Valkyrie {APPLY OPEN}


To whom it may concern:

       War has ravaged our homeland, the Central Kingdom, for 8 years now. As the West Kingdom advanced onto the East Kingdom, our people were caught in the crossfire.

       Many of us banded together and formed The Resistance. Our intention was only to protect ourselves and our families. We rose up out of a need to survive, and it was supposed to stay that way. Until that horrible day came.

      Hundreds were slaughtered by the East's men, who came out of nowhere and stormed one of our meetings. To this day, we still do not know the cause of this sudden attack. But the battle, which inflicted high casualties for both parties, left us crippled, maybe permanently. Most of our fighters were either killed or critically injured, and our supplies were all confiscated or burned.

      It has been a few years since that attack. We have been rebuilding in secret, taking great care to keep hidden from the outside world. Now, we are here to announce the formation of a promising rookie fighter group, Valkyrie. They may just be the warriors we need to finally rid our soil of the East and West invaders. Will you join Valkyrie and aid us in our fight?

-Taeyeon, Leader of The Resistance





--- No bashing. We can take it, but Sungyeol will start crying, and we all definitely don't want that to happen.

---If you plagiarize, I will tie you up and throw you down a deep dark hole. So don't.

--- Please be neat and organized, or Star will also tie you up and throw you down a deep dark hole. Not really, but she's pretty OCD so it's advised.

--- Sorry there's a password, but it's an awesome one, so who cares? It's "Roll like a buffalo." 

--- Comment with the link to your application. DO NOT PM US WITH THE LINK

--- Subscribe either before or shortly after you apply. If you are accepted, please comment every other chapter or so.

--- No or yuri! Please don't make us regret forgetting to put this rule up!

--- Please, no Mary sues, as that will make both of us authors very, very unhappy. If your characters could really be that perfect then the war would have ended years ago.



Hello everyone! We're here with some author's notes to kinda explain what the heck is going on.

This fanfic world is comprised of six kingdoms with very.... creative names. The North, South, East, West, and Central Kingdoms, as well as a wasteland that's called... uh... the Wasteland. Creative authors are creative ^.^ The kingdoms are located as their names suggest, and the Wasteland borders the South, East, and Central Kingdoms.

The Resistance was formed in the Central Kingdom to protect their land from the invading West. It was rumored that they could be identified by the necklaces they wore, each with a specific stone. The stone was supposed to symbolize their fighter type, as well as the virtues behind the people themselves.

The East and West are currently at war, like they have been for many years, and the Central Kingdom has become the warzone between the two. The Wasteland is desolate place crawling with savage beasts, home only to banished criminals and the like.

We hope you will join our fight for peace.


The application form, character types, and teasers should be posted periodically. Both of us authors hope you like our concept!



We could really use some applications! Another teaser has been posted! ~Valkyrie


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lostincarnival #1
YAY! Done with the application:D Hope you guys like it!
Chapter 5: So this is still on, right? Because I want to finish my app (finally!) but wouldn't want to waste time on something that might not be continued :) just a question :)
partiallystars #3
I'll be applying! by tomorrow though ._.
I have a question. I want to apply, but right now I'm a little confused about what time period this fic is set in. Since there are peasants, it's supposed to be older times, right? So occupations are supposed to be like 'traders', farmers, blacksmiths and so on? Or is something like 'model' ok?
Also, since there are kingdoms, there are Kings too, right? What about lords and so on?
I'm curious! Hyo's character is so awesome, and Sunny bunny is as cute as always! But she's so mature now too! ^o^b
I'm very curious~ sounds interesting
It really does look interesting *A*
I wonder where the men of The Resistance are though? :))
#8've sparked my curoisity...
i'm curious about this!~
i like the story so far.
i may or may not apply~
Yay, done the application! :D I hope it's okay.