Why did you forget?


A girl wakes up in front of the SMEnt building. All she has with her is her large suitcase with her clothes and shoes, her backpack with her art utensils and things, her purse which is filled with her camera, $3000 in cash, and a new cell phone with no numbers, and her panda pillow pet.

When she opens her eyes she finds that she is surrounded by some people. She is unable to tell them anything because 1) she doesn't remember anything at all, not even her name 2) she only speaks English and Spanish.

After talking with a few of them, she finds herself in Lee SooMans office where he offers her a place to live and to have her be a photographer in training (as they searched her things beforehand). She accepts and is soon in her very own apartment not too far from the SMEnt building.

She quickly befriends one of the people who helped her (he speaks English as well) and finds herself attracted to some of the others. As soon as she finds herself situated and comfortable, she notices that people are starting to follow her. She decides to ignore them trying not to get her new friends involved, but finds herself swallowed deeper into the mysteries of her past. Will she be able to break free from the unknown? Or will she be taken back to the past?


okay, i really shouldn't post this, but i felt that i needed to so i don't forget it at all. haha.. so i'm going to say i saw this in a dream, but it wasn't a dream. if that makes sense. I'll let y'all know who she meets and stuff later.

oh, i don't know how the SMEnt building looks, or how it is run or anything about Korea, so this is just from my mind. if nothing makes sense you know it came from my mind. um, yeah, i'll figure everything out later. so just wait for a while, i hope y'all like it. feel free to let me know about anything. if it sounds familiar to another story, i'm sorry. so yeah! i hope you enjoy and stuff,

until next time,



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