
Just Geeky

I felt lazy when writing so it felt like forever to finish. Since this is the whole love relization thingy, i wasnt too confident in the feeling parts so i maybe kinda whatever-like or too fast to happen. Itz kinda long since im use to writing 3000 words and because of sports i could only work on this at night. Anyway, sorry for any grammar mistakes and thanks to anyone that has read the story so far. Enjoy~!

~At your status, I’ll just click the “like it”~

                The next day i was forced to miss school. I didn’t want to, especially since I was curious to see if my life at school changed a little. I had met NU’EST yesterday, so I thought…maybe that would make me somewhat of a cooler person than I usually was. However, my mom made it strictly clear that today was going to be all about Ae-Cha. I always half dreaded the days my older sister would come over for a few days and spend quality family time with us. Unfortunately, for me, she was the center of attention which meant another day of my parents acting like I didn’t exist.

                “Quickly Min-Hee; we have to pick up Ae-Cha”, my mom shouted as I headed downstairs.

                “She can drive y’know”, I muttered to myself as I tied my shoes on, “Ready mom.”

                I headed for the door, until I was stopped by mom. She gave me a disgusted look before pointing her finger towards the stairs. “Like I’m going to let you go out in those clothes”, she scoffed looking down on my casual clothes which usually consisted of a simple tee, skinny jeans, and sneakers; not to mention my glasses that luckily went with everything. “Go back upstairs and change into something more suitable; we’re going to be taking your sister out to lunch for crying out loud.”

                I sighed knowing it was pointless to argue. I dragged my feet to my room in defeat. “It’s not like I have anything you would approve of anyways”, I grumbled.

                “Oh don’t worry; I bought you something to wear already. I had it laid out for you in your room; but I guess you just failed to see it”, she smirked; “It’s hanging on the door.”

                I frowned knowing what she was talking about. I did see it, but I was not going to wear something so…girly. Sure I know how to dress nice every once in a while, but I knew anything from her was never something for me to enjoy. “At least no one’s going to see me in this”, I sighed holding up the dress while peeking over at the matching shoes. “This is not what a geek should be wearing.”

                After I changed into the mom approved outfit, we all packed into the car. My dad was driving with my mom rambling on about her plans for Ae-Cha’s visit; she talked as if a queen was coming over when it should’ve been a simple outing with both of their daughters. Dad kept giving me apologetic looks from the mirror knowing mom forcing me into a dress was beyond something he could stop and that he was aware that Ae-Cha was slowly taking over the spotlight, even though she’s not even here yet.

                I leaned my head back wishing to be in school. There, no one knew about Ae-Cha, didn’t talk all day about her, and I was never compared to her in any way like I was at home. I looked down at my cellphone like always expecting the usual comfort call from Yoseob. Ever since he knew about the annual Ae-Cha day, he would text or call me, even if it was during school. That’s what I liked about the guy; he cares a lot, despite the recent mood swings, but I can’t help but forgive him in the end.

                “Are you listening Min-Hee?” I heard my mom call from the front seat as I noticed dad had gotten out the car, “We’re almost there so I want you to stay extra awake; I don’t need a sleeping girl to wake up with a moody attitude once Ae-Cha gets picked up”, she began beginning to nag me once again.

                I tuned her out by listening to my music while nodding my head occasionally so she thought I was paying attention. Dad came back handing me a snack for he too knew mom would throw a fit if she caught me dozing off. We were soon on the road again, with mom going back to complaining, nagging, and just being the worse person to have in the passenger seat.

                “Would you shut off that music; I can practically hear it blaring out from those headphones”, I heard her yell as I just turned down the music.

                “Bug off”, I cursed under my breath once she turned her attention back to some useless magazine.

                 Last night, I was out getting something for dad from the convenience store, when I bumped into one of the guys from Tempest. He was also in Seung Cheol’s band and had recognized me. That’s when he started blabbing on how their band finished another song, and that he had a bunch of recorded music on a flash drive. That’s when I was about to leave seeing that my time was slowly being wasted, until he gave me the files saying Seung Cheol wanted his favorite fan to hear it. I took it anyway, but as I left, I found it weird on how I suddenly went to being that guy’s favorite fan already; I’ve never even heard their songs before, but decided to listen to them today since I had time.

