Get Ready, Get Set...

Before My Baby Matures...

"Okay. We have two queen sized beds, and two couches at this hotel. Who's going where?" Youngjae turned around to ask everyone else. Before any of us could say anything, Himchan and Daehyun each sprinted to one of the beds— Youngjae facepalmed at their reaction. "So... Daehyun and I will be over there, Himchan and Yongguk hyungs will be on the other bed. As for Jongup and Junhong... One of you will have to go on the floor and save our Jinhee a couch." The both of them nodded, accepting the sacrifice of their comfort. "A-ah.. I don't mind being the one on the floor, they need more comfort for your performance tomorrow..." I offered, my voice trailing off. "NO JINHEE, stay comfortable on the couch hard surfaces are good for your back anyway," Zelo said, ending the sentence with a cheeky twinkling smile, and his adorable compulsive blinking.

"Jonguppie hyung too, needs comfort for his dance solo tomorrow." Just as he began putting his stuff down, Jongup spoke up out of nowhere. "Yeah, that's cute. But wouldn't it be smarter to unfold the bed and sleep beside each other for the both of you to have comfort?" he scolded. "Waaaah, good idea hyung! Jinhee, help me pull this up okay?" Zelo asked, looking much happier than he did seconds before Jongup said that. "Good idea, more like common sense," I heard Cheetos mumble under his breath. From across the room, I could feel Youngjae staring at Jongup with such a cold feeling— to be easier on their maknae. Rolling his eyes at Youngjae, he layed down on the couch— surprisingly looking more comfortable than I've ever imagined him. "Ya, your hyungs are going to sleep now okay? If I hear anything suspiciou--" "MOON JONG UP!" Everyone else screamed for the sake of Zelo's innocence. Their maknae looked around, totally clueless. 



Hours passed and it was already 2 in the morning. 
I looked around the room, and noticed I wasn't the only one up. Right across from the bed Zelo and I were lying down on, Jongup was sitting up, staring directly at me. "Um..." I whispered towards him, as a smile slowly crawled across his face. "Did you get scared?" he asked, tossing me a can of Coca Cola. "More than scared, I peed a little dude. Nobody tells me when to pee.." I said, making the both of our faces suddenly flush their original color away to red... I haven't been able to talk to Jongup like this in a while. "Anyway, why aren't you sleeping? You have a whole 'nother schedule tomorrow," I asked, opening the can and making that pop sound. "Because, woman. There's this fly going around and--" 
Suddenly,  Zelo flipped in bed and placed his arm directly over and across my.. area. The second I looked back up at Jongup, his expression made it look like he was hiding a set of angrily clenched teeth, breathing deep through his nostrils. "Ahaaa.." he stammered, and lifted his left slipper. "J-jongup, what the hell are you doing..." I asked, scared he was going to attack me with it until---

"DIE YOU DAMN LITTLE THING!" he yelled, throwing the slipper as hard as he could towards me when— "OOOWWWWW. JEEZ HYUNG, WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!" Zelo woke up, whining about his arm. "I WAS JUST SLEEPING, WHY'D YOU HAVE TO HIT ME?" he continued to whine until I wrapped my arms around him. In a split second, everyone else's heads rose from their pillows. "O-oh. Sorry.. Jinhee." he gave a cheeky smile, while Jongup was suddenly smiling warmly. From the furthest bed, Himchan jumped HIGH from his bed, and began to kiss the spot where Zelo was hit. "My child~ Are you okay?" he began speaking gently, until he shallowly, slowly turned his head the opposite direction. "YA, MOON JONGUP, WHAT WAS THAT?" he yelled, nearly as loud as his deep, husky voice could go. "Sheesh, don't yell at him. He just wanted to kill the fly..." I explained to the band's mother. "You wanted to kill the fly that landed on Zelo's arm, or completely break Zelo's arm that landed on top of Jinhee's lap?! Aish, pathetic person.. Really, really.." his voice trailed off, as he placed an ice pack on the spot that has now turned red. 

"Himchannie hyung, please don't yell at Jonguppie hyung. Yell at the little buzzing—" "YOU TOO!" Himchan suddenly burst at his baby just as hard as he did to the second youngest baby. "No wonder there was an article about you having bad hands.. Aish, YOU BETTER watch where you place those from now on, got it?" he reassuringly explained. "B-but Hyung! I was sleep—" "GOT IT?" he raised his voice even louder, making it positive that every single member was now wide awake. "알았어요 형..." the maknae's voice faded a little. "That's better. Now go back to sleep now for tomorrow's showcase, okay my children?~~" Himchan suddenly became gentle again, and was almost singing that last sentence. Everyone else nodded and fell right back to sleep in the split second that Himchan crawled back into bed with Yongguk appa. 

Meanwhile, Jongup and I got up and walked to the refrigerator to share a drink. As he poured some Sprite into my cup and about half into his, he began speaking to me in a gentle voice, once again. "That big scene right there.. Almost happens a lot when we're in the middle of filming a broadcast." he explained— and continued after every pause once I nodded. "Manager really doesn't like the way the rest of the band is so manly, except for Junhong's cuteness, so he had 2 options." he explained, now looking deep into my eyes while taking a sip. "Why are you even telling me this, isn't it a bit random?" I suddenly asked, making him choke a little on his drink. "I'm warning you, my little chink."  he called me by a nickname he had for me YEARS ago, making my stomach drop just a bit lower... 
"Either replace him with another, or force him to act more mature. And none of us will tell the manager that we want him to leave... So the last option, might be hard for you to adapt to, knowing how much you get along because of your childish behaviors toward each other," he finally took the last sip of his drink. "Ya~ MEHHHntos." I called him by the nickname I used for him years ago as well, and saw how his stomach tightened. "You sound like a true man right now, you know?" I teased, and took my last sip before we walked back to our couches. "Jinhee, that's not the point... I've been through the same thing, watching myself change so dramat—" he cleared his throat. "Watching my friend.. Change to dramatically. So, if you feel like you have nowhere to go... Come to me, Jinhee. Like the little pole that stays in the same place for you to always come back to... I'll be there, okay?" he asked reassuringly asked again. Still not completely understanding what was coming towards me, I nodded my head and replied with a little giggle. "Arasseo, I got it 'cheeto'," I said, as my eyes automatically shut themselves the second I fell right beside Zelo. 

But just before I began dazing into my dreamland, the last thing I heard was,

"Jinhee, I really hope you're ready... I've been waiting so long for this..." 

but everything was too fuzzy for me to comprehend, & my dreams completely took me over...


Just to make it clear to everyone, I know his nickname is Moontos, not Mentos.
That's just another part of the story, later on. FOREEESHHADOWING GUYSSS. ;D

I hope you enjoy the rest, and I'll try to update as frequently as I can.


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