Day Two

Three days, two nights [Hiatus]

There weren’t a lot of things Jinyoung disliked. But if he really disliked something then it was being woken up early. He was actually on vacation and yet the tour guide had to knock on his door around six in the morning just to tell him that breakfast would be ready at seven. The red haired grumbled a loud ‘yes, thank you’ in hope that he heard it and tried to get back to sleep.
After a while he got up with the thought to better not miss breakfast; not after what he had to go through the day before. When the red haired looked into the mirror he got surprised. He looked like he had been partying hard through the night even though he had been doing the very opposite of that.
“Okay!” the guide clapped into his hands “Now that everyone is here I can tell you the plan for today.  After breakfast we are going to pass some rock formations you can take pictures of and we are going to go to an island where you can canoe. Then we will come back so that you can pack your things until lunch. We will bring you to the harbor where a bus waits for you. It brings you to your hotels.”
At the word ‘hotels’ the red haired began to choke on his food. He coughed and drank a glass of water to get it down his throat. He turned around and looked at the guide. “H-hotels? What do you mean by that?”

Jinyoung got to know that being on this ship was only a part of his three-days-two-nights-trip. Still shocked he stood there a few meters away from the boat and watched the other canoeing. He didn’t know how long they would stay and he didn’t know how to canoe. But wasn’t he on vacation? Shouldn’t he try it at least? The boy sighed and walked over to the workers.
As he was approaching them they threw a life vest at him and claimed that the foreign girl who already sat in the canoe would need someone to partner up with. He sat down behind the girl and took one of the paddles and began to move the canoe. Unfortunately, the foreign girl knew as much as Jinyoung how to navigate or even move this kind of boat.
The girl was moving the paddle too much so that water came into the hole he was sitting in. Maybe that was what the workers meant with ‘the stronger one’ needs to sit in the back.
Almost an hour passed like this. Jinyoung was relieved that it was finally over but on the other hand he was less happy due to his now drenched pants.

Before lunch was served, the red haired ran into his room to shower and to change his clothes. He threw his things into his bags and brought them out to the main hall. There, he noticed the black haired boy who was driving the ship. Jinyoung approached him and was about to say something when the girl from earlier asked him to help her out.
Although she was a foreigner, she could speak a little bit Korean; she also apologized for drenching his pants. He agreed to help her filming a video. She said she wanted to show her relatives a little bit of the culture and the things she saw or people she met. While both of them talked about this and that Gongchan witnessed every bit of it.
He would have also wanted to talk with Jinyoung but he was just an employee on this ship and he thought someone from the city wouldn’t be interested in having a conversation with someone like him. The black haired wouldn’t know what they should talk about; he would mostly ask him things about the city and if he would do that he may seem annoying.

Now that everyone had finished their lunch they gathered in the main hall with their luggage and waited for the guide’s instructions. The red haired hoped to see Gongchan again when they would go back to the harbor. And he was right, the black haired – and the blonde one – were navigating the boat. As the boat was getting closer to the harbor Gongchan and his colleague switched their places. The black haired sat down next to Jinyoung, well between both of them was some space but it was practically next to him.
Once again and maybe for the last time he looked at the boy through his sunglasses. Slowly he remembered the girl he talked to. He took his camera out from his bag and made some random pictures. Then he turned to Gongchan and tried to get the boy on a picture but he kept looking away for some to him unknown reasons. The black haired stood up and looked for the harbor. Jinyoung took quickly a few pictures and turned to the other side. Baro also looked away like his friend did but the red haired was fast enough to get his face on the picture.
The boat bumped lightly on the waterside. Gongchan got off first and fastened the rope on a mooring so that the boat won’t move away while the passengers get off. The red haired was one of the last ones who left. He stopped walking when he stood in front of Gongchan. The other smiled at him as their gazes met and took Jinyoung’s hand into his and the other one on the red haired’s arm to pull him up the waterside.

