
Just Geeky

The next chapter(yay!). I took me a bit longer(only a week though). Sorry for any grammar mistakes, and hope it's good. Enjoy~!

~Because I’m different, because I’m not scared?~

                I got ready for school, like usual, but this time I made sure to look extra nice. I don’t really worry over my looks, however today was different. Both I and Ren made arrangements to meet with our friends. He and Yoseob would see each other at lunch, and I would be meeting with NU’EST after school. I knew he wasn’t the type to fret over something like this, but I was. Never did I ever think I would one day be face to face with NU’EST and having to talk to them.

                “Min-Hee; hurry up! There’s someone waiting for you”, I heard mom yell; hearing that there was someone waiting for me, made me think it would’ve been Yoseob, but I had a funny feeling that it was going to be someone else that happened to know where I lived.

                “Coming”, I said descending the stairs while putting on my glasses.

                Once I reached the living room, there stood Ren looking all innocent while chatting with my parents. “Oh you’re here Min-Hee”, my dad said spotting me watching the scene.

                “Hey Min-Hee”, Ren smirked waving at me who went straight to the kitchen to get a snack, “thought you might want some company to school.”

                I rolled my eyes; how could my parents not see the evil within him. I guess he hadn’t told them he was in a school gang, not to mention fighting on a daily basis. Honestly, I sometimes wonder, where on earth did I get my smarts from; surely not from them?

                “Gee; how caring”, I scoffed slinging on my school bag, “Later mom; dad”, I said heading out the door.

                “Please excuse our daughter, she’s not very sociable”, my mom spoke up as Ren grabbed his bag and slowly followed me.

                “Are you kidding; she’s completely perfect”, he smiled closing the door behind him.

                I decided to walk to school since Ren didn’t seem to bring a bike, and I kind of wanted our walk to last a bit longer. Silently I treaded behind him wondering if we’d bump into any kids from our school; but it didn’t seem likely. The only kids I would run into would be those neighborhood jerks. As if on cue, I saw them up ahead.

                “Hey, it’s the nerd”, one of them called out as the others soon realized my presence. “And she brought a poor soul with her; maybe a brain dead kid that needs tutoring.”

                I looked up at Ren whose irritation was sparked by the brats comment. Feeling an all-kill aura emitting from him, I backed away giving him the spotlight to talk them down. Instead though, he brushed passed the kids all the while snatching my hand bringing me along too.

                “You’re not going to trash talk them?” I questioned.

                “Not my job. There not worth it anyway”, he replied.

                Hearing the comment, a small stone flew passed us landing on the sidewalk ahead. Ren turned to see the kid who threw it. Apparently, they weren’t so happy at Ren’s answer.

                “‘Not worth it’! Who do you think you are?” One of them snapped throwing another stone.

                Ren caught it right in front of me all the while glaring at the group. “NU’EST’s best fighter, Ren”, he smirked tossing the stone right back to them, although he managed to hit one in the face. “Was that slow enough for you to understand?”

                Immediately the boys recognized the gang name and fled one by one. “We’ll be back; got it nerd”, One of them yelled, but cowered at Ren’s threating look and refocused on leaving the scene.

                “Wimps”, he scoffed continuing the walk to school.

                Not wanting to be left behind, I ran to catch up. “Don’t leave your friend behind!” I nagged pulling on his bag in order to slow him down.

                “There’s no way I’d ditch you”, he whispered in my ear as I felt my face redden from the embarrassing comment; it was as if he needed me. “Priceless expressions, like that one, would be a waste to leave behind”, he added as the funny feeling within me soon turned to rage.

                “You can’t be nice for one second can you?” I shouted picking up my speed wanting to be rid of his rude self; Yoseob was never like this to me; he would always smile and be my chess buddy.

                 Due to my quick gait, we reached the school. Attention was soon focused on Ren as a few fan girl glares were directed my way. Heading to my locker, he reluctantly followed obvious to the school vibe around us. Occasionally I’d look at him silently asking if it was okay to hang out like this despite the social difference, but he would always ignore me and stay by my side. Sighing I decided to head to class until I spotted a familiar face by the stairway.

