"Just Peachy"

Just Geeky

Yay~another update. This time it took awhile(i got to go on a mini vacation!) and instead of working on it, ive discovered the awesomeness of BAP(they're my current fav now). So i was slightly unmotivated during this chapter, so it may seem bad. Slowly NU'EST fades away as i keep listening to BAP even though i'll never get over ren after seeing weekly idol, but i think i'm forever going to love Beast(they'll always have a spot in my heart while the 2012 rookies battle it out). Anyways, sorry for any grammar mistakes and enjoy the chapter!

~The friendship that you’ve already thrown away~        

               I woke up and got ready like any other day. Ae-Cha was still here, but she would be leaving soon which meant I still had a few more days until my parents would begin to focus more on their other daughter. I trudged down the steps in a less perky mood than usual due to the fact that I’ve been Ren deprived for a while. I know 3 days without talking wouldn’t kill anybody, but it felt like I was slowly dissolving away. I tried to get some advice from the chess club, but of course those guys were clueless in my type of dilemma. Not even Yoseob was comforting me; instead I occasionally saw him actually talking to Ren who I caught whispering around me as if there was a secret I wasn’t supposed to be in the know about. After the fourth day of silence and since Ae-Cha was no use for my mom was constantly taking up her time, I turned to my last resort.

                “Whats she doing here?” I heard the girls whisper behind my back as I was approaching territory that no geek was to come in miles of.

                I slid open the door standing outside a bit surprised. My class was on break, but I knew some weren’t so I was worried about interrupting his class; however I don’t think the teacher cowering behind his desk would mind my entrance. It was chaos in the classroom with no one in their seats and some of the guys thrashing the math books and throwing balls of paper at the poor teacher. Ignoring the weird looks from those that noticed me, I quickly searched for him among the 1st years.

                “Watch it”, someone called out, but I was so busy looking, that I failed to dodge a full body slam from a guy who had lost his balance from whatever stupid thing he had been doing.

                “Ow”, I groaned hating this place full of potential drop-outs. “Ugh. Where are my glasses?” I wondered feeling around for my specs.

                “Min-Hee?” I heard someone say as I felt a hand lift me back onto my feet.

                I found my glasses slipping them back on only to see myself encircled by a bunch of faces. The girls were a mix of anger and jealousy while the guys had a scared expression. I then turned to the one in front of me only to see that even though he was familiar, he wasn’t the guy I was hoping to see.

                “Yeah”, I said already forgetting his name, but apparently he remembered mine. “Sorry, I shouldn’t be here”, I muttered finishing my check around the classroom only to see that the courage I stored up to come here had been for nothing.

                “If you’re looking for Seung Cheol, he skipped class and won’t be back for another lesson or two”, the boy said.

                “T-thanks…”, I trailed off wondering where had I heard his name again.

                “Na Youngwon”, he said telling me his name which I thanked again, “Hey, are you going to the party; it’s only a few days away.”

                “Of course”, I smiled lying to myself, “Can’t wait for it.”

                “That’s good; Seung Cheol was worried that you wouldn’t come if Myung-Soo showed, let alone NU’EST.”

                I snapped out of my depressed state. Ren didn’t tell me his friends were going to show. “Seriously?” I questioned.

                Instead of an answer, I was pushed out the door. “Your break’s almost over with; get going”, he said as I looked at my watch seeing that I had to leave anyways. “Later.”

                “Yeah; bye”, I mumbled heading back to class.

                Time flew by, and school soon ended. Once again I went a day without talking to my friend, and it began to bother me. I would’ve went to chess club for comfort, but I bumped into Yoseob who told me that club was cancelled. First off, I knew that chess never got cancelled and second, Yoseob actually talked calmly to me. Usually he’d be all adorable and cling to me, but instead he kept a distance and didn’t even stutter or screw up whatever he had to say. Everything was off, and as soon as I spotted Seung Cheol, I would finally be able to complain to someone about it.