                “Oh and you better stop with the attitude; honestly, Ae-Cha never gave me attitude”, my mom added once again reminding me on how imperfect I was compared to my sister.

                I was about to snap back, but then I noticed we were here at the college already. As dad pulled up to the nearest curb, I looked out the window to see my sister standing alone with a suitcase and sporty another refined and mom approved outfit. Sometimes I envy her fashion sense and such stay in place hair, but I knew that the style was meant to fit Ae-Cha; definitely not me.

                “Hi darling~”, mom cried out receiving a princess like wave from her perfect eldest while I stayed in the backseat wishing to be anywhere but here.

                “Hello mom, dad”, Ae-Cha smiled letting dad store her luggage in the trunk all the while slipping into the backseat next to me. “It’s so good to see you too Min-Hee.”

                I took out one ear bud staring at her as if she said something so alien like. “Hey”, was the only thing I said before going back into silent mode.

                The entire trip back was silent. Halfway there, mom tried to make small talk and also brag on the many things she planned to do today. Dad also did his best to intervene in order to include me in the conversation as well, but I kept up the silent treatment and failed to comply with his attempt at helping.

                The first place we went to was some fancy restaurant that I’ve never been to. The only places we went out to eat were fast food shops or sometimes cheap diners. Once our names were called and everyone was seated, my phone rang. Immediately I checked the caller id and saw that it was my friend. I excused myself to head outside; of course mom had no problem with me leaving.

                “Yoseob; hi, thank god you called. Ae-Cha just arrived and”, I paused knowing that Yoseob would’ve stopped me by now; this wasn’t him.

                “Sorry, but this isn’t Yoseob; Ren by the way, if you couldn’t figure it out by now”, I heard him say as I kept double checking the number for I knew not once did I ever share my phone number with him before, and this must be Yoseob’s phone he’s using now.

                “Ren? Wait, where’s Yoseob; and how did you managed to get his phone?” I questioned.

                “Disappointed it’s not your boyfriend”, he teased making my face flush red. I never considered dating Yoseob, let alone getting a…boyfriend.

                “No!” I shouted into the phone alarming some of the other people around me. “It’s just that I know you guys don’t get along and that he always calls me on days like this.”

                “Well, we aren’t magically best friends, but once I caught him in the halls calling you, I took his phone and am now at the rooftop; also, I warn you that my friends are hear so try to refrain yourself from saying something stupid okay.”

                “NU’EST is around! What’s your problem”, I said trying to keep myself from yelling followed by a row of hellos from Ren’s friends. “You’re dead once I get back to school.”

                “Like I’m scared of you”, he laughed annoying me greatly, “Then back on topic, how come you skipped school, I thought geeks were forbidden to do that.”

                I decided to ignore the first part and decide to answer questions I knew would be coming, “I’m gone spending family time with my sister that got a week off from college. My parents always make me skip school when we have to pick her up; I’ll be there tomorrow so don’t worry.”

                “Worrying about you was not what was on my mind. Uh, how come you didn’t tell me you had an older sister; is she a nerd too?”

                “Far from it, more like a pretty faced princess with brains to match”, I said kind of disappointed that this conversation was becoming all about Ae-Cha.

                “You think I’m pretty and smart, how sweet of you Min-Hee”, I heard a familiar voice say behind me.

                “Eh, who’s that?” Ren asked from the other line, but before I could answer, Ae-Cha grabbed the phone.

                “Jo Ae-Cha, Min-Hee’s elder sister”, the girl said sweetly walking off with my cellphone, “and you are?” I tried to reach for it, but she swiftly ducked my swipe and scurried off. I found it hopeless to follow her and decided to retreat to the table for now. Glaring behind my sister’s back, I left her to converse with Ren on who knows what.

                Time flew by and Ae-Cha had soon returned. Without my parents noticing, she handed me my phone under the table then went back to being the perfect daughter. I dove further into my seat eating a little as I watched the others have a good time. All the attention was focused on her, and whenever a question was directed at me, mom would swoop in and turn the conversation to being about Ae-Cha again. By the time lunch ended, I was still thinking about what she said to Ren while I was gone, and also what he might have said back to her.

