New kid at school

Just Geeky

The first chapter! Sorry for any grammar mistakes; hope you guys like it!

~This is the difference between me and you ~

                “Min-Hee, get up!” My dad would yell from downstairs expecting his straight ‘A’ daughter to be ready for another “successful” day at school.

                “I’m up!” I would yell back despite still feeling sleepy and unmotivated for high school as usual, but I still had to go especially since it was me who wanted to go to a different school than my older sister.

                Yeah, I had an older sister, Ae-Cha. She was always at the top of her class, had the looks of an idol, and was perfect in every way. Once she left home for college in order to become a teacher, she left me alone at home with my parents who wanted me to be just like my sister; however, I wasn’t.

                I was smart, just like her, and even attended the same elementary and middle school as her. That only gave me teachers expecting me to be just like her, and my very first bully that my parents had no clue about.

                “Come on Min-Hee, you’re going to be late”, my mother then yelled.

                “Almost done”, I retorted already dressed in uniform with only my hair to do.

                It’s not like I hated my sister nor blamed her at times. She was even a best friend to me until she left me for college. Elementary was easy to get by, despite not making one single friend and having to always eat alone at lunch. It was middle school that made me curse my smart self and nerdy looks. All because I was considered the nerd at school, and the only time a guy approached me, was to copy my homework.

                “About time you got down here”, dad sighed flipping through his newspaper. “Hurry and get going.”

                “Yes father”, I said grabbing my pre made lunch from last night and my trade mark black rimmed glasses. “I’ll be leaving then”, I added hoping that today would be the day they would wish me off to school; they didn’t and instead I departed with silence following behind.

                I had to take a bike to school, which only made things worse for me. On the way, I’d usually get ambushed by the stupid annoying kids from my school; it was like this in middle school as well. In the beginning it was just a few insults before I was long past them, but later on it turned into throwing whatever nature had to offer. Sometimes I would wonder if they had actual lives before bullying me.

                “Hey four eyes, got somewhere to go?” One of them would say with another throwing some trash that I would occasionally dodge.

                I rolled my eyes, “School, where else?” I said pedaling by.

                I guess they thought I wouldn’t come up with such a simple answer for they didn’t spew another word. I ended up rounding a corner leaving them behind to probably mess with some other geek.

I kept my usual pace knowing that I’d be late whether or not I hurried. In a few moments, I could already see the school that gave me nothing but good grades and terrible headaches. Locking my bike at a hidden rack where I knew no one would find, or mess with, I walked along the sidewalk leading to the entrance.

                If only I had chosen to go to that private school my parents wanted me to go to, I might not have had to deal with this. Though, I couldn’t stand to go to another school my sister had already went to, and thought going to this one would be a chance to grow out of my geeky exterior. Well, that didn’t work out great for my old bully from middle school went here, and I’ve still managed to hold my title as the “Geeky Chic” at school.

                “I hate high school”, I sighed entering the building only to be met with a swarm of other freshmen just like me, and having to practically battle my way through in order to reach class on time.

                “Look it’s them. Yah I got to take a picture. Hey move you’re blocking my view”, I heard the usual fan girls say all trying to get a glimpse of the people that seemed to rule the school.

                I turned around also interested on how their useless girlfriend proposals would get shot down by the kingkas of the school, also known as the school gang NU’EST. They were composed of four guys with one as a third year, and another a second year; the other two were freshmen. Then I saw a few guys crowd around to see the usual group of queenkas that would stick close to NU’EST as if they were their bodyguards.

                “Move it nerd”, the head of the queenka gang said glaring at poor, defenseless me clinging onto her black school bag. This girl, just so happens to be my old middle school bully, and now my new high school jerk face, Myung-Soo. Not only was she considered the prettiest, and meanest, of the entire freshmen student body, she was also the lucky girl to be paired with NU’EST main ring leader, JR despite being younger.

                I just glared back then quickly ducked my head down, darting into the swarm of girls. Once getting through, I went to my class; however the bell had sounded with me being late to the lesson.

                “You’re late, Jo Min-Hee”, my teacher hissed ruining my secret entrance to my desk.

                With my cover blown I stood up and bowed before properly going to my seat. I plopped down in my chair heaving a big sigh knowing I was going to have to stay after class later. Bringing me out of my thoughts was the teacher who had this kid standing next to him; I didn’t know we were getting a newbie here.

                “Class, there will be a new student joining us today”, he announced letting the new kid write his name on the board. “You may now introduce yourself”, he directed towards the kid.

                “Choi Minki, but people call me Ren”, was all he said before clamping his mouth shut signaling the teacher that he was done.

                Surprised by the lack of words, the teacher just cleared his throat and continued, “Uh then your seat will be next to… Jo Min-Hee,” he said as I raised my hand to show my new seatmate where I was since I blend in pretty well here.

                Knowing where his new seat would be, the new kid, Ren, walk over and casually sat down next to me. The period then started, but most of the girls weren’t paying attention for it seems that Ren was attracting a bit of interest from his new potential fan girls. I just tried to ignore the jealous stares while sticking my nose in my text book wanting to disappear.