                Even though he was surrounded by his friends, one of them noticed me and pulled me into the circle. “Min-Hee’s back”, he said as I recognized him from the class I had entered earlier.

                “Thanks Youngwon”, I muttered before looking up at Seung Cheol who gave me a happy yet confused expression.

                “Need something?” He asked making me forget what I had to say for a second.

                “Uh…I”, for some reason my brain couldn’t work properly. “Flash drive”, I said thinking back to the flash drive I was given a while ago.

                Once again I was given a weird look. “That’s it?” I just nodded reaching into my bag in search of it; I couldn’t find it though.

                “I left it a home; sorry”, I mumbled followed by a snicker from Youngwon.

                “Come on guys, we’re making her nervous”, He said having the rest of Seung Cheol’s friends walk off somewhere else, “You guys take your time talking okay.” I sighed relived of a little bit of pressure thanking Youngwon silently to myself.

                “So, I take it that you have something to say to me”, Seung Cheol spoke up.

                I nodded thinking over and over again on how I was supposed to say it. In the end, I just kept rambling on about how this party thing was bothering me. For some reason, it was causing problems, and I ended up making it bigger. I was doing it all to please this guy, but I also made another hate me. I regret being stubborn; I regret acting stupid; and I regret ever thinking that I had a chance in the love category. Parties are not my thing, and worse of all, my nemesis is going to be there. I’ll be alone, helpless, an easy target; and all I have is my phone to call my parents who probably won’t bother to show up.

                “You don’t have to go”, Seung Cheol said interrupting my rant on how all the bad things I could think of if I were to go.

                “But, I have to”, I snapped back.

                “Well, you keep saying it’s going to be lame, so there’s no point in going right?” He reasoned, “Plus, Do Yoon got us booked for a mini show where he works.”

                “That guy works?” I questioned knowing he was a member of Tempest; I thought he was too cool to have a real job.

                “Yes, we have to support the band someway, therefore it’s not like that party’s our last performance. Anyways, forget the party okay; I don’t think it’s worth fighting with your friend over something like that.”

                “You couldn’t have told me that sooner”, I sighed seeing that my so called problem was solving itself.

                “Well, since you seem to be in a better mood, I’m leaving”, he said making me frown at the thought of having to say by so soon. Apparently he noticed, and pulled me along. “Chess was cancelled?”

                “Yeah”, I answered as we neared the rest of the group, “Wait, how’d you know?”

                In the end, he didn’t answer my question and instead I was seated inside one of the music rooms. “Want to watch practice?” I nodded eager to hear them in person.

                Once the practice ended I went home. I let myself in seeing that mom fell asleep, and dad just happened to be at work. The only one to greet me back was Ae-Cha who hadn’t talked to me in days. The last was when I had broken the news to her about not confessing, but before I could explain more, mom rushed her out on another shopping trip. I dropped my bag by the couch before making my way over to my sister who was staring at me. It wasn’t to intimidate or just spacing out, but one that was trying to enter my mind; I hated that.

                “Any luck”, she said referring to my relationship with Ren.

                “Nope”, I replied taking out some candy from the cupboard.

                “Still going?” She asked knowing I was still wavering about going to the party.

                I paused remembering about the talk I had with Seung Cheol. “Not sure”, I said not fully convinced by him. I wasn’t just going for the concert; there was something more.

                “You know, I could go with you”, she suggested again, but I had always turned her down.

                “Nope, I’ll be fine.”

                “Let me drop you off.”

                “Nope, I know you at driving; mom said she’ll do it.”

                “Then let me talk some sense into Ren!”

                I sighed for even if Ae-Cha was the caring sister all kids hoped to have, I didn’t like having her help me all the time. Ren was my problem, not hers; everything was my problem. “No need; I have it under control.”

                “No you don’t”, she pointed out as I headed upstairs.

                I smirked, admitting defeat. “You’re right, I don’t.”

