Behind This Sushi Bar

Behind This Sushi Bar

Welcome to the peaceful town at the sub-urb of Incheon, Seoul which shall not be named.

Its a medium-sized city or the locals call them as large town; with enough urban mood to have a handful of city life and where you could entrust your children to roam around by themselves and still be safe. The neighborhood siding the nameless town are few squares and lines with condominiums, apartments, housings with calm people and good samaritans living side by side. If you're a visitors, you would get a kind voluntary assist in no time. If you're a new neighbor, nothing but warm welcome is waiting for you.

In the middle of the very large town, a nameless sushi bar is weirdly established, far from the wet market, far from the fisherman bay. The citizens had been talking about how the sushi served there probably aren't fresh but they come over anyway and discovers the sushi is probably the best in town. The owner of the sushi bar is a foreigner probably is Chinese who speaks eloquent Korean but people could only remember him being tall and doesn't remember if he ever speak something. The sushi bar had an issue with strict employments, not that anyone would want to work there anyway. Either the   system there are too weird or too foreign that only few could stand working there in a long period.

The small sushi bar had done nothing harm on the city, it doesn't effect the big town in any way with their weird way of handling things. Not yet.




"Kyungsoo, am I fat?"

Sehun asks, while looking at his own reflection on Kris' office glass door. He checks on his side profile, his stomach and even his . Kyungsoo laughs at the delivery boy, rolling his eyes while taking the dirty dishes to the kitchen. Sehun mutters his annoyance looking at Kyungsoo's reaction.

"Sehun-ah, you're not fat. You need to gain some," Kyungsoo went out of the kitchen and pass by the kid who is still examining himself. Sehun puts his hands on his hips, tilts his head and follows Kyungsoo's back. His hand smacks the waiter hard that he lets out a weird sound. Suho saw them two and weirded out.

Kyungsoo turns on his heels trying to shout at Sehun, but he sees him smacking his own and sighed afterwards. The boy were comparing his butts and his own. Kyungsoo wants to facepalm but felt sorry for the kid. He flings an arm to Sehun's neck, bringing him to back to the place where Sehun can see his own reflection, Kris' office door.

"Look, I know you're worried about Luhan coming back but your worries aren't necessary. Look at these arms," Kyungsoo slaps both of Sehun's arms while both of them staring at Sehun's self in the mirror. Sehun grew a smile. Luhan does said that he likes Sehun's arms. The memories of his boyfriend saying that makes him chuckle for a bit. Kyungsoo is glad to see him grinning, not knowing what exactly is inside his mind.

"I don't know Kyungsoo, you're like the kindest person on earth I've known, why would you dating that ," Sehun blurts that with his monotone voice, it feels like pricking little needles inside Kyungsoo's heart.

"Hey, Kai is a nice guy," He tried to defend the person that he is currently dating. It has been two weeks since they're officially dating and each day has been much more interesting to look forward to with Kai in his life. Kai had been wonderful and he forgot when is it that they didn't touch each other just a little too much. Sometimes he feels like the second annoying pair, Chanyeol and Baekhyun, but at least they get in a room before people shouts for them to do so. The other pair are seriously shameless public-display-affection-exhibitionist. They used to kiss each other throat to throat when they're out picking raw fishes early in the morning; Kris had to give them special rules : "NO KISSING" to avoid the lovebirds making out in front of the customers.

"I'm anxious, Kyungsoo. It has been 2 years since the last time I saw him," Sehun checks his hair this time, face an inch from the glass door. Kyungsoo looks at the boy reflection. He didn't know how it feels to be in long distance relationship but he knows Sehun misses his lover, like an E.T. missing home. Sehun had been telling him a lot about Luhan since the first time he starts working there as a delivery boy and the glimpse of his eyes are different when he talks about him. He really loves Luhan. Kyungsoo could tell that.

"You should be happy, theres a lot of thing to catch up with," Kyungsoo smiles and pats the boy's shoulder. Sehun cracks a little smile, leering at Kyungsoo.

"Yeah, a lot of it. And I really can't wait!" Sehun exclaims. Kyungsoo just chuckles to see him being excited. Sehun, despite looking all brooding, had always been a dear to him. Not to the extent that he becomes clingy but Sehun makes him want to take care of. Its just normal for Kyungsoo to feed the kid, caresses his face and even massages his shoulder. Sehun had grown to be very comfortable with Kyungsoo that sometimes he doesn't call him hyung.

"I've been re-positioning my furnitures to make them spacious, I even get a new dresser so Luhan can fits his wardrobe inside, ah....Kyungsoo..." Sehun shifts his eyes from his reflection to Kyungsoo's fishball eyes.