While sitting in the bus the red haired had closed his eyes. The music filled his ears, making him forget his surroundings. In front of him he saw the smiling boy on his boat. The boy whose name he didn’t know; the boy with the dark grey printed t-shirt whose eyes resembled the eyes of a puppy. How he stood bravely on the bow without being scared to fall off, all free and smiling brighter than the sun’s light could ever be. This was a farewell the red haired won’t ever forget.
Arriving at the hotel he, the guide and another small group got off the vehicle and stepped into the building. Jinyoung recognized two figures standing near the reception, smiling and waving at him. The boy’s expression darkened slightly; he averted his gaze and choose to ignore his best friends. “Hey! We came to watch you hitting on girls.” The two noticed that their friend didn’t want to talk to them. “What’s with you? Did you get rejected?” Sandeul asked with big eyes. “I hate you guys.” he turned to the reception and was about to check in when his friends held him back.
Before they went upstairs the guide approached them. “Shinwoo! Are you joining your friend’s vacation?”
The so called nodded and put an arm around the male’s shoulder. “Thanks for organizing this for me by the way. That’s why you’re my favorite cousin!” The guide rolled his eyes. “Yeah, it’s not like I am the only cousin you have.” The boys laughed.
“You have quite some time until dinner. There’s a beach nearby; you just need to walk a little bit. In the evening all of us are going to the small amusement park which belongs to the hotel. Make sure to be here at time or else you’re going to walk all alone in the darkness.” he grinned and went to enjoy his free time.

The three had two rooms next to each other; the red haired had his own while Shinwoo and Sandeul shared one. They entered the hotel room and the first thing Jinyoung did was throwing his things into a corner and to lie growling with his stomach flat on the bed. The two other boys watched their friend and decided to leave him alone for a few minutes.
Trying to occupy themselves they dug in the red haired’s luggage and found his camera. They looked at the last pictures he had taken and wondered why he took pictures focused on nothing. Then the two noticed the blonde and the black haired. “Who are these guys?”
Jinyoung sat up instantly and snatched the device away.
“That’s just him.. and his annoying blonde colleague.” The others grinned. “So you found someone to hit on? Even though it’s a guy..” The boy shook his head. “They were employees on the ship I have been the last night. And no, I didn’t hit on him. There hadn’t been really a chance I could have. I don’t even know his name.” he sighed and lay back down.
Shinwoo and Sandeul tried to convince the red haired to do anything but sulking on the bed. After some time they had enough and were able to drag him up. “Stop sulking. We’re going to the beach now!” Sandeul exclaimed.


If you hadn't already noticed through my whining while chatting or so, I'm not really content with this chapter. It was propably a bad idea to watch kpop mvs while trying to write, although it kind of helped me to get almost the whole chapter into microsoft word in a day (which I thought this day would never happen) :D

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You should've ask who the ship guys was, u should've!!! or at least took a picture, lol
Chapter 4: > w <! At last update! Jinyoung should not discourage you will be running Channie, I know! Sandeul and Baro were so tender! ♥
Yena815 #3
Chapter 4: Yay, update~~ ^^ Yay, they met again O u O Even if it was only for a bit :P Baro and Sandeul xD <3 I really like ur story!
Chapter 4: Just when I start listening to B1A4, you update x)
Yaaaaah, Baro, I hate you è.é Just let them be ! Though it was awkward, it was cute ^^ And Sandeul is sooooo cute, I want to pinch his not-so-chubby cheeks !
These girls were annoying >_> I'm glad Jinyoung threw the girl away !
Dongsaeng~ah, don't be so hard on yourself !
Fighting <3
Chapter 3: imma new reader here :3 and yeah! i fallen in love with this *^* DAMN IT'S SO LOVELY~ especially when it's related to 'JINCHAN' HOHOHO! XDD //fan girling mode activated// *Q*
anyways, i like your story!!! i will wait for your next update author-nim! FIGHTING!! :3 ^3^
Chapter 3: Jinyoung is just so cuuuuuuuute :3 (Ok, I'm biased XD)
But he's terribly unlucky, poor boy ~ Gongchan, turn your pretty face to him so that he could take a picture of you ;)
Is Gongchan Shinwoo's cousin ? Anyway, they'll meet at the beach !
I'm so glad you finally finished fighting with this chapter :D
Update soon, fighting ! <3
nousername #7
Chapter 3: I like your story <3 Please update soon!
Chapter 3: Finally chapter 3! I thought you would not write more T____T, I love your story I hope you update soon!
SHINeeSNSDLover #9
Chapter 2: I like this story. Please update~
Chapter 2: Sequal please cuz i love this sn much