Those Six Months


"A lot can happen in six months," you think to yourself with a sad smile. 



I wrote this story for a subscriber whose birthday is today! Happy birthday! ^^ 

This is my first time making a story of this sort, so I hope you enjoy it. :D 

I apologize in advance for the horriblness of it. It tried to write it in a day, so I'm not sure if I was/am in the right mind currently. OTL 

Please make sure you continue to bear with me. All the goodness and sweetness of the story will come on the 6th and 7th chapter OTL (Trust me, it gets good. LOL.)

In a writing spree to get this epic chapter done with ;~; I'm thinking about spliting it into two parts. (Cliffhangers~ kekeke~)


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The h*ll? Are these the people he called as family? How can his own cousins kill him?
I cant believe he has a up family members when in previous chapter his bubbly & sweet nature make it seems the otherwise.
*am sorry for the sudden rage* XD
@HaesicaLover- OTL I am horrible aren't I. ;~;
@eggyeolk- kekeke~ That secret shall come out soon... maybe ^-^ LOOL. i know~ after I wrote it, I was doubting if I should make them all wimpy because they're both taller than Lay and know xD
@XxtaerilxX- LOOOL. That's good. I tried to make it shocking~ LOL. I wish I could put them into jail, but that wouldn't be as fun~ I'll figure out a punishment for them later c; keke~ Thanks ^-^
XxtaerilxX #3
!OMO!!! i was shock with what Kris and Tao did!!
<3 i hope those two idiots i mean people put in jail NOW!! hahaha.. just kidding.. btw thanks for update!! i like it
Luhan's so sickeningly sweet I just can't ;~;
I'm actually butthurt during the dinner scene with his family, it means the world to me get blessings from my significant other's parents, but I guess having Luhan's love is already more than enough <33
I wonder what's Luhan's reason/story behind the nickname Strawberry :)

Basically rolling like a buffalo just imagining Kris and Tao as cowardly wimps. XD
LOL. I'm glad that you're excited for it. I really want to get this up ASAP. //sobs// The next chapter is too epic though. I actually have to plan it OTL I'll try to update late tomorrow or early Monday (CA times) <33 //huggles//
Thank you guys so much for all the encouraging comments //huggles// I'm working on the last chapter right now~ //sobs// i hope you guys like it. <3
XxtaerilxX #7
sweet like candy~~~!! i like it.. i like how Luhan being sweet and i like it all... update soon~~!! :)