Back On Track

And So We Go (From the Sidelines)

Holy crap, he’s here. Kyung-mi thought as she locked eyes with Kevin. Her face burst into the biggest smile in a long long time. I love you Kevin.

Kevin too was shocked. I… what… she… but… who’s that guy beside her? His eyes narrowed. This better not be some cruel joke…

Why is she here?! Eli gasped, shell-shocked.

Soohyun quickly gave Kevin and Eli a quick tap, unnoticed by the screaming fans. “What are you two doing? Get into position.”

Kevin forced himself to look away and prepare for their first song. The fans began to quiet.

Eli took a deep breath to prepare his voice and so did Kevin.

This song is for you, they thought, unaware of each other’s emotions, and opened their mouths.

When the wide ocean dries up
When the sun loses its light
Maybe that’s when this love will stop
When the first snow falls for the thousandth time
When the stars fall like rain
Perhaps that’s when you’ll know my heart that goes only toward you
You’re a special person that I long for to the point that it hurts
I don’t know the words of separation
Even if my life ends and I’m born again

I want you I need you
I hold you even if I add on every word in
The world to the words, I love you
It’s not enough for me, that’s my heart
I see you I hear you
I feel you wherever you go,
My heart will
Protect that place
I promise you,
There will no longer be tears of sadness
Always I’ll be there for you

When you leaned against my shoulder
and softly held my hand – that’s when I knew
that this love cannot stop

When at some point, you leave
When this world falls into a deep sleep, please remember
Remember me, who loved you with all my heart
You’re a person I long for even at the moment I look at you
Even in my dreams, do not speak of separation
Even if I’m reborn several times

I want you I need you
I hold you even if I add on every word in
The world to the words, I love you
It’s not enough for me, that’s my heart
I see you I hear you
I feel you wherever you go,
My heart will
Protect that place
I promise you,
There will no longer be tears of sadness
Always I’ll be there for you

I want to add on all the happiness in the world
and give it to you
I’m never gonna let you go

I want you I need you
I hold you even if I add on every word in
The world to the words, I love you
It’s not enough for me, that’s my heart
I see you I hear you
I feel you wherever you go,
My heart will
Protect that place
I promise you,
There will no longer be tears of sadness
Always I’ll be there for you
I just can’t stop loving you

(A/N: I know some people don’t like seeing the lyrics – I tend to skip them too – but it seemed fitting.)

Kyung-mi felt tears come to her eyes. This song portrays exactly what I feel. This couldn’t be a more unique moment. Kevin, I can’t wait to talk to you again. It killed me to leave you Kevin, do you know that? A part of me stayed in Seoul, with you. She tried to will her thoughts to him.  

Leo watched Kyung-mi. He longed to hold her hand or comfort her on some level, but he kept his promise and tried to banish his feelings about her.

I’ll find someone else. But was there someone else for him? Someone who knew exactly what he was thinking or shared his passion for dance? His mind briefly thought of Hana, but then he rejected the idea. They were too far apart and he too valued their friendship too much.

And of all the nights for this to happen, it had to be today… I just want to go home.

Kevin saw Kyung-mi crying. Surprisingly, she didn’t ask for comfort from her male friend. Maybe they’re just friends after all. Then again, that’s what Eli looked like. I need to talk to her.

Once the song finished, Kyung-mi didn’t trust her voice to cheer with the fan girls – she might end up bawling her eyes out instead.

Then, the music for Dora Dora was played. The lyrics were such an opposite from ‘When Love Stops.’ It talked about how the girl was a player and all the boy wanted her to do was leave.

Does Kevin think I’m a player? She thought, glancing at Leo worriedly. Maybe he thinks I’ve moved on too fast and I don’t know! Ugh! Maybe I AM a player! I let Eli kiss me that night, and then the next morning Kevin did the same thing… I’m a terrible person, aren’t I? Maybe Kevin doesn’t love me anymore either.

Kevin watched as Kyung-mi’s face distorted into utter depression. His heart went out to her. Don’t worry Kyung-mi. We’ll get this sorted out soon and then you’ll be back in Korea in no time.


