Welcome to my life

My life as a manager

Hey you young girl! Yes you, you must be in love with the Oppas right? So what if they are really handsome and charismatic on stage?! They're a whole lot of trouble behind the scene and this poor girl here has to endure everything silently. But no, I will tolerate no longer, I will pen down everything bit by bit; if I don't do this, I WILL GO CRAZY SOON! #t$#of#@  


- Signing off, 

Jung Eun Ji

'Eunji ah~~ Eunji!!! Help me please Eunji!!' 

Somebody with a hoarsely adorable voice shouted from the room. 

What's the matter Oppa?.... Ya! Why is the room in such a mess?! Didn't I just packed the room 2 days ago Oppa??

Eunji rushed to the room and to her dismay, clothes were flunked everywhere, the matteress was falling off the bedframe and magazines where everywhere.

Eunji ah~ I'm sorry... but I can't find my favourite blankie. Can you help me find them please? I need to cuddle them before I head out for my schedules! Without blankie, I won't be able to complete my schedule confidently!

The muscular young lad tags Eunji by her shoulder as he whines pitifully to her.

Fine.. I'll look it for you. But Oppa, please try to keep your room neat the next time alright. This is exactly why you can't find your blankie!!!

Eunji nags as she picks up the dirty laundry while trying to look for the 'blankie'

Eunji ah, are you really 20 years old this year? You seem like my Umma whenever you nag!!

He giggled as he muses about the maturity of his manager.

Eunji frowns and puffs up her cheeks to show her playful annoyance. 

Oppa found it!!! 

Eunji's eyes disappear as she picks up the blanket triumphantly.


He hurriedly took the blanket from Eunji's hands and put it close to his chest. His eyes disappeared as he spoke.



Okay, so here's the first chapter. Can you guess who this is? ^^ Please comment and subscribe as a form of encouragement and motivation for meeeee. C:

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