Skeletons in my Closet

written using this

baro/gongchan//I'm Batman, You're Robin



“When we’re no longer idols, we should totally be superheroes,” is how it starts. Sunwoo and Chansik are the only living souls in the dorm, because Jinyoung had a massive attack of his I-must-compose-a-great-song-I-must syndrome and Dongwoo had graciously volunteered to accompany him (although by now everyone knows that Dongwoo only goes to have at least four or five hours of uninterrupted sleep, all under the guise of keeping the leader company)  while Junghwan is out for extra vocal training. Sunwoo is sprawled on the couch, half on the plush sofa, and half on Chansik, intent on the PSP he has swiped from Junghwan’s closet, just because they’re family now, and the concept of mine and yours no longer exists, and besides, what Junghwan doesn’t know won’t hurt him.

“Oh, yeah!” Chansik agrees enthusiastically, getting cross-eyed as he fixates on pulling a split end apart from Baro’s head. “Yeah, let’s!” Chansik thinks it’s a good idea, to be honest. Two unnamed guys, going around and doing random acts of kindness to the good citizens of Seoul? What could be a better way to spend their non-idol lives, right? But then— “Who would we be, though?”

Sunwoo ponders this for half a second. “We’re a duo, so let’s be Batman and Robin.”

“Cool. I’m Batman.”

“Oh hell no. It was my idea, so I get to be Batman. You’re Robin.”

Chansik pouts at this. “But I’m taller! I should be Batman.”

“Yeah, I’m older.”

“Well, I’m manlier. Green and red don't suit me. I’d look better in black tights. Besides, you’re all roundish and stuff.”

Sunwoo’s eyebrows reach his hairline. “Excuse me? Who has the abs in this situation?”

“But I wanna be Batman!” Chansik whines.

Sunwoo abandons his game and wags a finger at Chansik. “Whining earns you the right to be Robin.”

Chansik then proceeds to shove Sunwoo off of his lap, and the latter lands on the floor with a thud. “But I’m one of the vocals in B1A4. And you’re small.”

“That doesn’t make sense. And vocal? Don’t even go there. “You barely have lines in our songs.  I, on the other hand, own the rap parts.”

Chansik gasps at this, and Sunwoo knows he has gone too far with the singing comment. He picks himself up and sits beside the still sulking maknae.

“Hey, hyung is sorry. Forget Batman and Robin. Let’s get Junghwan to join and be the Power puffs instead.”

“I’m Bubbles!” Chansik says immediately.

He pats the maknae on the head. “Sure thing, Chan. Sure thing.”

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Chapter 17: This chapter was sad and Amazing~ I wonder what would CNU say if he found out about Gongchan being rushed to the hospital
DeullieSa34 #2
Chapter 16: oh~~~~ Badeul~~~~~~ hot~~~ haha
Chapter 15: Aw Gongchan's so cute XD "I'm Bubbles!" LOL XD
DeullieSa34 #4
Chapter 14: Argh~~~~ Baro you're such a bad boy here, why did you hurt deullie feeling...
cnusbear #5
First of all, I really like your writings, but-
Is this series of b1a4 fics going to be a jinchan biased one?
Because... Well, just asking.
Chapter 12: That was utterly adorable. My feels can not handle this. x~x <3 I think the idea of a Jinchan story would be really cute. Exspecially if you are writing it. Keep upthe good work! \O/
aihuni #7
That was really cute (x Like omg so fluffy I can't take it cute.
Holy crap... Chapter 8 was such a mind f O-O Whoa...

These stories are so amazing :O I wish I could write like you
cnusbear #9
Oh... my... God... the 7th story was so... mindblowing...
that was... wow... I'm speehless...
You're so talented O:

Thanks for the fic ;_;