                Days passed, and it was already the day of the party. School went by and I was soon on my way home. Once I got there, my mom was already good to go despite her being 2 hours early. Quickly I worked on most of my homework before spending time to pick out a good outfit for tonight. At first I thought about not going, but then again, there’s no harm in checking it out. It’ll be a quick look and I got Doojoon to take me home. At first he tried to get out of it, but I knew he scored the highest out of all the chess members and already had a car; even though he never uses it, but he did pass the actual driving test so I should be good. Mom might freak not knowing my plan, but I know her and I know she either won’t care, or get over it once Ae-Cha shows up and does something.

                “Min-Hee, can I come in”, I heard Ae-Cha say followed by her knocking.

                “Yeah”, I answered as she opened the door. “What do you want?”

                “Just checking on you”, she smiled sitting next to me on my bed. “Sure about going.”

                I rolled my eyes tired of her asking me about this. Even if I didn’t tell her straight up, Ae-Cha already knew that I would go. “I’m just leaving for a bit; be back as soon as the live show ends.” I explained getting my pre-selected outfit out of the closet.

                “What happened to the love sick Min-Hee?” My sister sighed as I grabbed a pair of sneakers to match my clothes. “I thought Yoseob would help with your ‘problem’, but instead he made you join chess and you were surrounded by even more hopeless nerds. Then there was Ren who I knew wouldn’t fail me, but you decide to argue and keep to yourself instead of fixing it. Now, you lost 2 chances and if you go to this party, I’m certain you won’t get another one. There’s still hope for your love life; and…maybe a bit more popularity.” She nagged beginning to sound like mom. At the last part she muttered, I realized what she was getting at.

                “I embarrass you don’t I?” I gasped seeing that being as perfect as her yet still be related to someone so un-cool must affect her image. I was so stupid to think that this was the week I would finally get that wonderful sister bond I’ve heard about. She tried to deny it, but I had already caught her. “I can tell because you’re starting to act like mom, let alone all those signs that I’ve been missing. I bet you hate having such a lame sibling right?”

                “N-no!” She yelled getting up, “It’s just annoying knowing that while I’m having the good-life, you’re there to drag me down. Min-Hee is always gloomy and always alone; it gets annoying”, she admitted. “When I saw Yoseob, I tried to hook you too up thinking that would get your stupid life better, but instead you ended up grouping with more losers! Then, when I talked to Ren on the phone and explained what I was going through, I asked him…”

                “Ae-Cha, what did you guys really talk about?”

                She looked at me with guilt. “I said that you were hopeless in love and I told him that you liked him”, she said looking down; “At first he actually…laughed thinking it was a joke.”

                “So you lied last time?” I asked seeing that instead of what she had told me was Ren’s true feeling about me, were actually false. That he laughed hearing that his friend likes him; even if he heard it from Ae-Cha, why would he laugh at that. It was like having your best friend tell your crush that you like him for you, but then that friend comes back with bad news. Maybe he didn’t believe her; however, he must of never considered the thought in the first place, unlike me, right?

                “I did change the words a tiny bit, but it was because I knew you’d be so happy. That you’ll confess thinking you had a chance, and in the end…”

                “Have him laugh in my face?” I guessed also standing up.

                “I know he wouldn’t do that. People just keep their feelings to themselves and lie about it in order to hide them.”

                “Well I’m not going to lie about my feeling when I say that I hate you!” I shouted stunning her for a second.

                Before she could retort, mom called from downstairs. I the checked the time only to see that it was already time to leave; “If you excuse me, I got a party to attend to”, I told her grabbing my clothes then heading for the bathroom to get dressed.

                Ae-Cha then took a seat still in shock from my outburst. Sure I hated her in that sibling way, but I never yelled “I hate you” in that kind of way. “Min-Hee”, she whimpered while I abandoned her to get ready for mom was beginning to nag me once again, “I’m sorry.”