                “Seung Cheol”, I muttered staring at the boy calmly standing in a circle of his friends.

                  I kept looking over at him surrounded by his bandmates with some that I knew were part of the other school gang, Tempest. They and NU’EST were like rivals and with Ren beating Seung Cheol, he eneded up joining Tempest. I kept up peeking over at him, hoping he’d notice me. In my mind I wondered if our meeting at the mall had already been a forgotten memory to him.

                “Let’s go”, Ren said suddenly tugging on my arm.

                I broke away from my view and nodded. “Alright, come on”, I sighed.

               Before I could get two steps in, once again I felt a pull on my arm. Turing, I was met with Seung Cheol who just grinned at me. Letting me go, I waved also smiling back, but I saw his friends givin us a weird look. I knew that they were wondering what was going on; I was too.

              “Min-Hee, right?” He asked, “From the mall; the one who gave me the cd?”

               I nodded peeking over at Ren who also gave me a confused look. “Yeah. Hi, Seung Cheol”, I said shyly; however I noticed him frowning at my sudden formality.

             “Don’t worry about them”, he whispered to me while pointing at his friends, “They already know about you. Plus, I could care less on what the others think.”

             “Then I don’t have to worry about you fretting over your rep after losing, right?” Ren butted in as I realized these guys might be enemies for the fight and the fact they belonged to their rival groups.

              I glanced nervously at Seung Cheol hoping he wouldn’t get mad and start a fight. To my surprise, he remained calm and even patted Ren on the shoulder.  “No it doesn’t”, he smiled showing no sighs of irritation, “Minki.”

              In my head I gasped knowing the rumors the girls had mentioned; Calling Ren by his given name was a ticket to hell. I looked from a pissed Ren to a satisfied Seung Cheol practically feeling their hatred aura surrounding the two. I tried to pull Ren back before anything happened, but he shrugged me off and continue to glare menacingly at the other gang member.

            “Care to repeat that?” Ren said staring straight at Seung Cheol as trying to intimidate him.

            “Choi, Min~ki.”

              In a flash Ren tackled Seung Cheol to the ground with me staring in shock. Kids had witnessed the scene and quickly surrounded the two chanting for one or the other to win. I didn’t think I could stop the fight; but I had someone else in mind that could handle this situation.

              Quickly I went to the 2nd year building and went to the class with him in it. At the door, I spotted the aegyo nerd studying and went inside.

             “Min-Hee?” Yoseob questioned as I dragged him out of class, “Wait; what’s going on?”

             “Your turn to stop a fight”, I said as we neared the 1st year building.

              By the time we got there, NU’EST had shown up, but it looks like they had no intention of stopping the fight. Ren had Seung Cheol up against the wall, and I couldn’t believe I might be the only one who would step in.

            “Go be a good senior and stop them”, I told Yoseob, then pushed him into the clearing.

             Everyone looked at him puzzled, even the two fighting boys halted their battle.

             “Stop; fights over”, Yoseob simply said glaring at Ren; not the best first meeting for them.

             “And your’re going to stop me”, Seung Cheol retorted grabbing hold of Yoseob’s shirt, “Try it nerd.” I guess whether older or younger, age didn’t matter to him; nor respect.

              Suddenly I heard chattering as a gap opened up in the crowd. I looked to see that the 3rd years from the chess club, Doojoon and Hyunseung were hear. Even though they were in our geek squad, people didn’t consider them nerds because of their status as 3rd years, and the fact that they were recongnized as soccer champ Doojoon, and emotionless Hyunseung. Doojoon kept people in line with threats of shooting a ball in their face, while all it took was a staring contest to scare off the uncomfortable kids from Hyunseung.

            “Break it up; you guys are bothering your upperclassmen”, Doojoon said making Seung Cheol drop Yoseob who scrambled to my side.

