If time could stop

Exo Oneshots

EXO-M were in town for a TV show and you were very happy because you could finally a little quality time with your boyfriend, who was always away because of his schedule.

You had met him two years ago when you entered SMent. as a trainee. He was already a trainee there, you became almost immediately friends and not long after that he asked you to be his girlfriend.

You were together at the hard training, you were together when he debuted and you hoped to be together at everything that would come in the future.

It was the day after the recording and all the boys were free to do anything they wanted to.Kris called you to tell you where to meet and you quickly got dressed and headed to the place he told you.

When you reached there, you saw that he wasn't alone, but it didn't bother you. You knew all the other guys and you were friends with them, more or less. 

Kris was waiting for you along with Tao, Chanyeol and Chen. When he saw you he waved at you and you quickened your pace to reach them.

You greeted each other and started walking around the city. Of course, they wore hats and glasses but there sure would be a few fans that would notice them. All you could do was just hope your relationship wasn't found out.

Kris was holding your hand in his the whole time and you were so happy to have him by your side. The boys were talking non-stop about what the've done the time they were apart and you couldn't help but smile at their comments and reactions on everything.

You had lunch together and then the guys left , making lame excuses, to let you have some 'couple' time. 

You and Kris went to your favourite ice cream shop and ordered your favourite flavors.
It was so relaxing being with him. You just talked about random stuff, about your training and studies, about his crazy schedules, about everything...

You didn't notice how time passed and the time he sould be back was long ago. The others would wait for him outside the dorm. 

As much as he may insisted to walk you home you denied and make him gat a cab so he could return to the dorm as fast as possible. He kissed you goodbye and left.

You walked home smilling like a fool but you didn't want to hide it. This day was just perfect.
However, Your happiness wouldnt last as much as you hoped it would.

You had just opened your apartment door when your cell phone rang. You took it out of your pocket and you were more than surprised to see that Kris was calling. You were together 20 minutes ago, what could he possibly want?

"Hi Kris. What's up? " You answered your phone clueless.

"Uhm..actualy I'm not Kris, I'm his band mate Lay.We have met at the showcase, remember?" he said and you could feel how awkward he must have been.

"Oh hi Lay.. What happened? Why are you calling me?" the more you thought about it the more worried you became.

And your worst nightmare came to life in just one moment.

Your phone fel to the floor..You couldn't hold it anymore. You fel on your knees and started breathing heavily.

"Where is he?" you picked up your phone from the floor with trembling hands and asked Lay.

"He's at SPH Hospital" he answered and you ended the call.

You got on your feet in no time and stormed out the door closing it with a loud bang.
You could feel tears coming out and you quickly wiped them away. You raised your hand and fortunatelly enough a cab stoped in front of you. You told the driver your destination and he started driving.

You got there faster that you thought it would take you. You paid the guy and run to the hospital.
When you got there you asked a nurse where was his room and the moment you heard the number, you started running ,rearching for it.

You couldn't wait for the elavator, so you used the stairs. People were looking strangely at you but you didn't care.
When you reached the surgery room, all the guy where waiting outside.You approached them slowly almost tripping on your own feet.

"What happened?" you asked them, your voice cracking.

"The cab he was in got hit by an other car whose driver was drunk" Luhan told you and you could see the pain in his eyes. You could see it in everyones eyes,

Before you got to ask anything else, a doctor came out looking really tired.As he saw you he must hane guessed who you waited and he approaced you.
Their manager was the one to talk to him and you just stood there waiting for him to talk to the rest of you.

However, if you knew what he wanted to tell you, you would have never let him open his mouth.

"He said that they did everything they could, but his wounds were... they were beyong treatable and he...he..They couldn't save him" he said between his sobs.

You couldn't believe your ears. You didn't want to.
You had to support yourself against the wall os else you would fall down. The others were leaning against each other crying for their best friend...for their brother.

Your ears were buzzing, your vision got blurry. You saw more doctors coming out and you wanted to see him so much. You wanted go back to this morning where he was holding your hand in his. If you could stop the time,you would hold it and never leave it. 

You felt a hand on your shoulder but you didn't have the courage to look up. You were in so much pain you could hear your own heart beating and the only thing you wished for was that his could do the same.

You didn't care about the press.Of course, he worked really hard to get there and he lost everything so soon.But you didn't care, you couldn't thought of no one else rather than yourself.

You didn't realise how you got home. One of the boys should have help you get there for sure, but everything from last night was just a blur. You were alone in an empty house ful of memories.Everuthing reminded you of him.Even the smallest detail.

You tried to think of something else but your mind was stuck on one and only thing:

He was gone and he would never come back.

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Chapter 12: part two for Separate Ways plzzzzzzzzzzz i want him to know the truth behind why she broke up with him and that there isno other guy
Noo!! Not Kyungsoo! cant be.
Ugh great my two biases ended up in the sad stories :( just my luck T_T
whuuuut? ah Xiao Lu!!! Hey 'You', you need to tell him about the truth :( say that you met with his mother huhuhuhuhu *what I've been doing? LOL* a lot of sad ending stories here hffft. but nice work :D
Luhan. These are so sad. ;(
OhMyKrisus #6
noooooooooooooo kris
OMGOMG. <|3 Kriss!!
@6. /crying. DDD:
OhMyKrisus #9
awwwwwwwwwwwww poor baekie