                As the lecture went on, I had this funny feeling that someone was watching me. I continued to take down notes, until I couldn’t take the stare any longer. “Need something”, I said talking to the blonde newbie who had turned his head to the other side thinking I hadn’t caught him staring.

                “Extra pencil”, he muttered pointing at his own pencil that had its tip broken off.

                I nodded secretly handing him a pencil I had stored in my pencil case. As he took it, I sighed knowing I had been taken advantage of again, even if it was for something silly like a pencil, I knew I wouldn’t get it back and by the next day he would probably ask for another one again.

                The bell for lunch soon rang with everyone bolting out of their seats to get their lunch as soon as possible; well not everyone. I waited quietly for my classmates to leave before taking out my already made lunch. About to chow down, I saw that Ren hadn’t left yet, and we were the only two left in the class. He just sat staring out the window making me think he didn’t even bother to eat today.

                “Didn’t you hear the bell? It’s lunch time; that means to eat”, I said trying not to sound too mean, but I knew what it was like to eat alone and not have any friends. Considering first impressions are everything, I think this guy better go out and make some friends before people start grouping him with people like me; plain, smart, and a loser that makes pretty good lunches.

                “I don’t feel like eating; too noisy”, he said not even turning around to face me.

                I puffed out my cheeks, something i always did whenever going into deep thought. “Great, the first kid I talk to in my class is a good-looking, unsociable guy that can’t even make direct eye contact with me”, I thought to myself getting a bit irritated by his attitude.

                “You’re thinking about me”, he said snapping me out of my thoughts.

                “N-no!” I quickly said my cheeks just happening to redden. “Can he read minds or something?”

                “I’m not psychic”, he the said once again guessing my thoughts, “It’s just that you’re too easy to read.” He added as I saw a hint of amusement on his face.

                “Why you-“, I began, but decided arguing with someone like him would be another headache ready to form. “Just go and buy your stupid lunch then make some friends”, I ordered pointing towards the door. “I’m sure those girls would enjoy seeing you”

                “They’re noisy though; you’re much quieter, although a bit annoying. Why don’t you leave and make some friends.”

                I hadn’t heard that in a while. “Me? Making friends?” I questioned knowing I had given up making friends by now. The only kids here that I considered friends were the chess club guys that I would study with after school. “I’m fine being a nerd”, I lied going back to eating.

                Our conversation soon died down after he heard me talk about the inside layout of a computer and everything I knew on bacteria. He’d just keep up his act of ignoring me and starving himself.

                Feeling a bit guilty, I pushed my lunch towards him earning a confused look. “I’m not hungry anymore”, I mumbled trying to explain my actions.

                “Asking me to eat then?” He said guessing what I wanted to happen.

                I smiled a little seeing him comply with my request. Once the bell rang, I quickly raced to the nearest trashcan outside wanting to hurry and get back to Ren. Maybe if I tried some more, we might even be friends. Dumping my trash in the bin, I made my way down the hall, until I saw one of the chess club members, Yang Yoseob.

                “Hi, Min-Hee”! The 2nd year greeted, running up to hug me; weird, shouldn’t he be in the 2nd year building here? “Why didn’t you show up at the club room?” He asked with a slight frown.

                “My class got a new kid, Ren, and I just decided to eat lunch with him since he was alone”, I replied, forgetting to meet up with the club. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to ditch you guys”, I apologized knowing the chess club guys were the only people I could consider friends at school.

                “Next time just leave him; he can make his own friends”, Yoseob pouted making me laugh a bit at his jealousy; I just happened to be the only girl at the chess club and according to Yoseob, I was the first girl to be his friend. I guess he thought I was favoring Ren.

                “Maybe he could come”, I suggested starting to walk back to class with Yoseob following.

                “That’s what you said about the last person; and guess where he’s now?”

                I sighed, “The stupid jock of the football team who dissed the chess club a week after he became an athlete, but Ren’s different”, I protested even though Yoseob couldn’t agree; he always hated other people that weren’t part of our circle of geeks, which made it even harder for him to make friends. Somehow, I just had this feeling that the seemly cold-hearted Ren, wouldn’t judge people based on popularity; or was he just being nice to the geeky me?

                The bell soon rang with me already at my class. “Ah I’m going to be late!” Yoseob gasped sprinting to the 2nd year side of the school not wanting to miss math class, “Later Min-Hee!”

                I waved at his retreating figure before heading inside the classroom. Walking to my desk, I sat with Ren; however he had his head lying on his desk apparently asleep. “Did I take that long”, I said to myself.

                “Ne”, I heard someone say making jump a bit until I found out it was Ren turning his head to the side to face me. “I even decided to wait for you; a waste that was.”

                “Sorry”, I whispered seeing the teacher come in, “I really didn’t mean to make you wait”, and I added sincerely not wanting to make a potential friend think I didn’t care about him.