                I managed to get ready quickly and mom drove me to the party. I walked out arriving at what I knew was Myung-Soo’s home probably. It was big, expensive looking, and she even had a hired staff directing people on where to go. None approached me though for I was an unfamiliar face and I was even asked a bunch of times for my invitation. Being as smart as me though, I found my way to where the rest of the guests were, and I didn’t spot any sign of Myung-Soo once.

                “So far so good”, I muttered to myself as I swerved in between the crowd in order to spend time waiting at the snack bar. I was in an unfamiliar place, and I was alone. Sure I heard that NU’EST would be here, there would be some familiar faces, but they were Ren’s friends; not mine. With me on bad terms with Ren, to them it meant that I was the enemy as well. For some reason, I went from having so many friends, to just one person who was the sole purpose of me being here.

                “Want a drink miss”, someone asked behind the snack bar almost making me jump in surprise.

                Before I could answer though, I was handed a glass which I kindly accepted. “Thank you”, I said wafting the drink in case it might be one of those evil liquids teachers would warn us about; it ended up being lemonade.

                “Oh wow; she didn’t recognized me”, the waiter who handed me the drink said to another.

                “Don’t worry about it, she’s just stupid”, the other answered then left.

                “I’m not stupid you jer-“, I stopped mid-sentence seeing that it was one of the members of NU’EST. “B-Baekho?” I exclaimed.

                “Hey Min-Hee”, he greeted, “By the way, I didn’t call you stupid that was-.”

                “What are you doing here?” I asked cutting him off.

                “Working”, he simply answered, “Myung-Soo offered up a lot of money, so JR couldn’t pass it up even if it was working for his ex-girlfriend.” He explained, “What about you? Thought Ren talked you out of it.”

                “Well he didn’t”, I said, “and I’m here for the band.”

                “Since when did you become a fan of Tempest?”

                “I’m not!”

                Just then, I felt a hand on my head pulling me back a little. I turned looking up at Seung Cheol who was smiling like a real idiot. “You’re my fan right?” He said.

                “No”, I said sharply turning him down.

                “You mad?” he asked taking a seat next to me as Baekho left without saying bye.

                I thought for a bit trying to think back to what put me in a sour mood. Ae-Cha lied to me and I ended up almost confessing to a guy who I now don’t know if he liked me for real. I really believed her the first time and now she decided to break the news to me as soon as she sees that her matchmaking plans weren’t working. This is why I’m never going to like her; why we never got along. Ae-Cha can go from being to the caring ideal sister, to someone who can break your heart in seconds. All because of her, I’m not stuck in a sour mood at the enemies place knowing there are a bunch of NU’EST butlers waltzing around, and I still have to put on a smile for the last person I have to depend on.

                “I’m just peachy”, I grumbled chewing on my straw.

                “I can see being peachy , so just be a pear and smile okay”, he said giving me a small hug which put me in a better mood already. “With my favorite fan in higher spirits now, I got to go prepare for the stage. See you there Min-Hee.” Seung Cheol then left leaving me sitting alone again.

                “How the heck am I supposed to be a pear?” I wondered deciding to walk around.

                No one seemed to notice me as I made my way into the house. I had already looked around the giant backyard and found where the stage would be for the performance. Inside the house were tons more people and it was way cooler in here. I awed slightly jealous at the fancy structure, but this is probably just a one-time appearance; there’s no way her house is like this all the time.

                “Animal killer”, I thought to myself spotting a bear rug looking for ways to hate Myung-Soo even more and in hopes of finding any embarrassing photos of her or something that I could use for revenge.

                “Like what you see?” A voice hissed from behind. I gulped turning around to see Myung-Soo glaring at me all the while sporting an expensive one wear dress I though only Barbie could pull off.

                “It’s whatever”, I shrugged having to admit the queen sure had a palace.

                “And you’re here because…”she paused, waiting for me to finish it.

                “There’s food here, for free; why else would I show in a dump like this”, I snapped back going back into my peachy mood.

                Her cheeks flared up in irritation and in seconds I noticed her group of followers making their way to the scene. “Get out geek!” She yelled gaining attention from guests nearby.