“Thank you everyone for joining us on this special night!” The MC exclaimed. “All the performers hope you’ll continue to pay much more attention to the KPOP world. Thank you L.A!”

Leo stood up with the rest of the people. “Come on Erin, I’ll drive you hom-”

“Um…” she bit her lip, unsure of what to say. “That won’t be necessary. I’ll take a cab.”

“Look, I brought you here, and I totally understand if you don’t want to talk to me anymore or anything, but it’s the least that I can do-”

“No!” Kyung-mi argued. “It has nothing to do about that Leo. It’s just that…” she racked her mind for an excuse. “I-I think I saw my cousin in the crowd. I haven’t seen her in ages, so we’ll want to catch up at her place, yenno, coffee and tea?”

Ugh… not my best excuse ever.

Leo shook his head, stubborn. “I thought you said you’re going to take a cab?”

“Look, I’ll be alright. Don’t worry about me,” Kyung-mi said coolly. Better to break things off fast and as painless as possible, instead of making the pain linger. It’s for the best Leo, I’m sorry but I won’t lead you on and give you false hope.

Leo felt like a bullet had hit his heart. “Alright then… have a good night.” He stalked off quickly. I need some air. He raced out, pushing past the masses and jumped into his car. Once inside, he banged his head against the steering wheel. Maybe if I had acted differently… this would never have happened. I’m such an idiot. I’ll talk to Hana over the phone. I don’t think I can stand another second here.

He put the car into drive and cruised out of the parking lot.


Meanwhile, Kyung-mi ran to the backstage doors where a huge crowd of fans were eagerly looking for an autograph or picture.

“E-excuse me…” Kyung-mi feverishly tried to push by them, but they just gave her death looks and continued cheering.

“Aish! What am I going to do?!” Kyung-mi muttered. I need to get in there some how.


Kyung-mi turned around and saw Hana’s slightly sweaty face. “What are you doing here?”

“Trying to talk to Kevin- look, I can’t explain things now bu-”

“I know.” Hana looked hard into her eyes to show she wasn’t lying. “… and I can get you in.”

“What are you waiting for then?!”

“You,” she said, teasing slightly. She took off at a brusque pace, away from the crowd.

“Where are you going?! The U-KISS dressing rooms are-”

Hana rolled her eyes, reverting to her usual self unconsciously. “Unless you want to walk through that torrent of screaming high school girls…” she shrugged. “Have it your way, I guess. But for myself, I’m going through the staff entrance.”

Kyung-mi stopped suddenly. “Look, Hana…”

Hana turned back slightly, but continued walking. “You and I can talk later, alright? Let’s get you to Kevin first. He’s more important.”

The two reached a discreet door on the far side of the complex, where a muscular man was standing in front of. Hana flashed her staff pass and he let them in. The two found themselves in a brightly-lit hallway, with several doors marking prep rooms.

“Look, before you go talk to Kevin…” Hana said warily, turning to face Kyung-mi. “A small warning for you – he’s pretty torn up about everything.”

“So am I!” Kyung-mi said hotly. What are you waiting for Hana?! I need to see Kevin now.

Hana swallowed, calm. “He thinks you’re with my friend, Leo-”

Kyung-mi’s eyes widened. “How did you know him?!” something in her brain clicked. “Is that how he got the tickets? You gave it to him?”

Hana nodded. “Yes. Look I could keep elaborating on how I know Leo, or you can go in there and talk to him yourself. He’s usually the last one out, and was still in there with a few other members before I went out-”

“To look for me?”

“No, to go hunt some flamingoes,” Hana answered sarcastically. She gestured to a door on their right. “Get him back.” Her expression softened, remembering what her brother told her to do. “I’ll be rooting for you.”

Kyung-mi stared at Hana for a moment, and then grinned sheepishly. “Thanks… and… I’m sorry.”

“What for?” Hana pretended to check her nails.

“For… for everything.”


Kevin grabbed his last belongings. He was tired, confused, and all he wanted to do was to be able to catch Kyung-mi before she left. If I hurry… I might be able to see her. He walked to the door.

But he was shocked when she came through the door instead and threw her arms around him.

“K-kevin…” she sobbed, hysterical.

