Here We Go Again

And So We Go (From the Sidelines)

Eli checked his watch. Where’s Kevin? I thought we were going to look for Kyung-mi together. He was standing near the staff gates of the pavilion.

He saw Hana pass by and grabbed her wrist.

“Ack!” Hana flinched, but calmed down when she saw it was Eli. “Jeez, don’t scare me like that!”

Eli smiled playfully. “I was standing right here!”

“Whatever…” Hana grinned back. “What’s up?”

“Have you seen Kevin? Did you know Kyung-mi’s here? Do you know whe-”

“Which question do you want me to answer first?” Hana rolled her eyes. “But I guess I would be answering both because they’re together right now.”

“What?! That jerk! We were suppo-” he turned away.

“Look…” Hana grabbed his shoulder, forcing him to look at her. “If you’re going to blame someone, blame me. Kevin was in there alone and then I managed to find Kyung-mi and bring her to him.” She winced. “Sorta… forgot about you. I didn’t know you were looking for her…”

Eli was about to sprint in the direction of the dressing rooms, but Hana restrained him yet again. All it took was one look in her eyes to understand what she was saying.

Don’t get in the way. Going there will only bring you more pain. Let her go.

Eli sighed. He knew himself that Kyung-mi would always love Kevin and not him. He had been kidding himself if he thought he could somehow sweep her out of his arms. I’ve been a fool.

I hope I’m doing the right thing! Hana said, her brow furrowed. But I think I should trust my instincts. And right now, they’re telling me that nothing good will come if Eli goes in there. It’ll make Kyung-mi more… fragile? She’s been battling some sort of inner personality… it seems like she really did split in two.

Eli then looked at Hana, truly for the first time, and Hana felt her cheeks grow hot. What are you doing? He took in her sharp features and considered her smiling face. How come I didn’t see this before?

“Smile for me… one more time?” He asked, touching her chin lightly.

Hana backed away slowly, only to find the wall behind her. Oops. She stuttered as she tried to keep her usual calm composure. “I can’t just smile without a decent reason,” she replied, rolling her eyes.

Eli leaned in closer, not caring anymore if anyone noticed. He was beyond that. Kyung-mi had done that to him. I don’t love her anymore.

Hana’s body trembled as his lip was barely touching her ear. “I’ll be the reason you smile then.”


“What… what now, Kevin?” Kyung-mi whispered, still leaning against Kevin. He cuddled closer.

“To be honest… I was thinking of leaving U-KISS.”

“What?! WHY?” Kyung-mi turned to stare at him. “You love singing, why would you throw that away?”

Kevin pushed his bangs away. “Remember, I said was. It doesn’t matter where I am, as long as you’re there with me. And as long as you’re living in the States, I should be by your side. I never want us to part like that again.”

Kyung-mi grinned. “It was terrible. But… it doesn’t mean you have to come here.”

“You don’t’ want me here?” Kevin asked, worried.

“No, you’ve forgotten… I’ve lived in Seoul twice before, I think I can move back one more time. Who knows, maybe I can open up my own studio if I can’t work for NH anymore.”

Kevin smiled, kissing her nose. “Will your parents mind?”

“They’ll be alright. They trust my judgment. But before we leave, I want to introduce you to them. They’ll absolutely love you.”

Kevin shivered, still cautious. “And if they don’t?”

Kyung-mi shook her head. “That’s never going to happen, don’t worry.” A flash of mischief passed through her eyes. “Even if they didn’t, I wouldn’t let that stop me.” She held her right hand up, showing him her couple ring, as if it was some sort of confirmation.

Kevin only response was to kiss her intensely. But when they heard a knock on the door, the two separated, cheeks flaring.

Hana walked in with Eli in tow. “I sure hope you guys weren’t doing anything dirty while I was gone…” she laughed as she saw Kyung-mi’s embarrassment. “Did you?!”

