Am I A Toy To You?


Yejin's always being passed around from member to member in Teen Top. Everyone has their breaking point, and eventually, she reaches her. But when she finally goes all out on all of them, how will their friendships end up with each other?


"What the hell are you reading?" I heard a familiar voice come out of nowhere from behind me. 

"What the hell are YOU doing in here? I thought I locked the door..." I said, looking back and realizing I must have forgotten to. I looked down, embarrassed.

Because I was looking down at the floor, I didn't realize what L.Joe end up doing. Already, he began looking through all the tabs I was on, on my laptop. "Would it kill you to mind your own business for once?" I asked him politely, but he refused. Out of all 6 members, L.Joe was the only one who didn't like me the way the others did. It's as if we had a brother-sister sort of rivalry... Just a bit more harsh.

When he finally stopped leaning over me and finished going through all the tabs, he looked at me sympathetically. 
"You actually like those fanfictions? But isn't the real thing a whole lot better?" he said, pointing to his face. Losing patience, I hit his hand - making him poke himself in the cheek. "Actually, the real thing is a lot worse, considering you're the main character." I spat. 

He looked at me all gross out. "This is a fanfiction with mature content, are you saying you want the real thing to be better? Test me out then!" he teased, and began laughing once he completely realized I had been reading something dirty about him for once. "Y-ya, shut the up purple head... Why did you have to look?" I asked, not in the mood to joke around anymore. "We don't like each other, what difference would it make? he asked, still laughing. I looked down, embarrassed yet again.

Suddenly and thankfully ending the awkward between the two of us, the other 5 members walked through my door. "What's going on between the 2 of you here?" Chunji spoke first. Quickly, before any other member could see what I was looking at, I shut the computer off and exchanged glares with L.Joe. 

"Nothing's going on, right jello?" L.Joe called me by the username I used on the website I was reading fanfics on.
"Right, barney." I because of his purple hair. Surely, only the two of us American-Asians were the only ones that understood why I said that. Within another minute of silence, L.Joe walked out the room without another word.

"Excuse me, I have to use the washroom." I explained to the other members. "It's okay, we'll be in the living room." they replied, and closed the door. Immidiately, I sighed in relief - but found myself listening to their short conversation before actually getting away from my door.

"What the hell were those? Couple nicknames?" I heard Chunji question.
"Hyung, what's a barney?" Ricky asked.

"I don't know what any of you guys are talking about, but L.Joe hyung better not be hiding what we think he is." Niel's voice finally came up. 

Agh... How great. From a small mess, to an even bigger one that made all of them suspicious...
Yejin-ah, I swear. You're Teen Top's toy...


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kathrynkatg #1
SarangHaeOppaOppa #2
Daebak! Keke update soonnn!! :)
CheezyCakesLuver #3
Cute ^^
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