Take Care of Me Unnie

Take care of me Unnie.


"Jaejoong, Eyyy-mie. Not Ahhh-mi. I know it looks like it's read that way, but it's not. You have to prolong the 'A'. Eyyyy."

The Korean scratched his head and sighed. Amy smiled and reached across the table. "C'mon Jaejoong. Try again."

"Ah...Eh-ehh-mi?" Jaejoong tried, making it sound like the way the girl in front of him said her name. Amy. He could say it perfectly in his head, but he couldn't quite get it to come out  as perfectly out of his mouth. Still, it was worth a shot.

"Close enough! That's it, keep trying. C'mon Unnie, I know you can do it. Eyy. Eyy..." She leaned forward a bit, keeping eye contact with her pupil, signaling for him to follow her lead.

He obliged. "Eh-eyyy..."

"Mie." She said the syllable quickly, ending it with a dimpled smlie. 

"Mi-i." He said, mimicking her, and even ending the syllable with his very own grin. "Ehh-mi." He shook his head, frustrated when it didn't sound right. "Eyyyyy...mi-i?" He said slowly for the second time, to the best of his ability, and then finally, "Eyyymi-i." 

Seeing him grin triumphantly was a treat for Amy. 

As a special needs teacher, even a little improvement from her students is already a huge accomplishment.

No wait, Jaejoong isn't special.

No scratch that, Jaejoong IS special, but not in the handicapped sort of way.

Nevertheless, Jaejoong was special.

Nevermind that it had only been two weeks since they first met.

Nevermind that he speaks in an accent that makes her want to the floor in shame for him. 

Nevermind that she didn't know a lot about him, and he could be a swindler for all she knew.

Jaejoong was special because his reason for coming into her life was special.

So nevermind.


"Say it again, Jaejoong-unnie! Eyyy-mi!"

So so SO sorry for stalling and giving you this sonovagun fail first chapter. OTL. Thank you for all those people who viewed this even though there wasn't a first chapter yet! Thank you! Even if those are just views, Thank your for choosing to waste time on this unfolding story! :*

Please bear with me!

God bless you all! <3

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karambolage #1
... Interesting enough.
Sure thing, homo.
darkchocolate #3
wait, why u call jaejoong a unnie??<br />
isnt he supposed to be an oppa?