How All Problems Start Part.1



                After a hard day of dance practice and recording for their new album, the 12 idols of EXO returned to their room. Once they entered their apartment they all sighed in relief knowing that they would have the rest of the night and early morning for themselves. Some, like Kai, Chen, SuHo, and Lay, went directly to their rooms to rest and probably sleep. Others, such as Xui Min and D.O., went directly into the kitchen to eat and cook for the others. The rest went to the living room.

                “SeHun-ah! Want to watch TV together?,” LuHan said to SeHun while patting the seat next to him on the couch. SeHun had other plans in mind that he wanted to do with LuHan but decided to keep quiet. He was always afraid of what LuHan would say about his ideas and feelings, so he never said anything.

                “Sure, hyung. What are we going to watch?,” SeHun responded quietly. LuHan looked at SeHun with confusion. He didn’t know what was going on SeHun recently. After he came back from China, SeHun was acting differently towards him. It was a little weird at first, but now it was just bothering LuHan that SeHun isn’t telling everything like brothers should.

                “Let’s just look at the shows on right now and watch the one we like the best,” LuHan said with a small smile. SeHun just nodded slightly while plopping down into his seat next to LuHan. Even though SeHun sat in the seat next to LuHan, he tried to sit as far away possible from his Chinese friend. LuHan looked at SeHun with confusion in his eyes which were quickly replaced by pure hurt and possibly longing. Without even looking, SeHun knew what the exact look of LuHan’s face would be. He wanted to comfort LuHan and ask for him for his forgiveness. It took all his willpower not to though. Then, after a few more tense moments, both idols heard a voice.

                “What are you guys do?,” Tao said while skillfully walking over to the couch.

                “We are just about to watch some TV,” LuHan said slowly with his eyes never leaving SeHun and in his cute Beijing Chinese that SeHun adored.

                “Well I hope you don’t mind me watching with you guys. I’ll just sit down here,” Tao said after he sat down with is legs criss-crossed and his giant panda in his lap. Tao stared at the TV and its ever changing scenes. He had a giant smile on his face while thinking about the day’s previous events.

                “Hey Tao, where did you get that panda from? You never had it before,” LuHan pointed out. Tao’s smile widen at the question.

                “Oh, a fan gave it to me while we were on our way back to the room. When I went to stop by the bag store, a fan recognized me and gave it to me,” Tao said which was something that he really was repeating.

                “That’s so cool!,” LuHan said to end the conversation.

                ‘It is cool, isn’t?,”  Tao thought to himself while smiling and looking across the room at the real panda-giver.

                Over on the other side of the living room, Kris was sitting in front of the computer logging into the fanboards, weibo, and YouTube. While the computer was updating, he could feel the breaths of both Chanyeol and Baekhyun on his neck.

                “Hyung! Hyung! It’s done loading! Hurry up! I want to read what all the fans said!,” Chanyeol said excitedly while jumping and pointing at the screen.

                “Okay, okay. Hold on, Chanyeol. We’re going to look at the YouTube comments first,” Kris decided. As he slowly scrolled through all the comments, he was forced to translate all the English ones for Chanyeol because if he didn’t, Chanyeol would have made a fit.

                “What does that one say, hyung?,” Chanyeol asked excitedly while pointing to an English comment.

                “It says, ‘The only all derpy and gay group created by SM can be found here on YouTube. Embrace their glory,’” Kris hesitantly said.

                Chanyeol just gave out his signature laugh and pointed to another one and asked Kris to translate that.

                “That one says, ‘Wow, never would have guessed that the strongest looking guy in the group would actually be the gayest one,’” Kris translated. He re-read it again and soon his vision began to blur with red because of the anger that overcame him.

                Chanyeol said stood there with his mouth in an ‘O’, unaware of the feelings surrounding him. From Kris, pure rage ran through his veins. On the other side of Kris, Baekhyun stood while staring at Chanyeol with admiration.

                ‘Wow…How could someone be so unaware of his elders and their feelings?,” Baekhyun thought to himself. Before he could think anymore, his concentration was broken by voices talking.

                “Oh, hyung! Are you okay? Do you want me to read the comments instead of you? I think you might be catching a fever or something,” Chanyeol said with concern while placing his hand on Kris’s forehead.

                “I’m okay,” Kris said in a monotone voice while trying to calm himself down, not noticing that Chanyeol’s hand was on his forehead.

                ‘He didn’t brush my hand off of him! This is a good sign! I might have a chance,” Chanyeol thought to himself. He smiled brightly while looking down at his hand that was on Kris.

                Baekhyun just stood there in surprise. He would have never thought of Chanyeol doing that to someone, especially Kris. Baekhyun could tell that Chanyeol’s actions were not for concern, but for skinship. This was something that Baekhyun would not allow. 


I hope you enjoyed this first part of the story intro. Please leave as much feedback as you can, negative or positive. I would appreciate it and love you forever ^-^ Please also leave possible future topics and such. Thanks so much~ Please take care of me and I will work hard. OTL 

I was planning out Part 2 of this chapter when I ran into a problem....


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I'll start to update this story once I'm done with 'Those Six Months.' That'll probably be mid-August. ^^


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@strawberrybellbell- Thanks so much! Means a lot to me <3
@1wkeylove- //nods// I understand. I was going to put them together but then I changed my mind to something else OTL But I'll try and see what I can do. ^^ (I should make them like BestFriends or Step-Brothers and then BAM. Forbidden love.... LOL)
idk.... since I'm Kris biased (in EXO), i think it'd be nice for the leaders to "pair up"
this is good so far
@Luhanniette- Thanks, that means a lot to me ^^ O: When's your birthday? I'll try and update on it <3
@HandsomePaul- I'll try<3 ;D And good luck on fixing up your story. If you need any help or another review, just ask (:
I like this! Hopefully you'll update on my birthday!
Thanks ^^ //huggles//
Well, I wanted everything to be up to the readers so yeah.. ^^;; If you have any ideas on what the pairings should be, just say so ^^ But, there won't be any definite pairings for a while since there's going to be a whole bunch of drama and love triangles. OTL I'm glad you enjoyed the story and leaving a comment <3
PhoenixSummer #7
So far so good!:o Is this going to end up Krisyeol or Taoris though? :o