            “You too blondie”, Hyunseung added in looking over at Ren who held a personal glaring contest with Seung Cheol. He tried to direct it at Hyunseung, but he couldn’t take the roboctic look and retreated to his gang quietly watching.

              Slowly the crowd disappated knowing the fight had ended and class was about to start. “Yoseob, you okay?” I asked him who was straightening up his crumpled collar and crooked glasses.

             “Yeah, I’ll manage; thanks for caring”, he smiled, “Ah Doojoon, Hyunseung; thanks for stepping in”, he added then left.

             “Thanks you guys”, I said also wanting to thank them, “I apologize for my friend, Ren”, I put in addressing a disappointed look at Ren who tried to hide behind his friends.

           “Thank Gi Kwang for letting us know” Doojoon said patting my head like a kid, “No more fights okay Min-Hee?”

           “I got it; geez, I wasn’t the one who started it. Bye you guys.”

            Once they left, I turned my attention to Ren about to bash on his behavior, but I then noticed NU’EST was right by him. My mind went blank and my angry expression soon became flustered. “Not cool Ren”, I muttered seeing his smirk. “Jerk.”

           “See you in class Min-Hee”, he smiled brushing past me who stood with her arms crossed very annoyed, “Oh and, jerks don’t tease their friends.” He added once again reading my thoughts.

            I was about to open my mouth to retort, but he had already turned a corner leaving me behind with NU’EST. That’s when I realized I was alone; with the most feared school gang! I swiftly turned to face them catching a glance at their curious faces. I blushed like any girl would do, and looked down actin shy for no reason; these weren’t just normal people though.

           “So you’re Min-Hee”, JR, the leader know to tear up guys in seconds. “Nice to…”

            Before he could even finish his sentence, I bolted out of the scene. I turned a corner and was running down the hall to my class. I quickly slid the door opened and went straight to my seat right next to Ren looking all satisfied. I glared at him before sitting down and resting my head in my arms hoping my nerves would calm down. I was a geek; I don’t get much experience in socializing with popular guys like NU’EST, sure there was Seung Cheol, but he’s an exception.

            Class soon started, but my mind was somewhere else besides trying to take notes. The whole meeting between Ren and my chess friends would happen soon, and I beginning to get nervous. Already half of them witnessed Ren get in a silly fight over his name. He’s on bad terms with Yoseob, let alone the others probably think he’s an unsafe gang member! Then there would after school time with NU’EST, and that seemed more nerve wracking. All this worrying though didn’t even bother Ren who was completely calm about it; he even teased me on my nervous wreck self.

              The bell then rang with everyone but me and Ren leaving the classroom; however we would soon be leaving too. I packed my notebooks away peeking over at Ren who was just waiting around. “Must be a big day for you right?” I said trying to break the awkward silence.

              “No”, he replied giving me no hint on what he was really feeling. “Chess club is at the 2nd year building right?”

              “Yes”, I answered getting up from my seat. “Um, guess we should go right.”


               We walked in silence all the way to the chess meeting. Once we got to the door, I took a deep breath then knocked.

               “Who goes there”, I heard someone from the other side say; it must’ve been Yoseob.

                “It’s Min-Hee and…Ren, Yoseob; open the door”, I said knocking again.

                “I’m not sure; answer a question then”, he said as I complied knowing Yoseob was just trying to give me a hard time, like always. “How many power ranger figurines does Gi Kwang own, including the special edition series?”

                “102”, I sighed, “Let me in now?”

                “Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin~”, he sang, “Gi Kwang said you’re wrong~.”

                “For crying out loud”, Ren muttered kicking the door this time earning strange looks by other passerby’s. “Look dweeb, open the door, or else I’m going to knock it down”, he threated.

                “Try it brainless Barbie”, Yoseob teased as I face-palmed myself at his childlessness

                “If you open the door I’ll let you eat half my lunch”, I bribed knowing he could never resist a chance to taste my home made lunch boxes.

                To my relief the door opened a creek. “Really?” He questioned unsure of whether to give in.

