Please remember me

Please remember me

Tik tok tik tok tik tik tik tok

Tik tik tik tok tik tok

The melody sound from the waterfall took my entire soul away. I didn't know where I'm at. I started opening my eyes, I saw the blue sky above my forehead. A drop of water dropped on my lips, it felt fresh and sweet. Birds were flying and singing on the sky and butterflies were around me. " Is this paradise " I asked myself. Am I in my dream? I felt like I was laying on top of something and I touched a thing, it was hard. I got up gently, I was laying in the middle of a big pink rock. I looked around, I could see clearly that I was in somewhere of a forest. " Why am I here?" I asked myself once again.

From somewhere behind those tall trees, I heard a strange sound, something was coming toward me. I was nervous and confused. If this was a dream, how could I hear and feel the realistic sound? The sound came closer and closer. I hid behind the rock. My hand started to tremble. I couldn't stop my fear and sudden I felt back. The thing heard it, so I got near where I hid " Hello? Is somebody there?" That strange thind said. " it isn't a bear, thanks god" I told myself. By the time, I could feel a big thing was above my head. " Hello? Are you ok? You're afraid of something " A sweet voice came up again. " You need my help" and again. Finally I looked up, a tall boy with a beautiful face, his skin is white as an angel, he's tall , and has a special low voice. " Who are you? " I asked, " I'm Chanyeol, and you are? " He said

Me: I'm Baekhyun, so I am not in my dream

Chanyeol: Dream? Are you lost?

Me: I don't know why I am here ( still confused)

Chanyeol: This is Angel forest. I come here every Sunday to hike

Me: I had never heard of it ( nervous)

Chaneyol: Uhmm I don't know. You live here? I mean in Seoul ?

Me: Seoul? I don't know ( tremble in fear)

I saw Chanyeol's face, he stopped smiling. He looked straight at me and it was scary. I could feel that he was thinking of something on his mind. After few minutes, he smiled at me

Chanyeol: Uhm I think you can come with me. I live alone not far away from here

Me: Can I? I'm afraid of..

Chaneyol: Don't worry, I won't bite you. I will take care of you Baekhyun ah!

I saw his beautiful smile again. It's like a shiny star of a night after a stormy night. I couldn't help myself, so I followed him. At that moment, I felt like I was in Wonderland.

We talked along the way. He asked me if it was ok for me to hike with him. I nodded my head. He said that this is one of his favorite place to hike. He loved the atmosphere in this forest. Warm sun, beautiful flower, fresh air. He kept on talking and I listened to all his words.

The sun is a little bit brighter now, I felt warm and hungry. He smiled when he heard a sound from my stomach. I blushed. He took out his food and asked me to join him. The food was so yummy

Chanyeol: You don't talk much, do you?

Me: Uhm I don't know what to talk about ( while eating my sandwich)

Chanyeol: So how old are you?

Me: I think I'm still 20

Chaneyol: Nice! Same here. Do you remember where you live?

Me: Uhmm I don't know. I'm sorry ( looked down)

Chaneyol: Don't be. You can stay with me till the day you remember everything. I will let you go back to where you belong. Ok?

Me: Why are you so nice to me? Had we met before?

Chanyeol: Uhm truth is I don't like being alone. I really want a friend, but my friends don't live near me, so.. And no, we hadn't met yet

Me: Thanks Chanyeol ( tried to smile)

Chanyeol: I should be the one who say that. Thanks for coming to my life Baekhyun ah!

I smiled again and he smiled, too.

Chanyeol: So you're ready to go now? To my home or I should say you're new home!

Me: Uhm

We headed to his house. And not too far from the forest, we finally got there in about 10 minutes. Chanyeol opened his door. " Tata welcome our Baekhyun! " He smiled at me and took my hand. His hand is so soft and warm. I didn't know why but my mind went blank. It was our first tough.

Chanyeol: There is an empty room next to my room. Come here, I will show you

We went upstairs. The house was beautiful. The wall was all white. I saw many amazing drawing on the wall " You drew them? " I asked " Ah yes, it's my hobby" He smiled. " I like them! " .." Thanks Baekhyun! "

Chanyeol: Okie!!! Here is it

I stepped in " my " new room. It was amazing with the two colors black and white on the wall. I saw a drawing of a blue rose and three photographs. I loved how Chanyeol decorated the room.

Chanyeol: I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but there is a bathroom over there.

Me: No. It's ok, I don't know what to say...Uhm thanks for all

Chanyeol: Again? Don't say those kind of words again ok?


Time kept on going without looking back. We enjoyed living together and our friend relationship got deeper. I stayed home and cooked for dinner while Chanyeol was at the University. We came to the Angel Forest to hike every Sunday, at night we went to the park and walked. Everything was amazing as long as I was with Chanyeol. We were happy spending time together. Sometime Chanyeol invited his friends to come over, it was fun and I liked his friends so much.