                With lunch over with, mom decided we should do some shopping. In the end, we only visited the stores Ae-Cha liked, and looked around the section with clothes that were meant for her. I tried to sneak off and go shop on my own, but mom refused for that option; even letting me go look around in for something I might want in my size. We then left with bags full of things for Ae-Cha, and a soda bottle I bought for me that I got at a vending machine; however mom claimed that Ae-Cha was dying of thirst and therefore made me give up my drink to quench the princess.

                Home…finally. Once dad pulled up to the garage and mom unlocked the gate, I bolted out the door and rushed inside with my own personal key. Before the others even got inside, I was upstairs already setting up what I called entertainment.

                Night soon came, and because dad forgot to clean out the spare room, I would have to share with Ae-Cha. Quietly I waited for her while on the computer as I remembered something. The conversation between her and Ren filled up my head. I then heard the door click open revealing my new room buddy clad in matching pajamas unlike my mix and match shorts and tee. I sat on my bed patiently waiting for her to settle in before making the first move.

                “I gave Ren your number, also, I simply did the usual background check on him; however knowing your other friend, Yoseob, I’m sure he had that covered.” She said beating me to the point.

                My heartbeat quickened as the atmosphere grew tense. Talking seriously with her was dangerous for her aim was always to mess with your mind in order to find the truth. I was a little thankful that Ren now knew my number which meant he must have a cellphone too. Tomorrow maybe I could ask for his number and we could keep in touch outside of school.

                “About you talking on my phone with him; um did he say anything”, I began curiously.

                “Yes, we discussed a lot”, she said as I snapped up at that. “You are such a lucky girl to have someone like him”, she smiled sweetly; I felt disgusted by her fake expression.

                “Lucky? Yeah right, I’m just geeky”, I said, but the curiosity hadn’t left me, “So, what did you guys talk about?”

                “How cute my little sister is”, she squealed hugging me, “The way he described you over the phone was adorable. He practically said your name in every sentence too.”

                “Liar!” I shouted bright red; like I’m going to believe something so obviously untrue.

                “Nope, I’m positive, and he also said not to tell you what I’m about to say next”, she began looking over at me.

                “T-tell what”, I asked nervous at what Ren had told her, but also willing to want my sister to reveal what this guy really thought about me. I know I’m not hated, but every day I was excited to see him, talk to him, just being together was nice; I sometimes wonder if it’s only me with these kinds of feelings.

                “I quote, ‘Min-Hee is a winy brat that needs a spanking’”, she said bursting out into laughter while I was probably on the verge of bursting into tears.

                “Really?” I muttered as she calmed down from what she deemed as funny.

                “Well that was what he said when I asked him how’s life with Min-Hee”, she replied then crawled over next to me, “I asked him if it was really true, and guess what he said”, she added lifting my face to meet hers.

                “What? I bet it must’ve been something worse.”

                She smiled hugging me again, “Wrong! Ren said, ‘Hell no, Min-Hee’s the smartest, cutest, loudest girl I’ve ever met’”, she said pausing to catch her breath.

                “Don’t leave such a cliff hanger! What’d he say in the end?”

                Ae-Cha leaned in close as if sharing the biggest secret in the world. “Word for word he said…Ren said, ‘and she’s also my first L.O.V.E”, she spelled out.

                It took me a second before realizing the words. I kept replaying her words in my head before imagining Ren actually saying them. Was it true? Is she really serious when she just revealed that from my lonely days in elementary all the way to right now; that I managed to “like” someone, and now know that he “likes” me back?

                “This is the part where you jump around all excited with your heart almost thumping out of your chest”, Ae-Cha whispered to me.

                I looked at her in disbelief. My sister had managed to read me and pick that moment to find out what I couldn’t in probably a lifetime. I peered over at the door that was closed then to my sister who gave me thumbs up to go ballistic. Nodding in understanding, I reminded myself of all the information I received bringing back the shocked feelings from seconds ago. It started with a muffled squeal  and small skips around the room, to full out shouting, prancing, and rolling on the ground losing my logic self that would’ve never dreamed of this.

                “You can thank me once you’re done”, she said as I slowly lost the energy to continue my joy.

                I rolled over to her thinking that the sister I had long lost connection with, had finally become my best friend again. “Thank you”, I said repeating myself over and over until she shushed me.

