Chapter 09.

3 Days To Fall In Love

"Yah, don’t scare me. Are you gonna die or something?" Yongguk tried to joke but Sunmi sobbed uncontrollably.

"No, but it’s the only way out." She explained. Yongguk didn’t want to know so much. He didn’t even know if Sunmi was just trying to put on an act just so that she can keep him by her side.

"Why is it the only way out?" Yongguk probed. Sunmi grabbed onto his hands and stared at him, blinking her tears away.

"Because if I'm not dead, Sunny will take over my body. I remember now, aliens can’t be witches. If aliens learn spells, there will be side effects, which is in this case, this so called 'Sunny' trying to take over my body. That’s what my mum tried to tell me but I didn’t listen.."

"Then why is your mum alright?" He questioned. 

"Like I said, she got banished from Planet MATO. Her alien powers would be gone so when she landed on Secretz, she wasn’t an alien anymore and the head witch nurtured her to become a witch. I should have listened to her.. I should have.." Sunmi trailed off and buried her face in her hands. There was a lump in Yongguk's throat and he couldn’t get himself to say anything. He closed his eyes and patted Sunmi's back, bringing her to his broad chest. *I guess she really needs it now. No harm letting her cry on my body.*

After some time, Yongguk heard her cries soften. He looked down to see Sunmi wiping her tears and she pushed Yongguk away gently. "Thanks for letting me cry on your shoulder." There was a comfortable silence between the both of them as they sat down on the bench, enjoying each other's company as good friends. Sunmi broke the silence with a million dollar question. "You want me to die right?" She looked at Yongguk who was dumbfounded. "I didnt mean like the ‘you hate me and want me gone’, gone. I meant that if I was gone, there would be peace and Sunny wont haunt any of you anymore. It’s better.. Right?" 

Yongguk thought over what she said. It was true that a small part of him wanted her gone so that he could be with you but another part of him knows that Sunny is the one that should be gone, not Sunmi. He sighed heavily, "I.. really don’t know. I really hope you won’t die. Is there any way to get you out of this?"

Sunmi shook her head and played with her fingers. "I told you, the only solution is for me to die. However, I do know that seeing Raein will trigger Sunny and cause her to take over my body so maybe.. I should avoid her. Back in Secretz there definitely would be some herbs that could contain Sunny so that she doesnt go on a rampage or hurt innocent people." She added sarcastically before laughing, "Like your precious Raein."

Yongguk chuckled and nodded. "She's indeed precious to me." He mumbled. Sunmi looked at him with sad eyes. *Life is really unfair. They took you away from me once and now they are bringing me away from you. I don’t deserve all this. It’s Sunny's fault. Yongguk, as long as you're happy.. I'm happy.* She sighed in content and watched as the sun slowly retreated into the horizons.

"Guess it’s time to go home? Someone's precious baby might be bored without you. Or rather, jealous and worried." Sunmi winked before standing up and walking into the opposite direction.

"Aren’t you coming with me?" Yongguk said as he stood up.

She turned and smile at Yongguk, "Yeah I will, if you want Raein dead, that is. Goodbye Yongguk. I'll.. see you around. Maybe." She laughed and continued walking. *I guess this is the last time I’ll see you Bang Yongguk. I love you.*

Yongguk watched her retreating figure and he felt like crying. Sunmi looked so frail, lonely and weak from her backview and Yongguk wanted to run up to her and support her as a loyal friend. They were past lovers and she lost him. This time round, she couldn’t have him either. Plus, she was going to kick the bucket soon. It was unfair for her. Yongguk contemplated before running up to Sunmi and gave her a short but sweet peck on the lips. "This will be my gift of support to you. Goodbye Sunmi, take care. I'll find a way out, dont worry!" Yongguk flashed his goofy grin and strolled to the direction of your house.

Sunmi's face was still in a state of shock. Yongguk kissed her without her using her strength to hold him down. She touched her lips as a tear slid down her wrinkled cheek. "Thank you for the kiss. It was the last thing I ever wanted. Thank you..." She whispered as she made her way home.


You stared at the television blankly as your mind filled with how much Yongguk could be having fun and that it will be his last day tomorrow. The television showed a comedy but you couldn’t even force a smile on your troubled face. The doorbell rang and you immediately went for it. You opened the wooden door to see a mailman with a cap covering his pink hair and uniform. He bowed, "Goodnight Miss, this package was supposed to be sent a few hours ago but due to miscommunication, it was delayed. I'm sorry if there was any inconvenience caused." He bowed and passed you a brown package and a paper for you to sign. He seemed nervous and tense as his hands trembled a little while handing you the items.

After putting down your signature, you stared at the pink hair dude in front of you. His cap covered his eyes slightly. He was a little taller than Yongguk and he seemed strangely familiar. "If there's nothing else, I'll go now. Once again miss, sorry for the inconvenience." He bowed before leaving your house premises. *Damn my boss for asking me to deliver this package to her. Damn it. Was so scared she'll recognise me. Ugh.* The mailman thought as he rode off with his motorcycle.

You watched him leave and shrugged your shoulders. *That was weird. Pink hair again. Is there some pink hair clan that I don’t know about in Korea?* You closed the door and unwrapped the brown package, tearing away the brown paper without hesitation. A beautiful red box was there and there was a ribbon on top. The box's design has many hearts of different shades of red and on it were 4 letters: L O V E. You opened the box to see a small plush bear toy and you giggled. Beside the bear was a red heart shaped box that looked like it contained a ring. A small crystal bear holding a rose was there as you opened it.

