The Idol's Marriage





This day, Yoona and I already plan to make Fanny and Siwon Oppa meet at the park. After that Yoona and I have separate ways. She said she has something to do and I have to go to the office.

While I was walking through the lobby I was so shocked because I see many reporters at there so I decided to ask the receptionist what happen actually. The receptionist didn’t have any idea too. And I was so shocked when I see my manager and Yoona want to walk towards the room. Before they enter the room, I talk with them for a while.

“Yoong.. Don’t tell me it’s about you..:”

“Neh.. Eonni.. I will do the conference today..”

“MWO? Why you didn’t tell me?”

“I’m sorry Eonni..”

“So, did your husband know?”


“AISH.. So, you want them to meet today, so your husband wouldn’t know anything about this conference?”

She nodded her head..

“AISH.. Yoong.. You crazy..”

“Eonni.. This is the best..”

“I’m sorry guys.. But we must start the conference in 30 minutes. SO, Yoona you must prepare yourselves..”My manager said to us..

“Neh.. Eonni I will go… I’m sorry…”


I can see she really afraid right now. I don’t know she will do the conference today. I really shocked.. I must do something..

I decided to call Fanny because I know she is with Siwon Oppa now. Siwon Oppa was so shocked when he heard about the story.

“Yoong.. I’m sorry. But, I can’t let you suffering alone. You deserve to be happy too. And I know the guy who can make you happy is only your husband Yoong…”I said in my heart.


I was so shocked when Yuri told everything. How can she think that way.  I left Fanny alone and I went to the building with high speed. After arrive, I went to the room. The room was filled with the reporter. I saw she was sitting. I decided to call her and walk towards her. I know everyone eyes are looking at me but I don’t care. I hold her hands and pull he out of the room..

“Oppa… LET ME GO! I NEED TO FINISH IT!”She said to me and trying to released her hands. But, I grab her wrist tighter.

“I’M YOUR HUSBAND! I WILL FINISH IT.. YOU STAY HERE!”I yelled at her and went to the room..

I went to the in front of the reporter. Honestly, I don’t know what should say. I haven’t prepare anything.. But I know I must revealed everything, because this is the best for everyone especially for my family.

“So, I’m CHOI SIWON want to clarify everything here. First, I really want to apology to everyone, but I can’t hide this secret anymore..”I said and bowed to them.


“I and Im Yoona already married…”


“2 months ago. We were married because of our family..”


“We have to hide it because of our career. I’m really sorry..”

“But, why publish now? Is she pregnant?”

“Hm.. I can’t say anything.. We have our own reason.. And I’m sorry..”

“So, Why did she lied before you come?”

“Well.. It’s just misunderstanding…”


“Yeah.. But, I can’t explain it all..”
“So, how about your career? She?”

“Well.. I can’t give you answer right now.  It depends of our agency. But, if we must stop our career.. We will…”

“What will you do if you stop?”

“Hm.. I will continue my family business…”

“How about her?”

“We haven’t really talked about it..”

“So, if you married because of your family, do you love her?”

“Hm.. At first, I didn’’t. I think this marriage is a joke but, I know God never joke.  But, as time goes by, I think I did. She is a great wife..”


“Guys.. I’m sorry for hiding it. Because that time we have our own plan. But, because there is some problem, we must publish it now….I’m really sorry especially for my fans.. I know you all must be shocked. But, that is the truth. All I hope now you all can accept it and support us. So, I hope you all can pray for us… I’m sorry..”I said to them and bowed my head and leave the room…


I was very shocked when he yelled at me! He goes to the room and leave me alone. I peek from the door. I heard everything he said clearly. I’m crying again.  I can’t even move my feet. I see he go out from the room, and he holding my hands and take me to his car.

In the car, we just quite. I think we all have our own world. I don’t even dare to ask where will he take me. I just close my eyes, because I think my heads are really ache right now.

When I opened my eyes, I realize that he is not beside me. I look around.. And I realize that I’ve been this place before. The beach.. I decided to go down, and  look for my husband.. I saw he standing and shouting at the beach. I know he must be stress too.. I walk towards him and hug his back..

My tears is falling down now. I really miss him..

“Oppa.. Mianhae.. Mianhae…”

He turned and look at me..

“Why that you want to leave me? Don’t you love me?”

I just quite and crying.. He touch my face and wipe my tears..

“I… Love You.. Mianhae… I don’t have any choice..”

“You should tell me.. We have through this together… I will never leave you and why must you leave me?”

“It’s the best Oppa..”

“Nothing is better than with my wife….”

“But, what about your career? It’s your dream..”

“Yoong.. I will leave that someday. It just, we never know the time… And, if God want me to leave it now, I will.. Remember, God’s plan is not Human’s plan. And I know he has the best plan for us…”He said and hugged me..

“Yoong.. Don’t ever try to go away from me… Arra? Cause I will never let you go..”

I nodded my head…

“Hm… Let me tell you one secret...”He whispered to me..