                “All if you let both me and Ren in”, I confirmed bringing Ren closer to me to emphasize the fact it was both of us entering, or my lunch being eaten all to myself.

                “Fine, come in”, he complied as I went in first, but I saw him try to close the door ob Yoseob once I looked away.

                With me and Ren coming in, the group decided to sit in a circle which ended with me inbetween Doojoon and Hyunseung, and Ren next to Yoseob. I sighed knowing Ren would have to deal with Yoseob’s stare the entire time.

                “How should we start this meeting Hyung?” Gi Kwang asked Doojoon despite him being the leader; since Doojoon secretly was in charge to us, we would always let him decide things.

                “Introduction, since we have some one new here”, he answered already deciding to go first. “I’m a 3rd year and also part of the chess club, Yoon Doojoon”, he said looking at me to carry on.

                “1st year, Min-Hee, also the only girl at the chess club. Hi”, I said followed by a clapping Yoseob.

                Everyone then carried on their introduction, then it was the two I was the most worried about. The others seemed to have no problem with Ren, even if he hadn’t said anything yet so far except his threat pointed at Yoseob.

                “Yang Yoseop part of the chess club; 2nd year that goes by Yoseob”, He grinned then directed a mean look at Ren, “Yoseob, got it?”

                Ren didn’t even look at him and went on with his introduction. “1st year, Choi Ren.”

                “I thought it was Choi Minki”, Gi Kwang spoke up as I got nervous for I guess Ren didn’t want the others to know his real name that seemed to always make him mad whenever called by it.

                He remained calm and looked over at Gi Kwang. “It is, but I prefer Ren”, he stated then directed his gaze at Yoseob, “Got it!” He then shouted getting back at Yoseob.

                With the introductions over, we all turned to Doojoon who simply decided to let Ren and I make the big yet not so big announcement.

                “Uh, I made a new friend”, I said looking over at Ren, “Ren.”

                “There’s nothing to be shy about”, Ren said lightly hitting my head. “Confidence, you have to say it with passion.”

                “Then why don’t you do it”, Yoseob spoke up trying to defend me.

                Ren nodded taking on his challenge. “I’m Min-Hee’s friend, Ren. Since she cares so much about what you guys think, I’m here to prove how awesome I am…as a friend.”

                “That might not be much then”, Yoseob had cut in earning a punch from me.

                “Interrogation time then”, Gi Kwang said turning towards Yoseob, “You’re in charge of asking questions.”

                “Then Ren, what high school did you transfer from?” He asked.

                “I moved here recently, so my old school is nowhere near here.”

                “Where you part of a gang back there too”, Yoseob muttered.

                “No, I was too busy.”

                Seeing this was getting nowhere, Yoseob decided to ask something else. “How come you hate your actual name then”, he questioned which I was also curious about.

                “I just dislike it, it’s really none of your business anyways; besides, Min-Hee and I are friends, its not like we’re getting married.”

                “I know!” Yoseob said as I blushed a bit at Ren’s comment. “Just curious.”

                “Then get to the point, what’s so wrong about me?”

                “Bad influence”, he responded, “First off, you’re part of NU’EST; second, you act like a jerk to Min-Hee, let alone made her cry; thirdly-“.

                “Yoseob I told you not to tell anyone else that!” I shouted not wanting Ren to know about that day; I was just over emotional, that’s all. “Secret spiller!”

                “Sorry, it slipped”, he apologized showing a cute expression; I couldn’t help but want to forgive him. “then, back to what I was saying, thirdly, you got in a fight this morning too.”

                “You’re so pessimistic”, Ren sighed getting up, “I think you are the only one here trying to make me seem like the bad guy; why?”

                “Because…I”, Yoseob began, but decided to stay quiet.

                “See, you can’t even explain properly; you can only give excuses and simple-minded reasons.”

                “I didn’t want this to turn out like this”, I sighed to myself.

                “If he can last this long with Yoseob, then I guess he really wants us to accept him”, Doojoon whispered to me, “He just has to get through Yoseob; the rest are cool with him”, he added as I looked around to see that everyone had begun to just enjoy the argument between Yoseob and Ren.

