The kid.

My life as a manager

'My mum thought me that every human is kind. My mum thought me that you should give your 101% in everything that you do. But why do I feel so worn out? I can't believe I'm being hated for being the manager. I am human too. They are human too. Then  why were they so unkind to me? I did not do anything wrong right? I did not choose to become a manager either did I?!?!'

-Signing off,

Jung Eun Ji

Eunji-sshi, are you okay? I heard from the boys that the fans were mean to you. Don't take it to heart alright. We cherish you a lot!

The young idol squeezed Eunji's shoulder as he spoke.

Kamsahamida, it's just that it was quite demoralising to see such a thing. I was just trying to help... Besides, it's not like I dreamed of becoming a manager of the top boyband right? It just happened!

Eunji whined.

I'm sorry Eunji. But promise me to never let it affect you again. Netizens said I was too stiff to be in a dance group. They said the group will be better off without me. They said I was too childish; but look where I am now!

He offered his advice.

So now, let's not worried about it anymore. Here, take this. It's a bear made out of paper mache, use these markers to draw it as uglily as you want then crush it into bits! It always make me feel better when I'm feeling down!!

The idol places the bear on Eunji's lap.

As for the fans, I'll explain to them about you and I'll make sure they accept you alright?

His words came out calm and sincere. It made Eunji feel reaffirmed.

You're not so much of a kid after all Oppa, kumawo!

Eunji flashes her megawatt smile.

He was flustered and shyly scratches the back of his head while smiling sheepishly.

Eunji gave a respectful bow and walked into the house.


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