyun turned around to see her, Min smiled teasingly "do I look funny?"

"No, you look really cute" Baekhyun told her straight away

Min's heart fluttered at his comment, she blinked a couple of times and looked away with red cheeks *what's happening to me?* she thought confused


After eating dinner, the two sat down outside

 Baekhyun thought about it before asking "is that… your dad?"

Min shook her head "no… he's my step father"

He hesitated a bit before asking "why does he do that to you??"

She started "I never got to see my real dad, he actually died when mom was pregnant with me" Min said and glanced towards Baekhyun "he suffered with cancer… and when I was about 8 years old my mom met this man… he was a really good man who took care of us both, I loved him like a real father" she paused and continued "then, I lost my mother in a car accident when I was in middle school,  and he… changed into a completely different man…" she breathed in  "more like a monster,  he started drinking a lot and he beats me up whenever he feels sad and remembers my mother" she felt wet tears dropping on her cheeks

Baekhyun turned around and held her face tenderly wiping her tears with his thumps "don't worry Min, I'll make sure you don't cry and suffer again, I promise" he told her with a gentle voice, he bought her closer and hugged her, Min tightened her arms around his waist and rested her head against his muscular chest "you have no idea how much thankful I am… but, why are you doing this??" she asked pulling away and looking into his eyes

"Because you're special, Min" he smiled "you just came in my life suddenly and… stole my heart"

Min smirked jokingly "is that a love confession??"

Baekhyun chuckled and hid his red face in his arms "yeah it's supposed to be, I know it's cheesy" he laughed "the things Lee Min Young made me do"

"I think it's cute" Min commented, Baekhyun looked up, Min got closer and pecked his lips lightly before pulling back

Baekhyun grinned widely "do you think that this is enough for me?"

Min blinked "Why?? Isn't it??"

Baekhyun shook his head "nope… not at all" he leaned in suddenly and crushed their lips together

He kissed her passionately as Min responded to him *even though I still have a lot to face and my step father would still look for me… I'm not afraid at all because I know that Baekhyun always be there for me and protect me*



A/N: Not really pleased with this one-shot, but it's better than not uploading at all ^^



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Going to update really soon :) Guess who will be pairing with Min this time :)


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Chapter 7: Nice :'3
I wish there is JoonxMin one. Im kinda shipping them. Lolz XD
Chapter 7: I read quite fast right.. great story! I love reading each one of it. Thank you for sharing wonderful oneshot about Min!
Chapter 1: Min and Hyun Woo! I ship Min with any guy and this story is adorable!
Chapter 7: Great story... I hope that you will write more oneshot story of min... Maybe yku can write about Min and Kang Minhyuk CN Blue shipping story... Love this couple so much... They were both cute, handsome and also pretty... I was a fan of MinMin shipping story... xoxoxo
please update this story
Chapter 7: new subscriber !!!
please update this FF , soon ^^
4everhite #7
I wish you update soon, for Min's oneshot, I keep coming back for something new. But your busy with trailers :(
Min <3
when will you update this story??
i'll keep waiting for it.sorry for asking,but as it so hard to find min fanfic so i glad that we had one shot that dedicated to her.
ngochanh721 #9
Chapter 3: TopMin ... i love them ... thanks you so much!!!
Coniii #10
I want Min and Yongguk!!!