



Jiyong's POV


"2ne1 has just got back from Korea from their successful world tour. With their hit songs and unforgettable perfomance 2ne1 just raised the bar for girl groups. We said it before and we will say it again. 2ne1 is walking the path where other k-pop girl-groups must step-up their game. With 2ne1's fierce and edgy style, we are excited to see whats next." 


After hearing that 2ne1 just got back with positive feedback, Jiyong turned off the t.v. He was proud that they did great. He took his phone and wanted to call her and suddenly remembered that it was over between them. Just like what she said, 

"Let's pretend that nothin ever happened between us Ji. That's always what you wanted right Sunbae-nim?" At that moment I wanted to retaliate and tell her that what she said wasn't true. But my pride got in the way and instead of asking for forgiveness i said, "Whatever." I saw hurt in her eyes when she walked away from me. It wasnt after 3 days when Bom noona suddenly barged inside Teddy-hyungs studio to beat the crap out of me when I realized what an I am. 


So now, I'm stuck with just news about her from our mutual friends and of course the internet. People kept on saying that she's pretty. Are they blind? She's not pretty, she's Beautiful. She's perfect. She's my everything. I suddenly felt my heart constricting, as if an invinsible hand was clutching it tightly. 

I went to Hongdae to get myself lost in the crowd. As I walked down the streets with no particular place in mind, I saw a familiar figure in front of me. Despite baggy clothes and her scarf covering her face, I knew it was her. 


I missed her.


I haven't seen or talked to her for the past few months. Not because I didn't want to. Its because she didn't allow me to. My heart wanted to go near her and talk to her but my mind was afraid that she might just push me away the way she does whenever I try to talk to her. She would just say "Aigoo Sunbae-nim, I need to go." My heart just breaks everytime she does that. But I'm desperate, my heart is desperate I want her beside me. I disregarded whatever rational reasoning my mind was spewing and went to the stall where she was and grabbed her hand and dragged her.


"Yah! who are you!" 


"Dara.. its me."


I knew she recognized my voice, she didn't struggle anymore and just went with me quietly. We finally reached my bently she quietly went inside the car and I drove off with her. We always did this when we were still dating last year if we didn't break up we would have announced our relationship in Strong heart's episode. At least, that was what we planned. A week before the taping I got drunk and somehow ended up in bed with Sohee. Then things just got ed up.... it was too late when I found out that Sohee planned everything so Dara and I would break up. I wanted to kill Sohee for ruining everything. I begged Dara to take me back but she didn't want to, she was scarred way too deep. I have hurt her way too many times before and Sohee's stunt pushed Dara to her limits. I couldnt bear the heavy atmosphere inside the car.


"How are you Dara? I didn't expect you to shave your head." 


"Yeah. Me too. But I needed change you know Sunbae-nim."

Sunbae-nim. I'm starting to hate the word. The way she talks to me is full of coldness and the way she treats me makes me feel so small. Despite the "respect" she's showing I feel that she's cursing me instead.


"I know." I said quietly. 


"So how are you Sunbae? There's a lot of news around you right now! Specially with So--"


"How was the world tour?" I said, cutting whatever nonsence that she was planning to say.


"It was great! there were lots of fans and I really enjoyed the tour though I'm still a bit tired. So if you don't mind sunbae I would appreciate it if you drive me to my dorm."


I nodded quietly. I felt more stupid than before. Why did I drag her? Why? Why? Why? I dont know what to say to her except 
"I love you" and "'I'm sorry" There were things I wanted to say, things I practiced in front of the mirror but didn't come out. I guess, even my tongue shrinked away from her coldness.


Her phone suddenly rang. I noticed that it was an un-registered number. She cautiously answered her phone.


"hello? This is Sandara Speaking. You are?"


I was straining my hear  in hope to find out who was calling her. 


"Jaejoong? Jaejoong who?.... TVXQ? why are you calling me?....."


I noticed that she turned beet red and I knew in that instant that Jaejoong just confessed to her. I wanted to turn my car around and hunt that guy and beat him with a sledge hammer. I tightened my grip in the steering wheel. I controled my breathing and waited for her to finish talking to the guy.


