The number of ’s and bathroom’s

EXO DERPS \(◕ω◕✿)/


note: I didn’t know how in the world I came up with the idea of writing again in this hour, after so many freaking years. This is and pure randomness. But maybe you can read? I don’t mind if you throw insults at it, but I wanted to learn.. So yeah?? Thank you


It was never a trouble for Kyungsoo to wake up early to go the university… erm not until today. He rubbed his eyes quickly, praying that he was just mistaken, that his eyes were just playing jokes in him, but he know that, that is in no way possible. He was never mistaken when it comes to time, and he actually has 20/20 eyesight. It actually took him quite a while to realize that ‘Oh I am actually ing late for the first time in the ing history of my life OH ’. He shoots up from his bed, run as fast as he can in to the bathroom but ended up tripping on the large shoe that was left inconveniently in front of it. His eyes darted on the boy who is deep in slumber, sprawled on the living room’s carpet, tin cans, of what he thinks is beer, littered all around. Oh not to mention said boy is actually drooling all over his newly bought sofa cushions. If he wasn’t going to be late already, he would have took the shoe, throw it at him right on his face (he has a pretty good aim, thanks to his amazing eyesight) and scold him, again. But no he can’t cause ‘OMG I’m really, really late’. He quickly dismissed the idea and actually planned to save it up for later. Kyungsoo got back on his tracks, careful to not trip on the shoe again, and successfully reached his destination. His hand on the door knob, he remembered that he just cleaned the bathroom yesterday with so much perseverance and love that he suddenly became excited to enter and just dip himself in the tub filled with lukewarm water and…OH.

His love and perseverance.

His tub filled with lukewarm water.


He pinched the bridge of his nose in disgust and distraught. His once before clean and fragrant bathroom is now a messy, stinky smelling bathroom plus the trail of puke going to his very glorious tub. He thought about it once again and he just really wanted to cry. His perfectly, cleaned bathtub.

‘Who in the world…..’

Tin cans littered.

The shoe in front of the bathroom.

The boy sprawled on the carpet.



He never wanted to sound so monstrous or anything but his mouth, sometimes, got a mind of itself.

Jongin jumped up from the sound of his name and oh how he wishes he never woke up. Because right in front of him is the worst Kyungsoo you will encounter in your damned life. He really tried, but his long strides are not enough for the speed of incoming shoe.

‘Bulls eye’

Kyungsoo smiled as the younger lad fell back to sleep.

He pondered over cleaning his bathroom or just use Chanyeol’s (his neighbor) instead, but he recalled he is late and so he go for the latter option.


He took a good 15minutes to finish fixing himself and then he was off, never minding if Jongin’s actually still alive (On the coffee table, a note said, I prepared an icepack for you and I left some food for your breakfast). He is very thankful that going to school isn’t a hassle since the apartment he is living at with no other than Jongin, is just a good 20minute ride to the university.

It was exactly 10:02am when he arrived and though he is not the sporty type, he run as fast as his short legs can do. Not bad though because he reached his room at exactly 10:07am, sweat clinging to his shirt as he catch his breath. He swallowed the forming lump in his throat, nervousness taking all of his being; question of ‘How to enter the room when late’ kept hanging in the air. He knocks, slowly and carefully opening the door, afraid to disturb the ongoing class sess…

He was really surprised by the booming quietness that filled him when he entered the room. As far as he knows, he is in the right room and according to his clock, it’s the time that the class is still ongoing, so…what is wrong?

And then it dawned to him.

‘I’m so sorry class but I won’t be present in our next meeting since I’m invited to a certain event and they said I really need to go, so I have no other choice’

He and his classmates started to coo ‘Sir we’ll miss you’, ‘Sir please don’t leave’ and ‘Awwwwww’

Professor Chen snorted, clearly not buying the sudden display of affection.

‘Don’t think you can ever fool me you guys’

Everyone suddenly started to guffaw and was only stopped by the Professor’s shout of ‘quiet now’. He sure wasn’t tall but his voice is really something.

‘And so take that free time to have an extra sleep or just anything you wanted to do!’



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