"I'm so happy, I'm going to burst. I would be really sad if he suddenly said he couldn't make it," Kyungsoo grabs the boy on his wrist, forehead folds and shakes his head to the boy. This is the part of Sehun where he thinks too much at a time. Sehun bits his lower lip, eyes honestly says it out he would go crazy if Luhan aren't coming back.

The reason that Luhan left him is to reign the King of Dance in China and all schools had bowed down to him and his crew. Except to one beastly dancer who mirrors Luhan's moves perfectly at a local dance school which is conveniently located at Luhan's hometown. Kai. Who is currently living in the town, and dating his own friend, Do Kyungsoo. His fingers balled-up into fists to think about it.

A creaking sound pierces their cochlea. Kris went out from the glass door that the two boys were staring at. Their heads look up to meet the giant-like Kris; face is bold and icy.

"Can you guys continue working, I can see everything from the inside," The blond boss gives an order with his infamous monotonous voice, theres a hint of sigh inside it. Sehun blushes to think that he had been posing in front of the door for quite a while. Kyungsoo bows and grabbed the younger boy away, back to their respective position and continue whatever it is that they supposed to resume.

Kris rolls his eyes and with a click on his tongue, he ought to close his door but a hand grabbed it, stopping him from shutting it close.

"Hello, there. I want my babies back," Suho puts on the most adorable face shoving it nearing to Kris's face. The glassy and pale face of Suho reflects the sun rays coming from the opposite of the door and Kris had to close one eye, almost blinded by it.

", Joomyun! Your face is like a mirror!" Kris voice went one octave higher, only Suho knows that he could actually put on much anger in his voice. Suho shrugs and welcomes himself in the office.

"So, about my request before..."

"I'm keeping it. You're not going to get it back,"

Suho places both of his palms inside his pockets. His expressions start to change from the joyful, bubbly waiter into somekind of darker-shade of personality. Kris is aware of that changing self of Suho and he knows damn too well on how to handle that. At this moment, they are both aren't Suho and Kris. They're Joomyun and Wu Fan. The relation between them aren't manager and employee. But a tycoon's son and a personal bodyguard cums assassin.

"Look, I've been nice and let you keep them for two weeks. I sensed danger and I want them back," Joomyun looks down to his shoes and shoots a pair of darkened eyes to Wu Fan, who is making a beeline to his leather chair.

"Interesting. Danger coming to this peaceful town, please continue," He hisses, with boring face and checks on his financial budget closely. Joomyun scoffs an annoyed chuckle and walks closer to the manager's desk. He slams one hand hard on the table and now he gets Wu Fan's attention.

"Don't with me, I don't kid you. Its in the contract between me and your dad that I will protect you at all cost. And I can't function without all those things. Where the ing hell did you keep them?"

Wu Fan claps his hand together, palms on palms and rests his lips on the tip of his index finger. He stares at Joomyun, eyes determined with not an inch of fright.

"Those motherers are sitting quietly at some safer place, don't worry about it. And no, I won't give them to you. You doesn't make sense at all,"

Their face met, theres an electricity and fire heating between those stares. They almost up for some good punching and kicking fight but its too early to get into that kind of fight and theres too much work to do to cover up whats happening between them. Thinking rather rational, both of them decides to end the conversation. Joomyun doesn't let it off easily. He screws all the papers on Wu Fan's desk by swiping them all of to fly everywhere. Wu Fan almost shrieks and there it goes, the time to actually sort them back to where they belongs to. He wants to shout at Joomyun.

"Thank you for your time, sir. See you," Suho is exiting the door with a smile on his face. The lighting fells perfectly on his shiny face and Kris had this raging anger inside him. He really wants to cut the assassin's throat and throw the to some dogs in the street. " YOU!" His voice went lower than the normal ones, he almost couldn't hear himself.
Yes, the sushi bar is full of people like this. Erecting in a big town, these kind of people who lives unusual lifestyle are just few dots who went unnoticed. The whole town doesn't even know what does these people attracting. From the view of a customer, the sushi bar is just a place to dine, hang out and curbs that craving of sushi inside of you. The layers of it are coated with handsome men and boy, giving you the best sushi and services. Opens at 12pm and closes at 11pm.

When the night falls and the customers start to decrease in visiting, the people of the sushi bar starts to clean up and closing the bar. Getting ready to serve you again tomorrow with the very fresh Japanese delight.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun are openly dating couple who works professionally under one roof. Well, thanks to Kris for setting up rules or they would runs into each other and tango in the middle of the sushi bar. The two men are really passionate to each other, their burning love could be felt in a mile distance.