<<<< Ring Ring>>>> The bell ran on

Chanyeol: It's for you, my little friend! ( as he gave me a cake)

Me: What is this? ( surprise)

Chanyeol: You forgot? It had been one month from the day we first met ( smiled)

Me: Ahhh I see, but do you need to give me a cake?

Chanyeol: We will have a party to night, just the two of us. Yes?

He ran to upstairs without listening to my voice. I smiled.


Chanyeol: You like the food I bought? ( as we were on the rooftop)

Me: Uhm

Chanyeol: Uhm those starts are so pretty.

Me: I wish I could be a star

Chanyeol: Then I will be the moon, so we won't be apart. I loved my life more after you came to my life.

Then Chanyeol stepped back, I could feel his breath. He put a necklace on my neck. I blushed and my heart skipped a beat. I didn't know why, but then

Chanyeol: I think I'm in love with you Baekhyun ah! I'm sorry if that makes you sad

My heart stopped at that moment, my mind went blank again. I didn't know what to say, so people called this is love. I was lost in my thought. I was speechless because I had never been in love before ( I think? ). Then I saw Chanyeo ran away. He went into his room. I was confused, but then I ran to his room. The door was closed

" Chanyeol ah? Are you in there? Open the door !" I said as I was knocking the door. Yep, no answer " Hey Chanyeol ah? Please! " I started to cry

" Baekhyun ah! I'm ok, don't worry. Please don't cry. It's ok if you don't love me " He said

" I don't know, but I think I love you ,too. It was you, the one who made me go crazy everytime I saw your smile" The words just came out from my mouth.

Chanyeol opened the door " What? You do? " He opened his arms to hug me. I felt warm in his hug. That was a moment when our hearts beat as one. Gently, he kissed me.

We woke up on my bed. I opened my eyes and I saw his chest. I was in his arms for the entire night. I smiled. My movement made my Chanyeol wake up. He hugged me and kissed me on my hair. I was in paradise.

From then on, we always woke up together in each others arms. We enjoyed each moment we had together. Chanyeol went home earlier than before because he said that he missed my smile. I just laughed at his cute word.

Another month passed and we were still happy as usual. I woke up and my head was very hurt. I dreamed about so many things, but when I woke up I couln't remember anything. It was a beautiful morming when we headed to the forest. We were about to sit down, then

" Baekhyun ah ?? What are you doing over there with that strage boy? Come here" A high voice called me. I looked up, this face?

" You forgot ? It's me your boyfriend! I missed you each day without you. Why did you get here alone? " He yelled again and I saw Chanyeol's face. He was in shock after the word " boyfriend". I put my hand on his hands. 

" Who are you? " I asked

" You lost your mind again?" That boy started crying

" Lost ? " I asked

" Come here with me, your parent was very worried about you. We looked for you everyday, but we couldn't find you. Let's go now!" He smiled and came to me.

Chanyeol held me and kissed me quickly on my cheek. " Don't worry Chanyeol ah! I will stay here with you" " Please don't go! " Chanyeol said. I saw his tears and I hugged him.

Chanyeol: I promised you to let you go when your memories are back

Me: But I don't want to go. I want to stay with you. I love you ( I cried)

Chanyeol: Your family needs you ( tears were full on his face). Go with your...boyfriend now

Strange boy: Come here Baekhyun

Me: No, I don't like you anymore ( My memories came back)

Strange: But your mom ? She is sick now. She can die. She cried too much and she missed you. Please come home now

Chanyeol : Baekhyun ah! Listen to him and g...o ( He pushed me to my " boyfriend")

Me: Noo. Chanyeo ah?

Chanyeol: Baekhyun ah, I will miss you ( then he ran away)

I felt on my knees and cried " I love you and I only need you Chanyeol ah! "


#### To my readers !!! This new idea just came to me last night before I went to bed. I don't know, but I like it, so I start writing this fic. Share your comments ^^








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yulim19971225 #1
"cry"ChanBaek separated T^T but I believe ChanBaek still love each other > <

hello :)
can I translate this?
thank you :">
xuloexotic #2
Welcome authors, this is my first read of the author and his fic feel like it. Fic though not perfect, they are clumsy, but the clumsy it makes a lovely fic as well as in the love of ChanBaek. I wanted the author could have written the sequel, because I feel sorry and sad. Sorry finish unfinished for a beautiful love. Sorry for the nobility of Chanyeol and being tugged by Baekhyun. Their love is not worth a finish like this, right? This is just a small comment, hope the author might consider it :) Because I really like this fic and wanted to translate it into English Vietnam for all to enjoy, ok? I guarantee that will record the correct author's name,navigation link and I'll put the full link when you post it.
yaaa~~~ neo,, again making me mad xD jk
whats this! its so beautiful yet you made it ends suddenly..
aish,, is this end? really? sure? for real?
huuuu.. i wanna keep scroll down,, this is not the end~~~

p/s i love this :DDDDD