                I really did wonder why he was so against Ren. Sure he’s not a geek or into chess, but he is nice, sometimes, and his hero act at the mall was cool. However, Ren failed at proving his good points to Yoseob who could only point out the bad in him. Although, Ren usually was lazy and hated conflicts, except that one in the morning, he would’ve left by now if thus wasn’t important. I smiled to myself glad that he was trying so hard against the stubborn 2nd year.

                “No, I’m not going to accept it!” Yoseob yelled as the two were now standing up.

                “Why? I showed up here and tried to be nice; you are the one acting like a stubborn, jealous brat afraid of sharing!” Ren yelled back.

                “Not true.” Yoseob gasped not admitting defeat.

                “True!” Ren shouted as they began to bicker back and forth.

                “Then just leave, you don’t have to try so hard.”

                Ren sighed done with this argument. “I do”, he stated heading towards the door, “Min-Hee’s my first friend, and if I fail at proving that to you this time, then I’ll just try again tomorrow.”

                He walked out slamming the door behind him. “Ya! Why’d you have to make things so complicated?” I yelled at Yoseob.

                “But I-.”

                I didn’t give him a chance to argue. Right now I was mad because I had all these happy ending scenes about this stored in my head, and he had just shattered them into a billion pieces. Ren had given them a chance and willying to be open-minded, but Yoseob wouldn’t open up a crack! I’m starting to think he’s the jerk, not Ren.

                “No, because of your inflexible mind to others, Ren left without you even bothering to give him a chance. You’re such a jerk, even worse than Myung-Soo!” I screamed at him, until I realized what I said.

                 I had just depicted him as even meaner than Myung-Soo. In my heart I knew he wasn’t anything like that, but my mind had couldn’t have thought of any other insult to describe my irritated feeling. Anger soon left me replaced with regret at my words. I knew why, deep down I knew he didn’t mean to act like the way he had, but I wouldn’t accept that as an excuse for today. In the end, I just felt bad.

                “I’m so sorry Yoseob, I didn’t mean too”, I said expressing my regret, but the damage had been done.  The others all looked at me with sorrowful looks understanding my anger and why those words had come out; however they too knew I went too far.

                “It’s okay”, he said looking me straight in the eyes; my heart sank seeing how hurt he was, and an escaped tear almost making me laced with even more sadness.

                 Before we both turned into whimpering teens, I made the first move to leave. “I’m just really sorry”, I said before heading out.

                 “Looks like I screwed up”, Yoseob muttered whipping his eyes free of tears.

                 “Yeah, you did”, Doojoon answered, “so you have to fix it.”

                 “Start off with apologizing to Ren, I’m sure there were some things you guys wanted to get across to each other.” Hyunseung advised. 3705 w

                “Alright”, Yoseob sighed hating the idea of having to see Ren again, “I’ll do it for Min-Hee.”

                The school day was coming to an end, but I couldn’t get Yoseob’s hurt expression out of head. I had already witnessed him happy and mad; I wasn’t ready for sad so soon. Ren though, continued on as if nothing had happened, occasionally asking if I was ready for meeting NU’EST in that cheeky way of his. That would always make me sigh knowing I still had another tough event before being able to just head home and have some time to myself for once.

                The last bell rang with everyone hurrying out of class. I sat thinking to myself about what was soon to come.

    “I’ll meet you there, later”, Ren said packing up his things.

    “You’re not going to leave me to face them alone are you?” I asked as nerves of worriment replaced the regretful ones, “Go with me.”

    “JR said I have to get there early, so after your chess club practice, head over to the rooftop. I’ll even meet you at the stairs so you don’t enter alone al aright."

     I sighed relieved by that plan. “Fine.” I said waving bye to Ren who was leaving.

                That’s when chess club practice came to mind. I would have to see Yoseob, who I wasn’t so enthralled to meet right now. As I exited the classroom, I kept on wondering wheteher to head to the club room or not. Should I be a chicken and cower from Yoseob, or walk in and settle the rift between us?