Chanyeol, the lead sushi chef of the bar is also a shareholder of the sushi bar with Kris. He had been in charge of all the menu and types of food the bar would serve. Known for being tall and cheerfully loud, he had been hopelessly in love with Baekhyun since their first encounter.  Baekhyun, the pretty boy at the cashier counter is the accountant or head of financial in the sushi bar. Blessed with good looks and charming voice, the school girls had always flock the bar just to see him flutters his eyelashes.

They've always walk together to go home everyday after work, usually Chanyeol would send Baekhyun home first and sometimes Baekhyun would just stay at Chanyeol's home just for the heck of it. Yes, the sweetest couple on earth are living separately.

But maybe not too long.

"Yeollie," Baekhyun softly calls out his boyfriend's name, walking hand in hand tightly. Chanyeol look at him with a smile, he really loves the voice calling him that nickname sounding like it was made only for him to call out.

"Why don't we live together?"

Chanyeol stopped walking. That stopped Baekhyun too. They let go of their hands but Chanyeol come to get the boy into his embrace with his face unsure. Baekhyun sensed something is wrong, his brows start furrowing, veins emerge on his forehead, staring straight to the taller guy.

"Why so suddenly?"

Baekhyun still staring at the man when he starts to chuckle nervously, eyes blinking fastly. His facial expression gives out an instant 'NO' to Baekhyun's question just now. He felt hurt that Chanyeol had to think twice to live together with him. It hurts his pride as the best boyfriend ever.

"We've been dating for ages and thats how you react on my invitation? Do you think its easy for me to ask it out? I need the courage of an army! And you responded THAT towards me..." Baekhyun feels like crying but Chanyeol  quickly hushes him and hugs him tighter, walking down the street.

"No, I mean. The whole thing is perfect, you, me, sharing a house, sharing our lives together, its just, amazing, too amazing to not do so," Chanyeol gives him a light kiss on Baek's locks. Baekhyun looks up to see Chanyeol's eyes are all worried and he could feel that his boyfriend is disliking his idea. He wants to get mad for a lot of reasons.

"Its just that,"

"Please don't say you're not ready," Baekhyun's voice is pleading. He free himself from the brace that they share, hands still holding on Chanyeol's wrist. He purses his lips worriedly looking at Chanyeol's face that he couldn't read. His forehead is frowning, he knows that Chanyeol didn't like where the discussion is going.

"I am thinking for us. We could cut the cost by living together, since we're already dating for so long," Baekhyun continues. His grip on Chanyeol's hands are firm, like he is trying to send him his idea directly through the heat they share. Chanyeol looks down on the bricks of the pavement they're standing. He lets out a sigh. Baekhyun didn't understand that and it feels painful to see Chanyeol didn't get what he is trying to say.

"Yeollie...," He steps closer to his boyfriend, one hand caressing to his cheeks. Chanyeol takes his hand and squeezes it his own palm, looking straight to Baekhyun now. But with the deepest despair in his eyes.

"You know how the sushi bar isn't doing well, I just want the best for us," he explains. Of course. Baekhyun is the financial department for the sushi bar so he knows how their cash flow are going. For the time being, it went just well to feed each employees monthly but keeping with this pace, the sushi bar won't last long. Baekhyun is just being reasonable for asking that.

Chanyeol snapped and throw that palm of Baekhyun, making the boy gasp in surprise.

"Stop it, Baek,"

Baekhyun had never seen Chanyeol having such dark and angry tone like that in his voice. It stings right in his heart when he did that and he can feel his eyes are warming with tears.

"Could you please walk to your home by yourself today, stay safe,"

His voice is deep. Masculine. But cold. Icy cold. He sounds almost like Kris but with additional wrath to it. A string of tears went down on Baekhyun's eyes as he heard the man said that. He just stand there, looking at the back of his boyfriend walking away. He wants to call out Chanyeol's name but he can't. He is choking his own sobs.

What have he done to make Chanyeol so angry like that?

Not really far from where they are splitting ways to go home, Kai arrives with his badass bike, picking up Kyungsoo who had been waiting at the front of the sushi bar with Sehun. They've been chatting, mostly about Luhan and dealing with Sehun's anxiety. Sehun could actually just go home immediately with his scoot but Kyungsoo would be left alone so he decides to stay for a bit to give him a company. The bartender bids goodbye to Sehun and shuffles his way to his boyfriend. Sehun gives him the warmest eyes but icy cold stare to Kai.

"Hey, babe," Kai or Jongin as he wants Kyungsoo to call him, lifts his fullface and leans forward to kiss Kyungsoo before giving him a headgear. Kyungsoo would let out a soft, small grin after each kiss Jongin gave him, thats the best part where Jongin likes it so much. He didn't know when did he gets the habit but that little sound his boyfriend made would ease his exhaustion after a whole day rigorous dancing. That should explain why Jongin would be so eager to kiss Kyungsoo each time he picks him up after work.