“You are the only girl I’ve ever taken here…”

“MWO?”I was so shocked when I heard that secret. I think there are a lot of girls he ever take here.But, how can I the only one.

“Saranghae Choi Yoona…”He said to me..

“Neh.. Saranghae Choi Siwon..”

He released the hug and kiss my lips and I kiss him back.

After that we decided to play at the beach for a while. It was fun and can less our stress. And we decided to turn off our phone. After that we back to our house.


After we arrived at our house. I told her to take a bath, and me too. After that I decided to cook. I look a the fridge, and there is only steak so I decided to cook it. I know my wife haven’t eat yet. So, I cook for her too.  I go to her room and open the door. She was drying her hair.

“Yoong.. Let’s eat..”I said to her..

“Hm.. I’m not hungry Oppa.. I’m sleepy…”

“You haven’t eat anything right? You should eat dear…”

“But, I don’t have any appetite..”

“Come on. You love steak right?”

“I love it… But, I don’t think I want to eat that…”

“So, what do you want to eat? I will buy for you…”

“Hm.. I want strawberry Cheesecake!”

“MWO? But, it just desert! You should eat something for dinner..”

“But, I don’t want eat dinner. I just want the desert…”She said and look at me with her puppy eyes..

“I will buy for you. But, you should eat the steak a little.. How about that..?”

“Hm.. Only a little?”


“Hm. Oc!”

I order the strawberry cake. Actually, I order the whole strawberry cake. Because I know she love strawberry. She eat the steak very little. Eventhough I want mad to her, but I can’t. I know it’s not what she want, it was the baby. So, I let her. She ate the cake happily like a children.

“Yoong.. Eat slowly…”I said and wipe the cream at her face..


“Yoong… Tomorrow I will go to the office to meet our director. You just stay here.. Arra?”

“Hah? I want to go too…”

“Yoong. You can’t. The director must be really mad right now.. And I bet, there must be a lot of reporter.. “

“Oppa.. It’s ok.. I am the one who start it, so I must end it as well.. Like what you say, we must through it together..”She said and smile at me…

“Neh…. By the way, I already told our families. I said we will go there tomorrow after we see our director..”


“Oppa.. Hm.. How about if we sleep together start from this night?”

“Hm.. Are you sure?”

“Neh.. We are husband and wife anyway…”                                          

“So, you want to move to my room?”

“Neh.. I thought so.. Your room is bigger than me. So, I will move my stuff and we can use my room as the baby room.. What do you think?”

“Great idea…”


What he said it’s true. There were a lot of reporter in front of the office. So we went from the back gate. Honestly, I really afraid, but he keep holding my hands, I think it can less my fears. We open the door and we greeting our director..

“Annyeong Hasaeyo Sir..”We said and bowed our head..

“We really sorry about everything…”My husband said..

“YOU TWO! Why you two didn’t answer agency call?”He said and yelled at us..

“Mianhae Sir.. We just came here to finish everything..If you want us to pay the fine it’s ok… I will pay it..”My husband said..

“Hm.. So, you two ready to go out?”

“NEH”We said in unison..

“Look.. I really don’t know how to explain this. It’s really out of expectation… How about if we make any deal?”

“MWO? New deal?”

“Neh.. After the conference.. We ask the public reaction.. And the result is make me so shocked.. They like you two as a couple. Eventhough they disappointed because you didn’t tell them before, but they still forgive you because of the reason. They even ask me to make you a couple in SM TOWN! They thought is the agency fault, so they didn’t blame you. And they don’t want you two out of your group especially because you two are the faces of you group. They said you two really a perfect couple.. Even, YoonHae and SiFanny Shipper say the same. So, I think there is nothing I can do right…”

“But, what deal?”

“I want you two stay here…”
“But, I’m pregnant sir.. How can I continue?”

“Hm.. How long is your pregnancy?”

“Hm.. It’s already a month…”

“Look, I think we should make you two as a couple in SM TOWN LA and at that time you can tell the public about your pregnancy. How about that? And then, I will let you leave until you labor. But, after that you can come back… How about that?”

“Sir, we can’t give you answer right now. We will discuss this to our parents. Especially because she is pregnant…”

“Oc.. Just give answer as soon as possible..”

“NEH…”We said in unison and leave the room…




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Chapter 32: I still love this ending. It was a great idea to reread this story.

I didn't say it before, but now I do, thank you for making this story and sharing it with us.
Chapter 31: My fifth moment of anguish, and on the other hand also of hope
Chapter 30: It was a nice surprise for yoona
Chapter 29: I was so glad to know that everything was alright
Chapter 28: even though it's a misunderstanding, I really suffered with these episodes
Chapter 27: Yoona needs to rest and not be so sad :(
Chapter 26: This was my fourth moment of anguish in this story
Chapter 25: what a sad moment Yoona and her family spent :(
Chapter 24: I still think this chapter is beautiful
Chapter 23: It's so cute ^.^