                “You’re welcome”, she smiled.

The next day I woke up extra early. I had plenty of time to get ready for school so by the time my mom would usually nag me to hurry up, I was already skipping down the steps. I grabbed my lunch then my schoolbag; I was full of bright energy.

                “Since you have so much energy, you can walk to school”, my mom droned on and on, but my fluttery heart didn’t drop a beat.

                “Later”, I said closing the door behind me.

                My normal pace to school got faster and faster as thoughts about Ren filled my head. Since I know how he feels, maybe confessing wouldn’t be too bad of an idea. I know we’re friends, but it’s better to get these kinds of feelings out in the open right? I then decided to check to see if I had the flash drive to return to Seung Cheol. I had already download the songs onto my computer and even recopied it back onto the memory so he could have it, plus I took the time to write up a thank you card and everything. Searching through my bag, I found that I hadn’t forgotten the flash drive, but there was something missing.

                “It’s not in here”, I gasped picking through all the pockets in hopes of finding the party invitation I got. I forgot to take it out, but I always had my bag with me so there was no chance of anyone taking it.

                After another search, I gave up finding it. I began to feel bad, my happy mood leaving. Once I reached school, I made up my mind to apologize to Seung Cheol about losing the invitation and also use that as my chance to return the flash drive. I had planned to see Ren, confess, and live happily ever after; now I’m stuck with gloomy feelings.

               Throughout the day, I didn’t see Seung Cheol once, but I did meet Ren. He kept asking me how my day was yesterday and I kept smiling while replying; however my mind was thinking of what Ae-Cha told me. Every time I saw Ren, I was reminded of my plan to confess, but I never really found a good time. He was either with NU’EST, or in the classroom surrounded by fan girls. To lift my mood a little, Yoseob came over to say hi and we talked, but I noticed the way he looked at Ren with mild distaste which told me that those two were meant to be mortal enemies.

                “You okay Min-Hee?” Ren asked during our last class of the day.

                “Yeah, fine.” I answered my mind drifting off to my lost invitation; I never did find out who was even throwing the party anyways.

                “Are you sure?” He pressed on.

                 I sighed seeing no point in hiding things from Ren; he could read my mind anyways. “I lost something”, I admitted receiving no sign of shock or concern whatsoever. “It’s an envelope with sparkles on it and fancy handwriting”, I described hoping he might have seen it.

                “Know what it says?” He questioned as I grew impatient.

                “Yes, it was an invitation to a party that I was invited to”, I said stressing out the fact that I was invited even if it wasn’t by the host themselves.

                “Oh that then”, he said reaching into his bag, “Found it lying around somewhere,” he then pulled out the very piece of paper I was talking about.

                I snatched it from him ignoring the final bell. “Just lying around”, I repeated knowing that the statement seemed fishy; I rarely lose things, especially if it was in my bag.

               “Nope I lied”, Ren confessed taking the paper from me, “Took it back then at the roof. I thought I recognized the writing, so I checked it; therefore I planned to give it back, but decided you’re better off not going.” I stared in disbelief for how easy he found it to just tell me straight out, but I think stealing from me wasn’t something that I was going to let slide.

              “Give it back; it’s not cool to steal from friends”, I said reaching for the envelope, but he held it out of my reach.

               “First tell me who gave it to you, and who’s throwing the party.”

               “Seung Cheol said I could go in order to watch him play at the party. I don’t know the host, but I still want to go since he asked”, I answered, “Now can I have my invitation back.”

               “What if I told you Myung-Soo was going to be there; would you still go for that guy?”

                My eyes widen at the mention of her name. “I didn’t know she was going”, I muttered, “But he looked like he really wanted me to go.”

               “What if you see her, meet her, and get bullied again?”

               “You can’t tell me what to do”, I pouted ignoring his warnings. “I’ll stay clear. I don’t need you acting like my bodyguard.”

               The conversation wasn’t sounding too good. I just stood up to Ren who didn’t want me to go for obvious reasons, yet I wasn’t going to listen. I’m sick of fearing that girl, and this time I’m not afraid to bash her head into a wall. I’m going to that party and no one is going to tell me no.

               “Look, I-“, I began, but Ren cut me off.