"b-bwo?... a d-date??"


The patience I had suddenly evaporated. I grabbed her phone and ended the call. She looked at me, as if I just sprouted two heads.


"Do you always receive calls from idols?"


She looked at me blankly, then nodded. "Yeah. eversince the dating ban has been lifted."


I wanted to march down to YG hyung's office and demand him to extend the dating ban to 10 years!


"Yah, Sunbae what's with the scary face? you're scaring me. You look like a monster now" She said in a teasing manner but underneath her tone I felt her panic. Ever since we started dating and I heard that she had numerous fanboys I would get so jealous that I was called the raging dragon. In fact, up till now, I still want to assasinate all her fanboys, specially that U-kiss guy.


"Dara please, just let me explain what really happened."


"Sunbae you can just drop me off here. The dorm is near here and---"


"Damn it Dara! Just let me explain!"


"Sunbae what--"


"Stop calling me Sunabe! damn it!"


She looked at me with her eyes filled with disgust. It was not the reaction I wanted.

"Sunbae I can walk from here. Just stop the car." 


I stopped the car, she opened the door and slammed it. She started walking, more like running away from me. I followed her.

"Dara please, just listen to me!"

She stopped and looked at me with tears threatening to fall down from her eyes. She's crying again, because of me. Damn. Why do I always have to hurt her? I took a step towards her but she stepped back. I get it. She didn't want me to comfort her. I have done enough damage to her. My eyes welled with tears and the words that I wanted to say was at the tip of mouth no longer ashamed of whatever the consequence it might make.


"What Ji? what do you want to say huh? do you want to rub it in my face that I--"


"Dara, Please hear me out! I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for causing you pain. I'm sorry for being a monster. I'm sorry for being selfish. I'm sorry but I still love you I can't forget you. I need you in my life, eversince you left me nothing seemed right. Don't let our relationship end just like that. When you left me that day, despite me acting tough I died Dara. My whole life crashed because the future I planned was filled with you. I admit that I wasn't the best boyfriend for you the past few months prior to our break-up, I was a complete jerk that before I knew it I already hurt you and I knew that you'd break up with me. So I thought writing a few songs for you might change your mind. But I got it all wrong. I got more busier. Then we had that stupid fight about me having another girl, believe me when I say that I'm not that kind of person. It was like you stabbed me Dara when you didn't believe me. People can judge me and call me names but somewhow you became one of them. So that night I got drunk and found Sohee beside me, then, you found us, I swear to all things holy Dara we didn't do anything. She planned all of it but you were too stubborn to listen to me. Despite the hell you put me through I still love you Dara! please! Just let me have just one more chance!" 


I said all that without pausing and tried my best to catch my breath.

She looked at me with open and closing. She coughed for a bit and I pat her back.


"Ji I'm sorry for everything too. I'm sorry for not listening to you. I'm sorry for not believing you. I still love you and yes, I'd give you another chance, I was just too hurt that I became too stubborn. But I never stopped loving you though. I always have and always will be."


My heart danced for joy. Fate wasnt that cruel after all. 


"Don't ever leave me okay? Don't you dare love or look at other girls."


"You're the only girl for me Dara. You're my only Sandara. I love you."

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 1: Argh! I dunno how to feel about this story honestly. We all know what happened in real life. There’s Kiko Mizuhara, Nana Komatsu, etc. It gives me a lot of feels.
wenkie0414 #2
Chapter 1: hehehe, nice ending
Chapter 1: thank goodness everythngs cleared and they are together again...^_^
dockie8ph #4
Chapter 1: thank you for the happy ending!
Chapter 1: Wew!! I think this story will ending bad just like it's must be,*just read the song!!* but it's turn out wrong. Yeyy!! I like it,the sweet thingiiii
jhenky #6
Chapter 1: i love this story .. it's so sweet.. sequel plssssssss....
Chapter 1: Extend the dating ban for 10 years? Jiyong is too funny.. kekeke Love this.. super sweet :))
Sweet monster kekeke this is good, just need a sequel so we can call it brave ^^
Thank's to written
fiamma #9
sequel please ....
and make sohee suffer
Can u make sequel?? sohee! Make oneshot that they reveal!