Chapter 24.

3 Days To Fall In Love

In a blink of an eye, Daehyun and Junhong were flung to the other side of the room. Himchan ran towards the trembling Hyosung and stood in front of her protectively. "What the hell are you both even doing there?! this, please be safe.. ALL OF YOU!" You screamed. The girl was beyond furious at how Daehyun and Junhong were helping you.

"Why? Why is everyone on your side?!" She screeched. "You have people willing to die for you, you have friends that cheers you up, what the do you have that I don’t?! I'm prettier than you, I'm hotter than you, and I have powers that can help everyone. You? You're a useless and helpless human that only depends on people. You don’t deserve to live. You should die; you should disappear from the ends of the Earth!!" 

You were taken aback by her sudden outburst and blurted, "Psycho." It was like all her nerves in her body were on fire. Her eyes glared dangerously at you through the screen and then at the remaining four in the room. Then, she let out a cynical laugh that made you have goose bumps. "Oh, I AM PSYCHO ALRIGHT. You want to see how psycho I am??" She said and charged towards her hostages. You shook your head in disbelief.

"NO!" You cried out as she used her strength to plunge her fist into Hyosung's chest and ripped out her heart. Hyosung's eyes were as wide as saucers and she used her last strength to smile at you, mouthing "its okay" at you. Your breathing quickened as you witnessed your really cheerful and beautiful female butler become a pale and motionless dead corpse. Your face turned red and your vision started to blur as tears began to fall again.

Himchan ran to Hyosung and shook her as he started to tear too. Hyosung was like an elder sister he had always wanted. It felt like his family was being taken away. Daehyun and Junhong stared at the scene at shock, they couldn’t believe how she could rip Hyosung's heart out like it didnt mean a thing. The girl simply smirked at how Hyosung's death made everyone so miserable. "Kwon Raein, come to the address I've just sent you. Check your phone." You nodded furiously and rushed out of the house despite the three guys asking you not to. You couldn’t risk another life being taken away.

She snapped her fingers and 5 guys walked into the room. "Yes, milady? NU'EST at your service." The leader, JR said as NU'EST bowed in respect. Daehyun, Junhong and Himchan looked at each other and gulped, knowing things are going to be harder with 5 more enemies to handle. She looked at her filed nails and she spoke, "Ren, dispose of that filthy female body. Everyone else, please treat our guests really well, we don’t want them to make a wasted trip, aint it?" She flicked her hair and went out, expecting your arrival anytime soon.

"Ugh, why must I dispose her body? It’s so gross!" Ren complained, with earned a thump in the head by Minhyun. "Just do your job and shut up." Ren grumbled but placed Hyosung in a white long bag, throwing the blood red warm heart in the bag with its owner. Ren kicked the white bag to the side of the room and sat on it like it’s a bench. Himchan flinched at how Hyosung's dead body was being treated. "GET YOUR ING OFF HER BODY, YOU !" Himchan growled.

JR looked at him coldly. "Do you think you have the right to order us? You don’t have the right to talk so shut your mouth before I screw that pretty face of yours for raising your voice at US."

Himchan wanted to retort but sighed. It was useless arguing with them. Daehyun held Himchan's hand and gave a small squeeze. JR raised his eyebrow at their actions and shuddered. "I'm outta here. The three of you handle them WELL." With that, JR went out.

"Now now, we have to welcome our guests." Aron said as he approached Himchan first, punching him hard in the stomach. Daehyun went up to back Himchan up but was kicked to the side by Minhyun. Daehyun was still weak and he coughed out blood. 

"Wow, my pretty boy is so weak!" Minhyun sniggered at Daehyun. Junhong was staring at Baekho, hoping he wouldnt come and attack him out of the blue. Baekho looked into Junhong's eyes with an unreadable expression before whispering something in Ren's ear. The latter nodded and left the room, leaving the body behind. Just as Junhong was trying to figure out what was Baekho up to, he felt a long abrasion across his chest. 

Aron had his hands on the long whip. He ordered his mates to step behind as he swung the long whip which landed on all three of them. It hit Himchan across the face, leaving a red long mark. Daehyun's shirt had ripped according to the wound across his back. All three of them landed on the ground and groaned in extreme pain. 

"Wow, that looks fun! Let me try!!" Minhyun laughed as he took the whip from Aron. "My pleasure." Aron gave him a crooked smile and grinned deviously at the three writhing bodies on the ground. Junhong looked at the silent Baekho from the corner of his teary eyes and saw him standing away from the two bullies and looking at his hands.

"Here comes another oneeeee!" Minhyun howled in laughter as he swung the whip again and again. Daehyun cursed under his breath as he endured another whip. The three of them had cuts all over their bloodied bodies now and Minhyun had no intention of stopping until Aron stepped in front of him, placing his hand on his chest, giving him a small push.

"We are supposed to welcome them warmly, not send them on their journey to heaven. You don’t want to be charged for murder, Minhyun." Aron said sternly. Minhyun lowered the whip and nodded. Junhong brightened a little, thinking that the torture is over.

"Bring the salt!!" Aron shouted and Minhyun perked up again. "Yes hyung! Right on it!" Minhyun said as he went out to look for salt. Aron laughed at what a genius he was until he landed his eyes on the quiet Baekho.

