Chapter 1

Miss A's Min Collection Of One Shots

A/N: for the first story I decided to write about Min and my favorite korean actor Lee Hyun Woo ^^ enjoy

"Yah, Lee Hyun Woo come here right now!!" Mr. Han the PE teacher said running behind Hyun Woo

Lee Hyun Woo dashed through the hallway "get the hell out of my way!!" he shouted at the students, he turned his head around while still running "It was by accident I swear!! I didn’t mean to throw the ball at you"

"You're so going to get punished!! Just wait until you're in my hands" Mr. Han warned him not slowing a bit down even though of his old age he still has a very fit body

"Aish" Hyun Woo grumbled as he ran faster, he turned around the corner when he accidently bombed into a girl making her books fall into the ground

He stopped and started catching his breath and looked at her recognizing his classmate Lee Min Young "oh, are you ok?" he asked

Min nodded "yeah"

"Sorry for bombing into you" he said

Min opened to reply, when Mr. Han grabbed the back of his shirt

"Shoot!!" Hyun Woo grumbled *I totally forgot the bull was still chasing me*

Min felt bad for him, and then she shrugged it off and bent down to pick her stuff

After the last lesson ended Min left the school, she passed by the gates and saw Hyun Woo sitting on his knees with his arms raised and a frown was on his face

Mr. Han hit him with his stick on his back "Do it properly!!" he snapped at him

"Fine" Hyun Woo grumbled and did as told, he looked up and saw Min was about to leave

He smiled to her, she gave a tiny nod in acknowledgment and left the school


Hyun Woo went back tired as usual, he slid open the wooden door of the noodle house that his mother owns 

A woman who looked in her middle forties was cleaning the tables with a cloth

 She had tired facial expression but her features were beautiful

Hyun Woo smiled at her sight and approached her "umma"

His mom looked up, she didn’t look very happy, she sat on the table and ordered him to sit in front of him, she took a deep breath and started "Mr. Han had contacted me" she said

Hyun Woo sighed and started explaining "mom, I swear that hitting him with a ball was just accident, accidents just happen"

"Ok, what about Mrs. Kim?? She called me saying that your grades in Math were falling, was that an accident too??" she asked firmly

Hyun Woo laughed sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck "you know that math is my worst subject"

"Hyun Woo, I'm serious" she said "don’t you see how hard I'm working for your university tuition, you know that it's very expensive" she blinked back her tears "senior year is ending and no mother would like to see her son failing, so please can you at least listen to me this time"

Hyun Woo bit his lower lip and nodded "sure mom, I'll do my best" *I'll make sure to not disappoint you*


Min headed to school the next day, she arrived to the school gates, she looked at the familiar guy standing by the gates *weird, this is the first time I see Lee Hyun Woo early in school, he's usually late for class and always ended up with detention*

Hyun Woo saw Min and a wide smile spread on his face, he waved "good morning!!"

Min blinked puzzled *is he talking to me??* She looked behind her and saw no one, she turned to the front and her eyes widened seeing his face *he's fast*

"I was waiting for you" he told her

"M…me?? Why??" Min asked really confused

"I need you to help me" he said

"Helping you in what??" she asked

"Math" he grinned "my grades are falling, and if I didn’t change that soon I won't be able pass senior year and I really want to graduate high school"

"Oh" she nodded in understanding

 "So are you going to help me or not??" he asked raising both of his eyebrows

"Of course I will help you" she slightly smiled

Hyun Woo noticed something "this is the first time I see you smile, you look pretty you should smile more"

Min gulped , her cheeks turned a light shade of pink "s…so when do you want to start??"