Kyungsoo is already at his back, arms wrapped around Jongin's waist and they're ready to speed. Suddenly Jongin felt chatty and looks around. Kyungsoo speaks with his eyes to him with the question 'why'.

"My place tonight?"

The older boy knows that the one who are asking is his boyfriend but he still blushes each time that question pops out. Kyungsoo grips on Jongin's jacket tighter, trying to channel embarrassment and Jongin laughs a little to that reaction.

"Maybe not tonight?" Kyungsoo sheepishly let down the offer.

"But, baby. Its been 2 weeks already...please?" Jongin's voice is desperate. Yes, the last time they did was their first time the last two weeks. Jongin had been wanting Kyungsoo so bad, each touches they share since that day burns a desire inside Jongin but Kyungsoo would refuse each time and being a gentleman he is, he would agree. And continuously agree. But tonight, he really wants it. He misses the moment where Kyungsoo is his and being only his.

"Jongin, I'm tired and I think you're so tired too, look at this stiff muscle," Kyungsoo panics and start massaging the rider on his shoulder, voice half-shouting. Even Sehun from afar could hear them. Jongin groans at the furious massage Kyungsoo gives him and ask him to stop. He gives a boring look to Kyungsoo and pouts. Kyungsoo just give him the brightest smile ever and places his chin on his boyfriends shoulder, hands mildly squeezing his forearms.

"Don't be mad, I'll make it up to you, uhm?" Oh, the aegyo that Kyungsoo did to Jongin is just super-effective. There is always sparkly, butterfly flying around surrounding Kyungsoo in Jongin's eyes when he did that.  He lets out a sigh and smiles to Kyungsoo, returning the sweet smile. "Next time it is, then,"

Off they go, leaving the bar and going home. Sehun is still there, staring and being all jealous inside looking at how intimate those couples are. Kyungsoo just dated Kai and they had been together for 2 weeks and already inseparable when they meet. Sehun wonders what its like when he meet Luhan soon.  There it goes again, the tugging feelings of missing his boyfriend is back. He coughs to fake the sobs that almost went out from his mouth. He already said it to himself that he won't cry.

He didn't know why but its twice harder and painful to wait when Luhan had promised him that he would be back in 2 weeks time. Its already two weeks and he had no follow up message from his boyfriend and he is wilting, waiting for him to show up. Seriously, it hurts to wait for an expected time then it was when there is no news on when Luhan would be back to Korea with him. He his lips and sneaks out his phone, punching fiercely on the screen.

Its two weeks already, where are you? :'(


Sehun sighs to an effort that he knows won't be getting any outcome at least in another week. He wears his helmet and warming up the scoot, ready to go home.

Message tone. Sehun is in state of shock, he quickly grabs his phone and opens the message box. Its unexpectedly Luhan.

I'm in Korea already, I'll see you tomorrow, jagi, don't cry (^3^)

That night, the large town of sub-urb of Incheon heard a loud screaming that had shooed the owls from its habitat and scares the ghosts back to its grave. It was a screaming of joy, even the moon reflects back the echo of the screaming and shines a little much brighter that night as if approving the scream. Night in the town had never been so beautiful as it  is tonight.

This is the peaceful most friendly neighborhood of sub-urb Incheon and you're most welcome to come either to visit or move here.

Good night.


A/N : OMG I know I've been promising EXO-M in this chapter but I got carried away explaining Sehun's feelings and s! I'll make it up to all of you T__T I'll update the next chapter immediately. LOL 
Thanks a lot for reading and being patient! Your comments are cute and it motivates me to write next update in much faster pace <3 I'm blessed to share this EXO feelings I had with all of you hahaha
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Guys, guys, don't be mad at me~ I've decided to continue this fic once KAISOO.NET launches :) Please anticipate the international pairing fansite soon! \O/


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katarina1998 #1
Chapter 6: wow... love this story!
woogyusarang #2
Chapter 5: when will this great authornim update this great story?? T-T
모야?스머트가 머야?
it's okay Author nim... take your time! Fighting~ :)
sobs I'm sorry ;;;;;;
sobs... when will you update??? i come here everyday to check in case you're updating... I'm desperate!! new semester start next week.. omg! i'm gonna miss this story so much...
khhee i love sushi~~ *grins*
love it, can't wait to read the rest of the story ^^
please update soon.... i'm dying here.... I need to read this awesome fic to stay alive... lol~
Keep up the good work! XD
"Music changed to some soundtrack that goes along with the 'leader' movement."
The Star Wars song started to play in my head at that moment .__.'

Suho is like the leader of a ninja team or idk rofl

Oh god my Taoris and Sulay feeeels omgomgomgomg

Thanks for your update *^* ♥