“No Hana, of course not!” Kyung-mi responded back quickly. “I have morals too, you know!” but then she noticed Eli hanging by the door and quickly ran to give him a quick hug. “Eli!!”

Eli smiled, not one of those player smiles or anything of that sort – just a genuine smile. “It’s been a long time.”

He looks amazing when he does that, Hana observed. Wait?! What am I talking about?

“Too long,” Kyung-mi nodded.

“Look I hate to rain in on the reunion here, but Dae Ho is getting pissed. We were supposed to leave like twenty minutes ago.” Hana linked her arms with Kyung-mi, which surprised her. Things have really changed.

“The girls have some talking to do. I’ll make sure Kyung-mi gets home safely. We won’t be leaving until next week, so don’t worry, you’ll see Kevin again,” she explained to Kyung-mi, who gave Kevin and Eli a quick hug. Then the two girls walked out of the dressing room towards the entrance.

“So…” Hana racked her brain for some sort of girl talk topic. “Is everything all good with you and Kevin?”

Kyung-mi smiled. “Yes… thanks to you. I never in my life would think I’d be saying that, especially to you… Hana.” But once she realized what she said, she gasped and clasped her hands over .

Hana laughed. “No, I completely understand…” the girls exited the building and looked at the night sky. The stars appeared to be twinkling and a full moon was present.

“No… really, I have to… truly apologize for me thinking you tried to injure me,” Kyung-mi replied.

Hana swallowed. “I accept your apology. Let’s just… not do that ever again, alright? Me with being queenka, you with being… Erin.”



“Here, wait Kyung-mi!” Hana grabbed her arm before she could exit her rental car. Kyung-mi turned around. “Here are Kevin’s USA contact details, and mine as well,” she added, pressing a piece of paper into Kyung-mi’s hands. “NH will be staying here for about a week before flying back to Seoul… this way you can get a hold of us.”

“Great! Thank you Hana. Have a good night.” Kyung-mi flashed a small smile and walked out of the car. “I’ll see you soon.”



To: Kevin Woo (321-654-0987)

From: Kyung-mi Walters (123-456-7890)


Got your number from Hana.

Did you know she was the one who gave Leo (my friend) the tickets?

She’s changed, hasn’t she?

I’m sorry for not listening to you when you tried to tell me.


The time was 11:30. I hope it’s not too late. Maybe he’ll be too tired from the showcase to answer back. But within a minute, she got a text message back.


To: Kyung-mi Walters (123-456-7890)

From: Kevin Woo (321-654-0987)


It’s alright Mi-mi.

I would have done the exact same thing if I was in your position.

I love you. It’s been too long.

Tomorrow I have a free day.

Perhaps I can meet Mr. and Mrs. Walters then?


What a gentleman! Kyung-mi giggled, remembering the first night in Seoul when Kevin was texting her. De ja vous…


To: Kevin Woo (321-654-0987)

From: Kyung-mi Walters (123-456-7890)


I think that would be good.

I’m thinking dinner at my house?


My parents will be so excited when I tell them.


Everything feels so… official now, Kevin mused, typing back a response. But it’s not official until the company knows it. He bit his lip. Would they ask Kyung-mi to leave? Or do we keep this a secret? But I don’t want to do that anymore. I want everyone to know that she is mine.


To: Kyung-mi Walters (123-456-7890)

From: Kevin Woo (321-654-0987)


Looking forward to it.

Can I get your address?

Also, what are we going to do about Dae Ho and NH?


The thought didn’t cross her mind until Kevin mentioned it. What are we going to do?


To: Kevin Woo (321-654-0987)

From: Kyung-mi Walters (123-456-7890)


LA Heights, Floor 13 Room 135.

About Dae Ho and NH, I’m not sure.

I think Dae Ho will be sympathetic,

But I’m not sure about your manager.

I mean this isn’t a scandal, but…

I don’t know >< But I kinda want people to know.

No more hiding.