"Is today ok??" he asked

She thought about it "seems good"

He grinned "we'll go after the school ends, your house??" he asked

She nodded "ok"

"Great, I'll wait for you here right after school" he smiled appreciated "thanks Minyoung"

"You can call me Min" she said

"Ok then Min, let's go to class" he said she nodded and started walking with him


After school ended, Hyun Woo and Min headed to Min's apartment, Hyun Woo looked at the tall building with his eyes widened "this is where you live??" he asked her

She nodded "yes", he stared at it "it looks nice" *and very expensive* he thought to himself

They went in the apartment and Hyun Woo was more stunned *it's my first time visiting such a exclusive place* he thought

"Are your parents here??" Hyun Woo asked

"No, they're on a business trip" she said, she pointed towards the living room "you can sit there and I'll go change, make yourself comfortable" she headed to the hallway and went in one of the rooms

Hyun Woo sat down on the couch, he placed his back bag next to him and his eyes wondered around the place

He saw a picture hanging on the wall, it consists of a man and his wife and a little girl

Hyun Woo got up to see it from close *is that Min??* He looked at the little girl with Min's features *she's always been so cute* he thought fondly

He heard someone entering the Min and turned around, Min came in wearing a stripped white and blue shirt and jeans that fitted her petite body perfectly

They sat down next to each other on the couch "so what difficulties are you facing in math??" she asked taking the book and placing it on her lap

He thought about it "well… all of it" he smiled sheepishly

Min chuckled and opened the book "ok then, we'll just have to start from the beginning

After a couple of hours, Min closed the book "ok, I think that's enough for today"

"Finally!!" Hyun Woo heaved a sigh and leaned back on the couch "I thought my head was about to explode"

He got up stretching his arms "thanks for today"

"You're welcome" Min said "don’t you want dinner before you leave??" she asked

He shook his head and slanged his bag over his shoulder "no, I'll just eat at home"

"Ok then" she got up

"before going to bed, review what I taught you today I'm going to give you a small quiz just to check that you understood so we can move to the next chapter" she said

"Ok I will, bye teacher" he laughed waving and got into the elevator


Days passed by and the final exams were approaching quickly

On a Saturday afternoon, Hyun Woo yawned and put the book down "I'm tired"

"You have to study" Min said not looking away from her book

He pouted "but we have been studying for hours, let's take a break and go out to have fun"

Min hesitated "but we have to study"

"Come on" Hyun Woo grinned, he grabbed her hand and let her stand "it'll be fun"

The two of them went to the mall, they went to the arcade to play and then went shopping a bit

When they were walking back it was already night

Hyun Woo stopped with a smirk on his face, he turned and rang the bell on a random house

"Do you know them??" Min asked

Hyun Woo grinned and shook his head "no"

"Then why did you do that??" she asked

The door swung open and an ahjumma looked out "who is it??"

"RUN!!" Hyun Woo shouted, he slipped his hand into Min's hand and started running as fast as he could

"Stand right there!!" The Ahjumma yelled as she chased them with a broom

They turned around the corner and the two of them burst into laughter "that was really fun!! When I was young I always used to do that, it really brings back the good times" Hyun Woo said laughing

"You're crazy!!" Min said and slapped his shoulder playfully, but yet she couldn’t stop laughing

Hyun Woo smiled gazing at her, Min stopped laughing, she noticed that they were still holding hands and quickly let go of it "l…let's go back" she said with red cheeks and turned around

But Hyun Woo grabbed her shoulders and turned her around facing him

He held her shoulders and leaned in "why are your cheeks red??"

"W...What?? Th…their… not red" she stuttered denying it

"Do you always stutter when you're shy??" he asked

She nodded "yeah, it happens all the time" she quickly stopped, she wanted to slap herself for saying that "but it's not always because of that reason" she quickly added

"I think I like you Min" Hyun Woo said

"Huh?!!" her eyes widened, she saw him leaning in slowly and her eyes closed on their own

Hyun Woo smiled seeing that, he closed his eyes too and pressed her lips against her, he cupped her face and deepened the kiss *it feels like a… dream* they both thought


Hyun Woo's mother was about to close the shop, she remembered when she entered Hyun Woo's room and saw him studying, a smile tugged on her lips *I hope he does well in his exam* she thought