               He handed me the paper looking defeated. “Is he really worth it?” He asked before I took it.

               Suddenly, I felt like I heard this before. It may have been worded differently, but it was same choice I had to make. I sighed for I was exhausted with having to choose between people again. First it was Yoseob and Ren, but somehow I managed to keep relations with both of them; this time though, Ren made it seem like it was him or Seung Cheol, yet I didn’t pick the obvious.

                “I don’t want to disappoint both of you; I really want to go, he said they were getting better and better. I still like you though”, I said, but I guess he didn’t find my answer satisfactory.

                “No, you don’t like me because if you did, this wouldn’t be a hard decision”, he said handing me the invitation, and then made his way to the door, “Oh and whatever your sister might have told you was a lie got it!”

                “I guess confessing was impossible. Ren must hate me now”, I thought bitterly to myself as he left.

                “You bet I do!” I heard him shout reading my mind.

                 Later that day, I went home depressed. My sister was still here so of course no one noticed my downcast and therefore I locked myself in my room feeling sorry for myself. I kept thinking about Ren, how wrong things went and also reminded myself that I failed to return the flash drive. Ae-Cha later came trying to give me sisterly advice and comfort, but I pushed her kind act away and continued to feel gloomy.

Ren’s P.O.V.

                Luckily, NU’EST didn’t have another useless meeting today, so I left to do whatever. Sure I was mad at Min-Hee, but it’s hopeless to hold a grudge against her. I didn’t plan on fighting with her; after talking to her sister, she told me to tell Min-Hee how I really felt. Now I blew my chance, and may have to wait awhile especially since I know her overprotective friend will nag me on how mean I am to her. That geek was always trying to find something wrong with me, but slowly I could tell he was getting tired of it.

                Yoseob’s okay. Sure I hated him at first, but I never really knew the guy back then. Now, I know he just as hopelessly in love with Min-Hee as I am, but unlike him, I might have a shot. The girl is obsessed with going to that party though, and I can’t count on Seung Cheol to keep an eye on her, so I’ll have to resort to plan B. I took out my phone and dialed my new “friend’s” number.

                “Who’s this?” I heard the confused person on the other line pick up.

                “Ren; Hey Yoseob”, I greeted as I could hear lots of shouting and crashes in the background; I must’ve surprised him.

                “Ren, how did you get my number you creepy stalker?” He shouted making me have to hold the phone away from my ear for hearing safety.

                “Remember when I stole it yesterday?” I said as he figured out the explanation for himself.

                “Okay, then what do you want?”

                “If I say I need your help, would you agree to help me?”

                “If it’s robbing a bank then I’m out”, he said; Does he think I’m that bad of a guy? Sure NU’EST picks fight and all, but no of us have any criminal record…I think.

                “No stupid, it’s for Min-Hee’s sake so-.”

                “I’m in; explain.” I sighed at how simple this guy was.

                I then explained the idea I came up with. Sure Yoseob disagreed with some parts, but every time I mentioned Min-Hee, he would give in.

                “Alright got it”, he said once I finished explaining, “However, don’t think we’re going to be friends or anything.”

                “Wouldn’t think of it; but you do know it’s just going to be me and you right?”

                “ but do able”, Yoseob said, “I got to go, later”, I was then disconnected.

                I sighed glad he didn’t give me any problems. “With that over, onto step 2”; I said dialing another friend of mine.





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kamoi_mac #1
kamoi_mac #2
I really like how Ren can predict what she's thinking.....so cute. Love the story
OMFG I soo love the story but the mom is such a BIT*h!!! COM ON!!! IT's YOUR fUC*ING DAUGHTER!!!!! HAVE some DIGNITY!!!!
oh... and can't wait till the next update :D
oh comon these two are so stupid really they have to start a fight
however update soon plz
luv u
kamoi_mac #5
Love the cake fight
this is sooo nice and a very good story i luv the party :))
update soon plz plz
luv u
This is getting really exciting!
Update soon!
kamoi_mac #8
I continue to enjoy your updates!!!Keep up the good and hard work. already anticipating the next update
kamoi_mac #9
I have never read a Nu'est fanfic before and so far loving the members esp. REN of course!!!
Omo soooo nice and sweet
Please update soon plz