My Kind of Guy


         Two weeks had passed since classes had started, and the two friends Yuri and Mina had just gotten settled into a routine. Chicken night was to be held every two weeks, on Saturday. Mina was in charge of grocery shopping, because if it was left up to Yuri, they would both simply eat rice until the day they died. Yuri definitely had many foods she liked better than rice, but she was too lazy to want to go out and buy food. She was fine cooking, but more regular food was not worth going outside. In exchange for Mina buying the food, Yuri cooked. Yuri also cleaned the kitchen and organized the living room, while Mina swept and cleaned the bathroom. Both were expected to do their own dishes.

          That Saturday, the girls had discovered that they both had the afternoon free, so they decided to go around exploring. While waiting for their free day together, they both had to endure the agony of classes. Yuri was studying art in hopes of being a mangaka or even a freelance artist. Mina was getting her degree in teaching, and hoped to be a high school English teacher. Yuri had no idea how on earth she could stand to do such a job, but she had to admit, Mina was good at it.

          Yuri, on the other hand, struggled a bit in her field. Yuri was a good artist, but inspiration was hard for her. In fact, she suspected that the only reason she had gotten the scholarship that was currently paying for almost all of her college was because of her grades and the fact she had been first in her graduating class. Now, her grades were something to be proud of. Everyone around her, except Mina, thought she was crazy when she had decided to study art. They all supplied the same response,

          “But there is so much you can do with your life!”

          Yes, there were many things, and what Yuri was doing now was one of them. Still, she sometimes wondered if she had thrown all her intellect away. But then Yuri simply pushed the thought aside, reminding her that this was her dream. Sort of.

          In her free time, Yuri liked to go to nearby parks or places of interest and sketch what she saw. Usually, it turned out pretty well. She would also bring a notebook and possibly write a few verses of a poem she was working on. That was another thing Yuri liked to do in her free time. The poems always turned out depressing or about heartbreak, though. Still, Mina always told her they were beautiful, so she kept writing. Knowing Mina, she would not say something like that unless it was at least partly true.          That Saturday, the two girls set out to do a bit of exploring. About thirty minutes into their walk, when they were about a ten minutes distance from their apartment, Mina and Yuri turned the corner to find a sight that shocked them both. All they could do was stare, both being unable to speak at the surprise that they had just found.

        There, in front of the two of them, towered the SM building. Normally, this wouldn’t be such a big deal, but these were two American girls who had dreamed about even seeing this building for years. And here they were, both of them, standing right in front of it, within walking distance of their home. Both of the girls hopped up and down in excitement at their newfound discovery. When they finally calmed down a bit, Yuri looked around and spotted a small park area with benches that faced the entrance of the building. That was just what she was looking for. As Mina hurriedly dragged Yuri away under some curious on lookers stares, she secretly smiled. She would come back soon.

       They both looked around more and were excited at all the new things that Seoul had to offer. Street vendors lined some streets, keeping Mina occupied as she tried to stop Yuri from buying everything she saw. Even so, by the time they had returned home, both girls were quite full and had no need for lunch. They decided to sit in their living room and catch up on homework. For about an hour, all was quiet except for the scratching of pencils on paper. The silence was comfortable, but Mina could tell that for Yuri, it was deafening. So, being the wonderfully awesome friend that she was, Mina attempted to start a conversation, despite the fact that she concentrated better in silence.

       “So um, how’s school going, buddy?”

       Yuri immediately perked up, grateful for the conversation that she knew was at her friend’s expense.

       “About as fine as it could be, I guess,” came the slightly tense answer. Yuri hated even talking about school, but she knew that Mina was trying.

       “Come into contact with anyone, or are you planning on being a hermit still?” Mina playfully joked.

       "Well, except for accidentally knocking down a random dude near the gates, I haven’t had any human contact, as you so kindly put it. Although I was pretty sure that you were not the type to compare my social situation to a crab, ya know?” Yuri answered with a twinkle in her eyes, which was the only thing that kept her statement from being offensive.

       That was another thing about Yuri. Most of the stuff she said came out wrong one way or another, so most people thought she was a lot meaner than she meant to be. Mina had been her friend long enough to detect the too subtle change in tone that suggested sarcasm, as opposed to her actually being serious.

       “Well, you know, you’re going to have to fall in love one of these days. Knowing you, you’d already have a dream guy by now, even if he’s completely unrealistic. So c’mon, spill it already! What’s you’re type?”

       Yuri sighed. There was no way she’d escape this one. And she’d run out of food one of these days. But still, that didn’t mean she was going to go down without a fight.

       “Fine, I’ll tell you, but you gotta tell me yours first, ok?” Mina pretended to ponder for a few moments, but in reality, she was never going to pass this chance to hear it straight from Yuri up.

       “Ok, but you gotta tell me afterwards, promise?”


       “I really want a guy who’s kind of dorky and weird without being afraid to be himself. I think they’re really cute, you know? I also want him to kind and caring, though. And being good looking couldn’t hurt. Anyway, now it’s your turn.”

       Yuri had hoped that Mina could have gone on and on and forgotten about making her tell, but it looked like there was no escaping it.
       “Well, you know, um, I’d like a guy who was reliable. I want someone who cares about me a lot, who will be there for me, stuff  like that. Aside from that, I really don’t care much. But I don’t want him to be a complete jerk or anything like that.”

      “So basically you want a guy who’s in love with you? Don’t you have a little more taste in men?” Mina asked.

      “Well, it’s not any guy would ever care about me, Yuri sighed, “But I really just want someone who would…. How do I put this? I just want a guy who will always stand by me, no matter what.”

Annyeong~ lunastorm here!! Thank you soooo much for reading, we really appreciate it! Star and I have been working really hard on this fic, so feel free to comment and subscribe! And for those of you who already have


 We loves you (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ hugs

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HUGE amount of editing was done with the format and everything! Hope this makes it easier to read! -StarlightN, Stand By Me


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SH4ever #1
Update!!!! I'm waiting..