Start in Seoul


      Sunlight streamed in through the small window as Yuri sat up in bed, groaning. Today was going to be the one day she got to wander around before the college semester would start. She shuffled into the kitchen area, narrowly avoiding the protruding countertop. Yuri was happy to see a rice cooker already provided by the landlord. She rummaged through the bag of basic food that Mina had suggested buying at a grocery store they had passed by. Yuri had been too tired to care, but now she was grateful for the product of the few agonizing minutes waiting for Mina. She had just finished washing the rice and turning on the cooker when Mina came stumbling out of her room.

      “Hey buddy, watcha making?” Mina managed to force out as she yawned. Yep, Mina was definitely not a morning person.

      “So far, just rice. Be sure to watch th-”

      Any addition to said statement was cut off as Mina ran straight into the corner of the countertop, which was exactly what Yuri had been warning her not to do. Yuri sighed. Mina was definitely not the most coordinated person either. It reminded her of another, quite clumsy person she knew of.

      Both of them took turns showering while waiting for the rice to cook. While she was waiting, Yuri went into her room and surveyed the large suitcase and few boxes stacked against the wall, along with the backpack she used as a carryon. Out of the front pocket she pulled out her iPhone and laptop plus their chargers, plugging them into the electric socket nearest to the desk. Yuri then went through her boxes and suitcase, unpacking only what was necessary. Incidentally, that “necessary stuff” included the whole box that was labeled “SHINee.” Yuri happily grinned as she hung her posters up on the wall and put her substantial collection of SHINee memorabilia on various surfaces. Her nicer clothes were hung on hangers up on a peel and stick hook she had brought for this very put in her closet, while the ordinary ones were just messily shoved into her dresser. Lastly, she very carefully unwrapped a picture of her with one of her friends back in the states, Lucas.      Lucas had been the first person to see her for who she really was. At least that was what Yuri, or Izzy, as that was who she was at the time, thought. But time had moved on, and Yuri was forced out of Lucas’s life, step by step. He was the first person she had cared about that deeply, especially since the incident, but apparently he felt anything but the same. Mina walked in with a towel around her wet hair, looking sadly at her best friend carefully placing the cherished picture on the corner of her desk. Except for Mina and only Mina, Yuri had learned one of her life’s greatest lessons: Never. Trust. People.

Hello everyone, StarlightN here! I'm so happy that we could finally get this up and posted! I hope you guys liked it! My friend Luna and I are really going for a fresh, slightly new concept, so please stay with us and subscribe so we can show you all we've got! And now my partner in crim- ehem, my editor, should be coming along shortly, and she's much better at these things than me!

But first, some *cough* shameless advertising.... please check out my oneshot file fanfic, "A Shot of Shinee!" It's a collection of oneshots based off of whatever random song is in my head, or whatever is requested! Yes, I am currently needing requests, as my inspiration is slowly getting sapped away! :o So, please check it out! (And let's hope my unnie doesn't kill me for shameless advertising in the wrong place).... Ummm... so, please comment, we love to hear how you feel! And don't forget to subscribe too! Go ahead, tell all your friends, I ended up contacting Jonghyung's dog Roo! So please no bashing, as we've both put a lot of time into the story, and.... um... Unnie can take it over from here when she arrives!

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HUGE amount of editing was done with the format and everything! Hope this makes it easier to read! -StarlightN, Stand By Me


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SH4ever #1
Update!!!! I'm waiting..