

He found himself holding his breath as she parted her lips. Her pink tongue darted out, the fuzzy side of the peach.


I'm ridiculously proud of that banner. :)
I know it's a little shoddy but after I finished it the first time, PS didn't save it, so I kinda just threw this one together. 

She matched his glare, her colorless eyes sparking, "Why'd you take 
my peach? I like eating peaches."

Yeah, he snorted, he sure as hell liked when she ate peaches too. Just not in public. 
She had an annoying habit of looking like she was giving
the damn fruit oral while she ate it. 

"You can have a goddamn peach later. When we're alone."


So I ate a peach earlier. This is what I got from it... 

© tobeacrossthesea 
You steal my work and I'll gut you with a rusty butter knife,
cover you with honey,
and let fire ants eat your entrails. 

Well. That's that! Hope someone likes it!


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I'll never see peaches in the same way...
But it was awesome the way you described it XD
toowhiteforkpop #2
this is cool ^-^ i like it, i reckon if you have more burst of creativity you could keep it going, i think it has potential to be more than just a oneshot