"Yah, Baekho. What are you doing there? Come here and join in the fun." Aron beckoned him to come closer but Baekho refused. Aron glared at his friend. He knew Baekho was never a fan of bullying and torture. He was only willing to join in because of how much money he would receive from this job. In fact, NU'EST was just a normal group that the five of them called themselves and they had never involved themselves in such jobs. If only they weren’t lusting over the amount of money they will receive from this, they wouldn’t even agree to joining.

"Come on. Have you forgotten about our reward? We ain’t gonna give that up because you're being a compassionate wimp." Aron warned him and held his jaw tightly. Baekho clenched his fist and poked his tongue against his inner cheek in anger. The three injured men felt the tense atmosphere and chose to keep quiet. They were too busy trying to stop the pain to be bothered by the two bullies anyway.

"Here's the salt, hyung!" Minhyun shouted as he shoved a packet of salt into Aron's chest. Aron gave Baekho one last warning glare before turning to the three. "Tie all of them up." Aron ordered and Minhyun carried it out obediently. After the three were tied up securely, leaning against each other for support, Aron ripped the salt packet open and approached the trio. 

"Having fun?" He asked innocently as he grabbed a handful of salt from the packet and sprinkled it over the trio mercilessly. Himchan wriggled painfully in his spot and let out a loud scream. Daehyun panted breathlessly as he tried to not let the pain engulf him. Junhong felt the salt absorbing into his blood red wound, making the pain ten times worse than before. The three were crying and letting out occasionally groans until Aron decided to stop. "Well, I had my fun. Hope to see the scars stay on your bodies’ aye! No more girls would go to you three anymore." He mocked and Minhyun slapped his back in approval while laughing loudly.

"Our job is done. Let’s go find JR." Minhyun said to Aron as he tried to breathe from laughing too much. Aron nodded and asked Minhyun to leave first. He went up to Baekho, who was in a daze this whole time, and socked him in the jaw, hard. Baekho coughed and spat out some blood. He landed on the ground on fours. Aron was known to have an iron fist. "Watch out Baekho. We may be friends but if you mess up... Well, you know what JR will do to you. Although I'm his hyung, I dont have much control either." Aron kneeled down and placed his hand on Baekho's shoulder. "It’s for your own good." Baekho shook his hand off. Aron sighed and left the room.

Baekho tried his best to get up and walked towards the groaning trio. Himchan cowered in fear and looked away, praying Baekho won’t hit him. Daehyun was already in a semi-conscious state. Junhong stared at the approaching Baekho while flinching at the pain. "Yah, YOU." He finally said. Junhong saw that he was looking at Himchan and pointing his finger at Himchan. Himchan was still muttering inaudible words under his breath and his eyes were closed.

Junhong kicked Himchan hard, who's eyes shot open and turned to see Baekho pointing his index finger at him in his face. Himchan gulped nervously and squeaked, "Y-Yes..?"

Baekho lowered his arm and boomed, "What do you want to do with that body over there?" Baekho said as he jabbed his finger behind, pointing towards the dead Hyosung. Himchan looked at it and his lower lip trembled. "B-Bury her in Cheonju.. I'm sure she wants to feel like h-home.." Salty tears stung his wounds but it didn’t matter.

Baekho nodded and gave the three men a small sincere smile. "I'll take care of it." Before he left the room with Hyosung slung over his shoulder, Himchan stopped him. "Thank you. I don’t know why are you helping me but, thank you." He gave a slight nod of acknowledgement and left.

Himchan, Daehyun and Junhong were exhausted from the short yet painful torture. Himchan was also recovering from Hyosung's death. Everything was crazy. No one knew what that girl’s motive except for Junhong. And Junhong had no intention of telling, because that would mean explaining the whole story and how he knew about it to everyone. In just 5 minutes, the door sprung open again, and there you were, with a white cloth over your mouth and you were struggling in the girl's grip.

"Ah, I see NU'EST welcomed you really well. They've lived up to my reputations indeed. And now the main character is here. Let’s get the party started shall we?"

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Chapter 3: Omona~ Yonggukie is so sweet when apologizing~ >//<
She got jealous~
Chapter 2: They are using each others! Yongguk's mission : progressing. Her mission : hasn't even started yet!
Chapter 1: Whoah~ I feel like I'm genius right now~ (weird) Because that female lead who spent her time in lab (^0^) I reaaalllyyy like lab even wearing the white uniform!!
Himchan as my butler?!! >///<
Chapter 33: lmaoooo xD this was awesome storyy
Chapter 33: nice story!!!I loved how you made all of them into friends!!!
Chapter 33: awwww~ I'm planing to read this again :) \O/ hooray! this story is one of the best
Chapter 33: AWWWWWEEE I LOVE the ending!
You should do a sequel <3 <3 ~!
DAEBAK~ I am so in love with this story <3 It is so so so great ^^v
I hope there would be a sequel cause it is too great to be ended that fast.hihihi <3
You did a great job! :)
Chapter 33: Kyaa.. I love this story.. Poor Junhong and Daehyun but this is the most amazing story I ever read!! Please do a sequel!! ^-^ This story must be featured... ^-^
Elisse #10
Chapter 33: This was an awesome story! I laughed, i teared, definitely brought the feels out of me!