                “I can’t face him after all”, I said deciding to skip out this one time, “Now what am I supposed to do?” I wondered knowing I still had half an hour until I was supposed to meet up with Ren.

                Walking around the school in search of something to do, I overheard something. Passing by one of the classrooms, I heard music and singing. Unable to deny my curiousity, I glanced through the window in order to see who was occupying the room, and to no surprise, it was Seung Cheol along with the band people said he was in. Once the song had ended, I automatically started clapping, however, one of the members discovered me and quickly pointed my existence out. Turning around was Seung Cheol who immediately recognized me and made his way to the door.

                The door clicked open and I braced myself for numerous questions on why a geek was walking around the school instead of studying at the library or something

                “Hey Min-Hee”, he greeted as another person walked up to see who Seung Cheol was talking to. I knew that person as one of the gang members in Tempest, Na Youngwon.

                “Who’s she?” Youngwon asked before I could say hi.

                “I-I’m Jo Min-Hee”, I stuttered introducing myself.

                “I remember now, you’re that nerd that hangs around Ren from NU’EST.”

                “Yeah, that’s me. Uh, what are you guys doing here?”

                “Practicing, what else”, Seung Cheol replied stating the obvious, “One of the girls asked us the play at her party next week; she’ll even pay us if we do good.”

                “Then good luck”, I smiled slowly walking away.

                Catching my arm, Seung Cheol pulled out something from his pocket. “She gave me an extra invitation, so if you can come and watch me play, then.”

                I cut him off, “Sure, no problem”, I said taking the invitation, “Thanks.” I then hurried off leaving the two boys puzzled by my quick getaway.

                I managed to waste the rest of my time in the school library far from the chess club. Checking the time, I had to go to meet up with Ren. Heading inside the school, I went to the the staircase leading to the designated area. However, the one friend that was supposed to be waiting for me at the steps was replaced by someone else. I gulped knowing who it was, and I was not prepared to face this situation. As soon as I see Ren, I’m going to chastise him once again.

                “Min-Hee right?” The boy, NU’EST member Baekho, asked.

                I took a deep breath nervous despite the fact we were both freshmen. “Y-yes”, I squeaked clinging onto my schoolbag.

                What took me by surprise though was when he took my bag and led me up the steps like a gentlemen; I’m dreaming right? “Close your eyes”, he said, but to me it felt like an order so I shut them tight even putting my hands over them.

                As I felt us entering the rooftop, I heard a bunch of murmurs and a thud from my bag that must’ve been set on the floor. I began to freak out the unknown making me nervous. “O-open; now?” I quavered.

                “Yup, we’re ready”, I heard Ren say as I readied my fist in order to punch him.

                Slowly I peeked from my hands catching glimpses of other people and colorful scenery. Opening my eyes now, I was met with a group of smiling boys and noisemakers being blown in my face. I tried to locate Ren, but all of a sudden, confetti was thrown at me getting tangled in my hair for sure.

                “Surprise Min-Hee!” They all shouted.

                I went in shock almost passing out from the lack of space and air. “W-what’s going on, Ren?” I asked backing away from the boys whose giddy expressions hadn’t faded at all.

                “Ren told us he made a friend, and so we wanted to surprise you with a welcome party”, NU’EST member Minhyun spoke up pushing me into a chair, “Since you had chess club, it gave us plenty of time to set up, then we had Baekho go get you; amazing right?” He beamed explaining everything to me.

                Upon hearing that, I looked around the average concrete and fenced roof that was transformed into a decorated party scene. There were streamers lining the fence, and a table with a giant cake. I thought I was going to run into a dreary bad boy hangout, but instead I walk in on my own personal welcome party. I glance at Ren, from a poster board Minhyun was showing me filled with pleasant greetings from everyone, seeing a smirk plastered on his face as if saying, ‘I told you so.’ I stuck my tongue out while throwing a bit of confetti at him.