In the box, there was a short message:

A Gift Of Love

My gift to you is my love

Given from deep within my heart.

This special love will never end

Even when we're far apart.

You cocked one of your eyebrows in suspicion. These cheesy lines were way too familiar. "This special love will never end, even when we're far apart..." You read it out. The words 'far apart' caught your attention. It means someone that is far away from you sent you this? You were touched by this sweet gift that appeared out of nowhere but who could it be from. Beneath the gifts, there was an envelope. You unsealed the pink envelope and read out the card.

Dear Raein,

Thank you for everything. Thank you for lighting up and bringing colours to my dull life. I thought I was a worthless trash until you appeared. I will never forget all the memories I spent with you. It’s been a long time ever since I saw you and I dare to say I missed you dearly. I'll be back. Wait for me a little longer. You're really the only one in my heart. I love you.

Sincerely, Your One and Only Secret admirer for a long, long time

*Secret admirer huh.* You scoffed and placed everything neatly back into the box. From what the letter showed, you and him had come across each other before but till now, you had no recollection of this person. You dragged your feet all the way up to your room and put it your 'box of memories'. Yes, the box that contained everything about you and you ex-boyfriend. Since this person claimed to know you from long, long time ago, it was the right place to put it. 

"Ding dong, ding dong." You perked up and ran down as fast as you could. Himchan had already beaten you to it and opened the door. There he was, the one you've been waiting all day. Yongguk automatically smiled when he saw you. The whole day was quite depressing without you  but Yongguk couldn’t make himself say such cheesy stuff. You wanted to run up to him and hug him but you remembered the mission.

Himchan made himself scarce. Keeping your distance, you asked, "How was the mission going? Are you gonna die?" Yongguk made a frown and shook his head. *Time for an impromptu confession. Jepp just be as cheesy as you could!!* He thought. You bit your lip worriedly as you stared at his dejected face.

"You couldn’t find a girl? I thought Sunny was supposed to help you?"

"Nah, i found a girl. But I cant.. Make myself confess to her, not to mention make her fall in love with me." He pretended to sniff and cover his eyes, occasionally peeking at your expression. You slowly went up to him and hugged him, hoping to provide some form of comfort for the man. He wrapped a strong arm against your slim body and pulled you close, while pretending to cry even harder. You cooed and patted his back, totally oblivious to what he was gonna do.

"You'll make a great mum." He whispered in your ear.

"Wh-what?" You had no idea what was Yongguk trying to say at all.

"What I wanna say is, I'm going to confess to that girl. Although I wasn’t so sure if she feels the same." A glimmer of hurt lit your brown eyes and you nodded against his chest, as if trying to say you understood.

"Go for it. I'm pretty sure she'll accept you. Then you dont have to die."

"Really, you think so?" Yongguk pulled away to face you.

"I know so. Just say it." You nodded your head in encouragement. *Guess I have no chance in this love game in the first place.*

"Okay then.. Here goes." He gazed at you in a way you had never noticed before. It made you feel warm and fuzzy all over and not to mention, really secure. Yongguk leaned in and stopped a few centimeters away from your face just like this morning. Not wanting to fall for his trick again, you looked away but he grabbed your chin lightly and turned your face to face him again. "Kwon Raein, I.. Love.. You." He whispered before capturing your lips. You were caught off guard but you didn’t resist. *I am finally.. Able to call you mine, right?* You thought as the both of you kissed passionately, savoring every moment of the sweet kiss.


Sunmi saw the whole confession and how she wished she was in Raein's place right now. Not that she was stalking Yongguk but she used a spell so that she could see what was happening at your house. She laid on her bed and looked at the glass knife beside her that she spent her time making the whole night. Glass was considered to be the purest material in Planet MATO and it’s the most lethal to aliens. 

She grabbed the glass knife and positioned it over her chest. Tears were rolling down her deformed face with no mercy. As she slowly pierced the sharp edge through her delicate skin and her muscles, she stopped before it reached her heart. *For Yongguk, I will.* Channeling the last bit of her energy, she tried to invade Yongguk's mind and it worked. In her vision, she could see your happy face and all the memories in Yongguk's mind. She smiled in content as she knew she had made the right choice. "Goodbye Bang Yongguk, I love you, I really do. I wish you and Raein all the best..." She said as she ended her own life with a last push of the glass.

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Chapter 3: Omona~ Yonggukie is so sweet when apologizing~ >//<
She got jealous~
Chapter 2: They are using each others! Yongguk's mission : progressing. Her mission : hasn't even started yet!
Chapter 1: Whoah~ I feel like I'm genius right now~ (weird) Because that female lead who spent her time in lab (^0^) I reaaalllyyy like lab even wearing the white uniform!!
Himchan as my butler?!! >///<
Chapter 33: lmaoooo xD this was awesome storyy
Chapter 33: nice story!!!I loved how you made all of them into friends!!!
Chapter 33: awwww~ I'm planing to read this again :) \O/ hooray! this story is one of the best
Chapter 33: AWWWWWEEE I LOVE the ending!
You should do a sequel <3 <3 ~!
DAEBAK~ I am so in love with this story <3 It is so so so great ^^v
I hope there would be a sequel cause it is too great to be ended that fast.hihihi <3
You did a great job! :)
Chapter 33: Kyaa.. I love this story.. Poor Junhong and Daehyun but this is the most amazing story I ever read!! Please do a sequel!! ^-^ This story must be featured... ^-^
Elisse #10
Chapter 33: This was an awesome story! I laughed, i teared, definitely brought the feels out of me!