Just my luck!

Broken Down Elevators


 I ran down the hallway, my shiny black pumps clicking harshly on the white marble floor. My boss was going to kill me if I was late for work again. I was a designer at a major graphic design company, and today we were going to hold a meeting with our biggest, most prestigious client yet. I couldn't risk this for our team. I saw the elevator at the end of the hall and sped up, clutching my portfolio to my chest. 
 "Yah! Hold up!" I yelled. The hand of a tall young man held the doors of the elevator open and I hurried in, leaving grey skid marks on the floor. "Kamsahamnida!" I gasped between breaths.
 "No problem, miss." I heard the man chuckle with a deep, husky voice. It sounded somewhat familiar, but I ignored that thought. I had only just moved into the apartment and the only person I had managed to even begin sociallizing with was my elderly neighbour, Mrs.Lee. 
 I leaned forward to press the illuminated button for the ground floor and sighed, still catching my breath. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the stranger had fluorescent blue hair! It caught my attention and I couldn't help but look at him. I instantly knew where I had heard that voice before. The kind stranger who held the door open and was now standing in the otherwise empty elevator with me was T.O.P of BIGBANG! I felt my jaw drop, but I couldn't stop staring. He stood beside me, facing the doors, his hands in the pockets of his black hoodie. 
 "Stop staring, you're gunna scare him!" I thought anxiously to myself, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't peel my eyes away from him. He looked at me from the corner of his eye, then turned towards me fully.
 "Uh, do I know you?" he asked confused. He raised one eyebrow and pursed his lips as I struggled to force words out of my mouth.
 "Uh..uh...no. But I know you! You're T.O.P! Sorry, but I'm a huge fan!" I finally blurted. His confused expression softened into an awkward smile as he blushed and looked down at the floor. Was it possible that he was more embarassed by this situation than I was? 
 "Thanks, don't apologize. I love meeting fans. And you can call me Seunghyun." he laughed gently and ran his hand through his day-glo hair. "What can I call you?"
 "Oh, uh my name's ____." I blushed insanely, I couldn't believe I was on a first name basis with T.O.P! "So, Seunghyun, if you don't mind me asking.....why are you here?" I wondered. There was no way an A-List star like him was looking for a flat here. Not that the apartment building wasn't good, just not 5 star good. 
 "Well, I'm actually looking for a flat here. It's nice, not so..A-List and 5 starrish, you know? Just a nice, normal apartment building." he explained. Wow. I was way off. 
 CLUNK! I felt the elevator stop suddenly. The harsh ring off intermitent alarm bells began and we stared at each other, not knowing what to do. 
 "Did we just stop?" I squeaked, asking possibly the stupidest question one could ask in the situation.
 "Yeah, I think we did." Seunghyun replied, his own voice going up an octave or two. A male voice came over the intercom.
 "Hey, sorry for the delay, the elevator's jammed. Don't worry, I'm the fire cheif, my team and I will have you out in around an hour or so. Sit tight." I heard Seunghyun breathe a sigh of relief. I, however, was not so pleased. An hour? I was already running late!
 "Noooooooo!" I groaned, leaning against the wall. 
 "What's wrong? He said we'll be out in an hour." said Seunghyun, leaning against the opposite wall. I slid down and sat on the floor, setting my case beside me.
 "I have to be at a meeting in downtown in 15 minutes! My boss is gunna kill meeeeeeeeeeeeee." I said, burrying my head in my hands. He sat down too and nudged my Prada heels with his DC's. 
 "Hey, lighten up. Being late for one tiny little meeting won't hurt!" I lifted my face from my knees and looked at him seriously through my long hair that fell infront of my eyes.
 "This is the 7th time, and this meeting could cost my company it's business." I said. He bit his lip and grimaced.
 "Oh, then, uh... good luck with that?" he tried. I sighed deeply and whipped out my Blackberry, quickly texting my boss and explaining myself. "Look, ____, I'm sure it'll all be fine. And if things don't work out, I'm sure I can hook you up with a job." I laughed at his optomism and leaned my head against the wall again.
 "Doing what? Shovelling fries at McDonalds?" he laughed too but replied in all seriousness.
 "I was thinking something more along the lines of modelling." he said, cocking his head to the side and eyeing me up and down.
 "Hahahahahaha-" I broke off mid-laugh when I saw his expression. "Oh my god you're serious."
 "Yeah, I mean, you're pretty enough for it. You're slim, you have a great smile. Stand up, let me see how tall you are." he stood first then took my hand and pulled me up, sending a wave of euphoria through my star-struck body. I pulled off my 6 inch pumps and stood on my bare feet. He stood right infront of me, chest to chest. My eyes were at perfect level with the bridge of his nose, and I could feel his warm breath wash over me when he spoke, still holding my hand. "Wow, you're tall," he murmered. "and prettier up close..." Our eyes met and his arm wrapped slowly around my waist. "Just say if you want me to stop." and he bent his head and kissed me. My heart began racing and I dropped my shoes with a loud bang to hold his shoulder. Neither of us flinched. Just then the crisp ding of the elevator doors went off, and they opened to reveal 6 firemen with their tool kits staring uncomprehensively at us. We pulled apart and looked at the firemen.
 "Kamsahamnida." I said, not sure if it was directed to the men who just saved our lives or the man who just saved my heart. I picked up my shoes and portfolio and booked it out of the elevator, blushing like crazy. Behind me I heard Seunghyun say:
 "What she said." and then run after me. We caught up outside the lobby and laughed so hard we were doubled over on the ground. Strangers passed by giving us strange looks and whispering amongst themselves but we ignored them, too wrapped up in our own little rom-com world to give a damn. When we both finally caught our breath, Seunghyun helped me up and handed me his cell. "Here, let's trade numbers, I'd love to hang out somewhere other than a broken down elevator sometime." I handed him my phone, and typed my name and number into his. I took a quick glance at the time, and smiled happily when I saw I still had 10 minutes to get to the meeting in. It was gunna be a rush, but I could run. "Hey, if you want, I could get you to your meeting in 5." he said, gesturing towards a shiny black motorcyle. Done and done. We slipped through traffic with ease and I got to my meeting with time to spare.
 And that is the story of how I, ____, kissed T.O.P, narrowly escaped death by elevator, and delivered and saved my company all in the space of 2 hours.
                                                                                                           The End
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Chapter 1: This is some of your best work, much better than the stuff you write now. You're just having fun here instead of taking things too seriously. You should really start writing on this account again. ;)
Bel_the_beheader22 #2
Chapter 1: I am really glad I found this. Uwaa you should really continue this instead of just finishing it as a one shot. It's really a great story I love it! XD
Chapter 1: Omg no but seriously this is the best one shot in the history of one shots you don't even know
how does she keep her cool even after admitting she's a fan?! i'd be like '...m...f..t...asd....gllsesdfjpaiwje....'
hah. cute! good job <:
locah4mocha070512 #5
whuppet #6
Hahaha! Thanks everyone. And Coraline, don't worry, I think ai'd be spazzing pretty hard too!
This fic is epic! XD I wonder if I get stuck with him, i'll be spazzing endlessly!
Cute oneshot by the way. I loved it!
Wow, if only I could get stuck in an elevator with him... ;(