                “Now that you’re here, how about a speech”, JR suggested, but I saw a hint of amusement from him; was this his way of getting revenge? By having me speak in front of everyone?

                I was then seated in the middle of them who eagerly awaited my speech. “Uh…hi, I’m Min-Hee”, I started off not really knowing what they expected me to say. “I-I’m Ren’s classmate and his friend, so I hope we get along! Uh, I also want to thank you guys for throwing this party, you really didn’t have to”, I finished.

                I got one clap from Aron, the eldest among them. “Simple and to the point, very nice”, he praised getting up, “Anyone up for cake?”

                Immediately, JR, Baekho, and Ren got up and rushed to the table. I laughed at Ren whom I’ve never seen so excited for anything before. “Let’s have the party girl get the first piece”, JR suggested already cutting a piece for me, “Here Min-Hee.”

                “Tha-“, I was cut off for my slice of frosted cake met my face in seconds.

                “Do you like it Min-Hee?” Ren asked in that sarcastic way of his making me know for sure he was the one who caked-faced me.

                Wiping the frosting from the face, it was now all over my hands, so I decided to grab the squished cake and throw it at him. “Yes I do, how about you?” I said as he gaped at me in shock

                The others soon joined in with all of us making a huge cake mess on the rooftop. In the end, my uniform was spotted with frosting and I had cake in my hair. Ren had recovered from shock and continued the fight until his uniform was also messed up and he began trying to clean off the cake from his face. Since the guys had warmed up to me so quickly, I forgot the awkward and nervousness, which made me unafraid to cake them too. Of course JR had gotten his revenge on Ren and I for we got surrounded by the others who pelted us with the dessert.

                “There’s still one last piece’, Minhyun pointed out, “I think Min-Hee should eat this one.”

                I kindly accepted the offer. Everyone had quieted down as I begun to eat my cake in peace. I was down to the last bite; however Ren had stolen my fork.

                “Give it back; it’s the last piece!” I shouted reaching for my fork, but sadly I was on the short side and he managed to keep it out of reach.

                “You’re fat enough, let me have”, he teased eating the last I’ll ever see of my cake.

                “You’re mean”, I whimpered punching him multiple times wishing my cake could come back.

                “I think this party’s officially over”, JR cut in as I noticed the others were already cleaning up.

                “I’ll help you guys”, I offered, but Ren grabbed my shoulder stopping me.

                “Nope, you got to head home”, he said handing me my bag; “I’ll walk you home.”

                I was about to protest, but I ended up getting pushed through the door. Ren was even holding the collar of my uniform making sure I didn’t try to run off or something. Before I knew it, we were on the oath to my house, and I could only imagine what my parents would think when they saw me like this.

                “Here we are”, Ren said pressing the doorbell for me.

                “Bye”, I waved as he left right when my mom began to nag me on my tardiness and messy outfit. “Thanks for the party…for everything!” The gate then opened, and I walked in dreading what was yet to come.

                “See you”, Ren muttered to himself on his own way home, “Min-Hee.” He then reached his apartment complex stuffing the letter of invite he found in Min-Hee’s bag. It puzzled him of how she could get this, but he knew someone who might have given it to her; didn’t she even know who the hostess was for that party?




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kamoi_mac #1
kamoi_mac #2
I really like how Ren can predict what she's cute. Love the story
OMFG I soo love the story but the mom is such a BIT*h!!! COM ON!!! IT's YOUR fUC*ING DAUGHTER!!!!! HAVE some DIGNITY!!!!
oh... and can't wait till the next update :D
oh comon these two are so stupid really they have to start a fight
however update soon plz
luv u
kamoi_mac #5
Love the cake fight
this is sooo nice and a very good story i luv the party :))
update soon plz plz
luv u
This is getting really exciting!
Update soon!
kamoi_mac #8
I continue to enjoy your updates!!!Keep up the good and hard work. already anticipating the next update
kamoi_mac #9
I have never read a Nu'est fanfic before and so far loving the members esp. REN of course!!!
Omo soooo nice and sweet
Please update soon plz