Kevin dropped his sports bag and hugged her back with all his might. He pressed her head closer to his chest, smelling her hair. “Shh…shh… why are you crying?” He gently cupped her face with his hands, taking in what he saw.

Blue eyes. Fair complexion. Blue eyes…

Kyung-mi grabbed him by the neck and kissed him furiously, as if it was the last kiss they’d ever have together. Kevin noticed she was still wearing their couple ring and smiled at the memory.

“Mmm… Kyung-”

“Shush…” she said, breathy as she kissed him again and again. “Less talk, more kissing. You have a lot to make up for. Three months without seeing each other…”

“Kudos to that…” Kevin whispered, pulling her to the black couch. He broke off the kiss, preferring to nuzzle comfortably into the crook of her neck. “You have no idea how much I missed you.”

Kyung-mi shuddered. “I-I’m… I’m sorry…”

Kevin kissed her neck. “What for?”




They were surprised to see Kyung-mi propped up with a multitude of pillows. She had a big smile on, touched that everyone waited so late to make sure she was alright.

But she frowned when she saw Hana.

“Get her out of my sight. Now!” Kyung-mi whispered in anguish. “Why would you come here? Disappointed? Couldn’t get the job done?”




She fell back into her pillows, annoyed. I’m not going crazy. Didn’t everyone see it too?

This is all Hana’s fault. I knew she was going to try to do something, but she took it too far.

I can’t wait until I can walk again, and I’ll show her what too far really means.

Kyung-mi gasped slightly. She couldn’t believe what she was saying. When did she ever become so… evil?

But she shook it out of her mind. It’s all Hana’s fault. You’re just doing what every human being would do in your place.




“I was such a …” Kyung-mi cried. “I can’t believe you put up with me for so long Kevin.”

Kevin too, looked back. He blamed himself for everything of course. He doubted his girlfriend, something that destroyed the trust the two had in each other.



“How can you give up like that?!”


“No! You just used me!” Kevin said hotly. “Your attitude against Hana was also uncalled for! What do you have to say about that? I want the old Kyung-”

“I don’t want to fi- OLD KYUNG-MI?” Kyung-mi turned around, enraged. “Kevin, if you can’t handle me at my worst, you definitely don’t deserve me at my best!”

“Fine! Just go to the States then! Find someone else! Why should I try when you’ve given up on me?”



“I wasn’t any better,” Kevin admitted. “I doubted you.”

Kyung-mi stared at him. “But I decided to go back here. I thought what I was doing was for the best… but in reality… I didn’t want to face the problem. I…I didn’t want to face you.”

Kevin sighed. “No one’s perfect,” he said, drawing his arm around her, kissing her forehead.

“Besides, it was just a short detour anyway.”


Hey Guys, important message I have to share:


That is why I did a double update today.

I'm sorry everyone, but please enjoy this chapter for me.

-dayturnstonight <3

(keep the comments going guys ^^ ily!)



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suddenly nineteen subscribers... wow... ily guys! even if im not updating this one


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Chapter 42: Wait im confused about the ending xD
Is Kris Kevin? Because it was Kris all along? (since Kris's real name is Kevin) or like something going on there? XD
Holy im still so confused about the ending omg LOL But it was amazing <3 So much hardships.
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 2: Oh! This is interesting!!! I love it >_<
Chapter 43: But really. I can't wait for the sequel. :D
Chapter 43: I want to see how kris and Kyungmi met and make kyungmi and kevin get back together. I feel so heartbroken that kevin throw the ring into the river.:'( hahahaha anyways.. HWAITING~!
@ _KissMe : wrote on your wall ^^
Man i was at the edge of crying. First story that made me cried.:) well done.^_^
@Kevinwoolover1998 im considering it...

@kimhyeah thank you! I'll try to make it the best I can make it so you won't be disappointed! No guarentees on when it'll be released though.

@ikaterina hmmm....
Ikaterina #8
I agree with KevinWoolover1998 xD
KimHyeAh #9
I want to see how kris and kyungmi met? all all.
I want kevin and kyungmi to be together kkk. ^^

I'm so excited to read your sequel... :)
I want divorce so Kevin an KyoungMi can be together!