Chapter 3

Why did you forget?

Chapter Three:

In her hands was a wad of money. She counted and came up with $3000. Her eyes widened, and was agape. She turned towards Kris and told him how much was in her hands. His eyebrows shot up into his hairline as he told the others how much. Some of them whistled while others dropped their jaws.

“That’s a lot of money. Whoever did this to you must care for you.” Kris said to me. He shook his head as he walked to me, then he bent his knees so he was eye level with me. “Or something like that. Did you find anything else?”

She shook her head. “No, I was just looking into this bag first. There is a camera in there and a phone; I didn’t look at what might be on them though. You can do that yourself. I’ll check out this backpack.” She put the money back in the purse and handed him the camera. It was a Sony NEX 5N. After that, she turned towards the backpack and ped it.

She opened it all the way and pulled out a big sketchbook. She flipped it open and found nothing on the pages. She placed it on the steps, and turned back to the backpack. She pulled out a container and opened it up, revealing it to be art supplies. Gently, she touched the supplies, as if they might break if she were to press on them hard. They felt familiar to her though. She shook her head and placed them on top of the sketchbook. Looking back into the backpack, she didn’t see anything else and placed the items back in.

Turning her head towards Kris, she noticed he no longer had the camera. The camera was now in the hands of the dark-skinned boy with the pouty lips. He was looking through the pictures and showed them to the others. She heard them say things with an approving tone. Shrugging her shoulders, she looked at Kris again, who had the phone in his hands.

“Well? Is there anything in that?” she asked him as she stood up.

“Nothing.” He sighed. He handed her the phone. She looked down at it and found the icon for contacts. Clicking on it, she found that there were none at all.

The door to the building opened. A man in a suit walked out, his gaze lingering on the boys before turning to the girl. His gaze turned into a glare. “What are you doing here? Boys, why are you with her? Don’t you understand what might happen? Don’t you care about the publicity this might get you? The unwanted publicity?” he walked towards the girl and grabbed her wrist, “Young lady, I suggest you leave the premises now before I call security and have you removed, the hard way.”

“But-“ she began.

“I don’t want to call security on you.” He interrupted her, and began dragging her away from the boys.

“AH! Wait! Mr. Kim, please, she has nowhere to go, all the things she owns are here. We don’t know why she is specifically here though, but she doesn’t have a home. She doesn’t even speak Korean, she only talks to Kris.” The gentle looking one told the man.

He stopped dragging her and turned around. “What? Doesn’t know Korean?” he looked incredulously at the girl. “You really don’t know?”

The girl gave him a blank stare and blinked her eyes many times. She turned her head towards Kris and gave him a confused look.

“He asked if you really don’t know Korean.” Kris said to her in English, before switching to Korean. “Sir, even her phone is in English. You can check it.” He switched back to English. “Give him your phone, please.”

She reached into her pocket and handed her phone to the man. “Here, check what you want. I don’t even know my own name, how can I know Korean?”

The man looked at Kris with a slightly embarrassed look. Kris sighed before saying in Korean. “She said, ‘Check the phone, and she doesn’t know her own name, how can she know Korean.’” Under his breath he added, “Why can’t they just learn English? It would make things a whole lot easier.”

The man let go of her wrist. “Oh? Doesn’t even know her own name? That is unfortunate.” He turned to the boys. “All of her belongings are here?” They nodded. “Hmm….bring it with you. Let’s go and talk with Mr. Lee, he might let her stay somewhere.”

“Mr. Kim, you aren’t kicking her out?” the boy who had large eyes asked.

“No, we aren’t completely heartless people. Besides, she doesn’t know you guys, so she isn’t a fan. Kris, you could say she is a cousin or something, visiting you from Canada.” Kris nodded. “Let’s go then.”

The grabbed her stuff and started following him.

“Mr. Kim,” the dark skinned boy began. “Look at her camera; she has a lot of really good photos.” He handed him the camera.

He looked through the pictures. “You’re right, she might be of use. I’ll have Mr. Lee look at them and see what he wants to do with her.” He walked up to the receptionist. “Mr. Lee is here in his office, right?” she nodded. “Let him know that all 15 of us are coming up, and that we might have something he might be interested in.” she nodded again and proceeded to do what he asked.

He turned to the boys, “Okay, let’s go up.” He led them towards the elevator and pressed the button. He looked at the girl, who looked slightly scared. He softened a bit. “Hey, don’t worry, we can help you.”

She looked at him before looking at Kris, he translated and she said: “Okay, I just hope I’m not a burden to y’all.” She looked back at the man.

“Really, can we please get English lessons or something?” Kris whined. Mr Kim laughed.

-at Mr. Lee’s office-

“Guys, I think Kris, the girl and I should go in.” Mr. Kim said. “You boys, will wait down the hall. Okay?”

They reluctantly nodded their heads and took the girls suitcase, and backpack with them. “Ready?” Mr. Kim said. Kris nodded and gave a reassuring smile to the girl. Mr. Kim knocked on the door.

“Come in.” a voice within said. Mr. Kim opened the door and ushered the two inside.

just a small update. i would have typed more, but my cat sat on the laptop, so i'm typing this one-handed, and im getting tired, so, yeah :P *sigh* cats and their way of laying on things you need.

anyways, if you see any mistakes, please let me know. i know this isn't the best story, but i'm trying.

until next time,


P.S- i'm pretty sure y'all have figured out it's EXO that found her. so the upcoming chapters will use their names even though the girl doesnt know them; remember she only knows the name of Kris as he speaks English too.

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