The door opened, Hyun Woo entered smiling "umma, I'm back"

"Welcome back" she smiled, then noticed a girl entering behind her son, the girl bowed respectively "hello"

Hyun Woo's mother nodded at her with a smile

"Mom, this is Min Young, she's my classmate and she's the one who's helping me with math"

"Oh is that true??" she smiled wider at Min "thank you for helping my son"

"You don’t have to thank me" Min smiled at her

"Did you have dinner yet??" she asked

Min and Hyun Woo shook their heads "no"

She grinned "ok, then sit down I'll go make some noodles for you two" she said and headed to the kitchen

Soon two bowls of delicious looking noodles were set in front of them two

"It looks delicious" Min said

"It also taste delicious too" Hyun Woo said praising his mother's cooking "try some"

Min took her chopsticks and ate some, her eyes widened, she recalled the times when her mother's cooking for her, She felt the warm feelings spreading through her body

"How is it??" Mrs. Lee asked

Min raised her thumps "the best"

Mrs. Lee laughed "glad you like it"


It was the morning of the math exam, Min and Hyun Woo studied extra hard for it

The two of them headed to the school holding hands as usual, they were about to enter, Hyun Woo pouted "Aren't you going to give me a good luck kiss??"

Min laughed, she leaned in to peck him on the cheek when he turned his head at the last second and their lips met

Hyun Woo raised both of his hand as if he managed something really successful

"Pabo" Min laughed at him

"Let's do it!!" he grinned

The two of them nodded "fighting"


The result of the exams were coming out today, Min and Hyun Woo were running to school because they were late

They stood in front of the large group of seniors who were reading their results of the huge board that was hanging in the middle of the school

Some of them were happily screaming, and some of them were crying regretful

Hyun Woo noticed the worry expression on Min's face and encouragly squeezed her hand

They started searching for their names, Hyun Woo's heart thumped in his chest, this was it, the result will show whether he made it or if it was a fail

His eyes passed the name Lee Hyun Woo, he went over it 5 times just to make sure and his eyes widened

Min and Hyun Woo turned to each other at the same time "we made it!!" they screamed and happily hugged each other


After the huge celebration at Hyun Woo's family noodle shop, Hyun Woo started walking with Min holding hands and strolling down the street

He turned to her "thanks Min, if it weren’t with you I wouldn’t have made it" he said

Min smiled at his comment "you don’t have to thank me, we both made it because of our hard work"

Hyun Woo gazed at Min "Min… remember when I told you that I think I like you?"

She nodded "Yeah"

Hyun Woo smiled "now I'm sure of it, I love you Min" he said and took a loose strand of Min's hair and tugged it behind her ear leaning in

"I love you too" Min whispered, he kissed her on her lips, Min placed her arms around his neck and kissed him back


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Going to update really soon :) Guess who will be pairing with Min this time :)


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Chapter 7: Nice :'3
I wish there is JoonxMin one. Im kinda shipping them. Lolz XD
Chapter 7: I read quite fast right.. great story! I love reading each one of it. Thank you for sharing wonderful oneshot about Min!
Chapter 1: Min and Hyun Woo! I ship Min with any guy and this story is adorable!
Chapter 7: Great story... I hope that you will write more oneshot story of min... Maybe yku can write about Min and Kang Minhyuk CN Blue shipping story... Love this couple so much... They were both cute, handsome and also pretty... I was a fan of MinMin shipping story... xoxoxo
please update this story
Chapter 7: new subscriber !!!
please update this FF , soon ^^
4everhite #7
I wish you update soon, for Min's oneshot, I keep coming back for something new. But your busy with trailers :(
Min <3
when will you update this story??
i'll keep waiting for it.sorry for asking,but as it so hard to find min fanfic so i glad that we had one shot that dedicated to her.
ngochanh721 #9
Chapter 3: TopMin ... i love them ... thanks you so much!!!
Coniii #10
I want Min and Yongguk!!!