                “Whatever”, he muttered before falling back asleep. I tried to wake him up not wanting him to get in trouble, especially on his first day at school, however my efforts were in vain.

                All the classes had ended as I packed my stuff up ready to meet with the chess club after school. This time though, I wanted to bring along Ren, but couldn’t seem to muster the courage.

                “Later”, he said slinging his bag on then left the classroom, “Min-Hee.”

                I blushed happy that he called me by my name; somehow I had thought he had forgotten. I kept thinking now was my chance to ask him, but i just held my tongue. “Bye, Ren”. I said walking past him out the door.

                I headed to the club room greeted by the best chess player ever, Lee Gi Kwang. He was a 3rd year and in the same class as NU’EST member Aron. Besides being our best player, he was the head of the club and always scored in the top 5 in his grade.

                “Hey Min-Hee”, he greeted pulling out a chair for me.

                I was about to sit down before I saw something outside. Our club was positioned by the window in the 2nd year building giving us a view of the front of the school. I thought I was just seeing things, but there’s no way I could mistake that blonde newbie or the group of people surrounding him.

                “Is something wrong”? Yoseob asked me trying to see what I was focusing on.

                I just waved off his worriment and gave a reassuring smile. “It was nothing”. I simply said taking my usual spot at the table preparing the chess pieces on the wooden board. “Let’s just start playing; anyone good enough to beat me”?

                As if nothing happened, Yoseob quickly sat down on the other side of the table. “I am”! He said so enthusiastically that it made me want to forget whatever I saw.

                “He’ll be fine”, I kept repeating to myself even though there hasn’t been one kid that could take on NU’EST on their own. What I they wanted to beat him up; but that didn’t really seem like a job NU’EST had to do. Usually they get the girls or some wannabies to go win easy fights; however I’m sure Ren could handle himself! What if, they came to tell him to not hang out with me because it would ruin his status? I hate thinking about other things while playing chess; it always makes me…lose.

                “Yay I won!” Yoseob cheered as I soon realized that I had made a wrong move and he had managed to make a comeback.

                “You weren’t thinking about the game were you?” I heard Gi Kwang nag already aware of my losing habit. “Next time focus and play seriously okay”?

                “Got it”, I sighed getting up so the next person could play.

                Chess club soon ended so I headed to the hidden bike rack. Unlocking it from its hold, I was about to ride off before noticing Yoseob who was trying to unlock his own bike. I got off and bent down to help him for we reluctantly knew each other’s locker combinations.

                “Thanks Min-Hee!” He smiled in that cute way of his; if only the other girls could see him when he’s in aegyo mode, then maybe if he took off the glasses, he’d no longer be grouped with the other geeks. However, Gi Kwang once told me that’s the reason why Yoseob dressed as a nerd on purpose; to see who were really his friends rather than just the come and go ones.

                I got back on my own bike and pedaled off for only a few feet for Yoseob once again stopped me. “Can we…head home together”? He asked shutting his eyes as if I might say no.

                “Sure, just keep up”, I said earing a surprise hug that almost made me fall off my bike. I figured yes since his house was actually on the way to my home, and it’d be nice to have someone with you, instead of enjoying the scenery by yourself; even if it was just made up of busy streets, lots of rude people, and a few spots of actual plant life here and there.

                By the time I got home, Yoseob was long gone and I had just opened the door to my house. Like always, my parents were at work so I usually would grab a snack and head to my room for homework. Everything after that was just free time mainly for studying, but this time I couldn’t study properly. My mind would always drift off to the outcomes that could’ve happened between Ren and NU’EST.

Tomorrow though, I wasn’t going to worry about that for I had a mission to do; have Ren become my friend. Sure we talked today and I thought we were off to a good start. I got to find out tomorrow whether we can keep talking and hangout at lunch or something besides waiting till lunchtime to be alone. I may have the chess club, but I need to…expand my social life to other groups. Instead of sticking with the kids like me, I need to branch out, while Myung-Soo is under the radar probably too busy to mess with me.

“Why’s life so complicated”, I sighed deciding to cram some more studying in even if I couldn’t find the energy to concentrate fully.




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kamoi_mac #1
kamoi_mac #2
I really like how Ren can predict what she's cute. Love the story
OMFG I soo love the story but the mom is such a BIT*h!!! COM ON!!! IT's YOUR fUC*ING DAUGHTER!!!!! HAVE some DIGNITY!!!!
oh... and can't wait till the next update :D
oh comon these two are so stupid really they have to start a fight
however update soon plz
luv u
kamoi_mac #5
Love the cake fight
this is sooo nice and a very good story i luv the party :))
update soon plz plz
luv u
This is getting really exciting!
Update soon!
kamoi_mac #8
I continue to enjoy your updates!!!Keep up the good and hard work. already anticipating the next update
kamoi_mac #9
I have never read a Nu'est fanfic before and so far loving the members esp. REN of course!!!
Omo soooo nice and sweet
Please update soon plz