To: Kyung-mi Walters (123-456-7890)

From: Kevin Woo (321-654-0987)


We’ll sort this out when we’re back home.

(See, I used the word home ^_^)

You should get some rest.

I’ll see you soon.

With all my love and more, Kevin. xox.



To: Kevin Woo (321-654-0987)

From: Kyung-mi Walters (123-456-7890)


Alright, good night Kevin.

I still love you more >:D




Kevin was about to go take a shower when Dae Ho pulled him aside. The two was sharing a hotel room with Soohyun.

“Tell me I’m crazy, but did you see Kyung-mi in the audience?” he questioned, thoughtful.

“Yeah, she was there.” Kevin looked away, not wanting to meet Dae Ho’s knowing gaze.

“Hmm…” Dae Ho glanced at Kevin, changing his voice to a whisper. “Be careful of the path you’re walking Kevin,” he said mysteriously. “Don’t think your manager will be as… laid back as myself. He doesn’t want any distractions, especially in our line of work.”

Kevin turned sharply. “How did you know?”

Dae Ho simply shrugged. “I’ve been down the same road. I know the signs. Your manager won’t want any unwanted attention towards U-KISS. Rumors start you know, the media will be all over it. She won’t be able to walk anywhere in Seoul without some people trying to follow her wherever she goes.”

That’s a bit of an exaggeration. I’m sorry Kevin, but think about what’s best for her.

“Some nasty rumors spread by the media will make everything that much harder. What makes many KPOP groups popular is the fact that they’re single and ‘available.’ Your popularity and success of U-KISS rides on everyone’s fan girls, I hate to say it.” Dae Ho cautioned, turning to his room. “Just think about it, alright? Go sleep. I need to talk to Eli too.”

“About what?”

Dae Ho walked away. “The same thing I told you.”

Kevin walked back to his room, any thoughts of taking a shower vanishing. He lay down on his bed, hands behind his head. She’s the one… how could Dae Ho say that stuff? He doesn’t understand.

But maybe he does? And what if he does? Should I take his advice? But I can’t leave Kyung-mi again for the second time. Not again. I promised her.

We’ll just sort this out when we get back to Korea. I should be happy.

But for the rest of the night, Kevin couldn’t get what Dae Ho said out of his head.


Hey guys~~ I’m back!

Hope you didn’t miss me too much ;)

Jks, hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Updates will be continuing as usual, expect them!

Also, ignore what I said about the story ending. It’s far from over!

It’ll happen when it’ll happen.



Ps. I managed to write this chapter before I left and even though I’m dead tired, I’ll update for you guys. The time I took that break really helped me decide how I want my story to go. I’ve even managed to think about how my next stories might happen, but I’m going to finish this one first. It’s good to be back.



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suddenly nineteen subscribers... wow... ily guys! even if im not updating this one


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Chapter 42: Wait im confused about the ending xD
Is Kris Kevin? Because it was Kris all along? (since Kris's real name is Kevin) or like something going on there? XD
Holy im still so confused about the ending omg LOL But it was amazing <3 So much hardships.
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 2: Oh! This is interesting!!! I love it >_<
Chapter 43: But really. I can't wait for the sequel. :D
Chapter 43: I want to see how kris and Kyungmi met and make kyungmi and kevin get back together. I feel so heartbroken that kevin throw the ring into the river.:'( hahahaha anyways.. HWAITING~!
@ _KissMe : wrote on your wall ^^
Man i was at the edge of crying. First story that made me cried.:) well done.^_^
@Kevinwoolover1998 im considering it...

@kimhyeah thank you! I'll try to make it the best I can make it so you won't be disappointed! No guarentees on when it'll be released though.

@ikaterina hmmm....
Ikaterina #8
I agree with KevinWoolover1998 xD
KimHyeAh #9
I want to see how kris and kyungmi met? all all.
I want kevin and kyungmi to be together kkk. ^^

I'm so excited to read your sequel... :)
I want divorce so Kevin an KyoungMi can be together!