                I smirked pulling out my invitation. “Another day maybe”, I said turning my back to her and walking out.

                All I heard was her screaming curses at me followed by a tackle to the floor. My head collided with marble leaving me in a dazed shock and pain. I kept thinking this girl was crazy as her normal friends pulled her off me all the while telling her how it was her day and not to make a scene. There’s was another clatter, but not from someone being ambushed by an insane teen. I looked around while trying to stand back up spotting a haze of black and white, the felt someone help me up.

                “Who cares about blowing my cover; I can’t take it any more”, the person said, “Min-Hee, you alright?!”

                “Yoseob?” I gawked seeing my nerdy friend decked out in a tuxedo without the glasses; he was like another person yet still held the innocent look no matter what.

                “Yeah it’s me. You remember right? Did you lose your memory or something?” He questioned worrying about me.

                I shook my head clearing all the fuzzy thoughts. “I’m fine”, I replied. “What are you doing here?”

                “Since I can’t lie to you, I’m actually on a secret spy mission.”

                With that stupid response, I hit on the head. “Be serious.” I demanded, “First its Baekho, now you; tell me why am I seeing guys from school dressed in butler uniforms?”

                “Here’s a hint to the source of the problem”, he began looking around as if people were actually eavesdropping on our conversation, “his name rhymes with Len.”

                “Okay, that’s it; where is he!”

                “Oh he’s over there”, Yoseob pointed out spotting Ren by the door.

                I face palmed myself wondering on how I missed him when I entered. “Why this guy.” I made my way over to him preparing to give Ren a piece of my mind; however Yoseob was clinging onto me.

                “You can’t go Min-Hee”, he cried out pulling on my arm. “Ren said that if I let you out of my sight, he’s going to murder my phone! I have important stuff on that thing you know.”

                “Like what”, I muttered, “You’re the elder one, don’t let freshmen push you around.”

                “But your numbers on it”, he said as I let my guard weaken at the sincere comment. “Min-Hee’s weak point; Yoseob aegyo!” He then shouted stunning me with his cute self.

                “Cheater”, I cursed as he pushed me away from the door earning a pleasing look from Ren who was holding Yoseob’s phone.

                “I’m just stage 1 so don’t worry”, he smiled leading me outside.

                I blinked confused. Stage 1? Does that mean there are more? What the heck is this? “What do mean stage 1?”

                “Oh, Ren said that Min-Hee and he are playing the silent treatment, so they can’t talk to each other. Therefore, me and a few others are making sure to keep you two apart, and also watch out for Min-Hee.” He explained.

                “Silent treatment, really?” I questioned not believing the immaturity, “He stole your phone just to hire you as a bodyguard of some sort; and you didn’t even fight back.”

                “That guy sure has a way of words you know and you got to admit it was good thing that I was looking out for you.”

                I sighed getting up, “Alright then, we’ll see how this goes then. Go back to your spy mission, I won’t run away”, I said spotting a familiar face at the turn tables and another picking up trash. “Stage 2, I guess”, I muttered to myself knowing they were part of NU’EST; Aron and JR. “Bring it on.”




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kamoi_mac #1
kamoi_mac #2
I really like how Ren can predict what she's thinking.....so cute. Love the story
OMFG I soo love the story but the mom is such a BIT*h!!! COM ON!!! IT's YOUR fUC*ING DAUGHTER!!!!! HAVE some DIGNITY!!!!
oh... and can't wait till the next update :D
oh comon these two are so stupid really they have to start a fight
however update soon plz
luv u
kamoi_mac #5
Love the cake fight
this is sooo nice and a very good story i luv the party :))
update soon plz plz
luv u
This is getting really exciting!
Update soon!
kamoi_mac #8
I continue to enjoy your updates!!!Keep up the good and hard work. already anticipating the next update
kamoi_mac #9
I have never read a Nu'est fanfic before and so far loving the members esp. REN of course!!!
Omo soooo nice and sweet
Please update soon plz