This is me.

Happy Birthday , Lee Taemin

Taemin stared out from his window immediately when he woke up. Those cracks are surely blocking his view , but not enough to block the whiteness and the trees with white stains on top. Most of all , was the freezing wind that was blowing in from the cracks.


Great. It's snowing.


Taemin sighed and shivered from the coldness. He pulled out the best winter-jacket he could find in his crappy closet .


Wait , winter jacket ? To Taemin , that was the best jacket he could wear. You and I might consider that as just some normal hoodie worn in a place slightly cold with air-con . Just that Taemin's hoodie is so much worn out.


Taemin pulled out those normal , ovesized hand-me-down skinnies he got from the charity donation last year and put them on , along with a knitted pants he wore inside.


Taemin wore at least 3 shirts inside himself as he zipped the hoodie up until partially of his face was covered , and rushed out of his house  abandoned house that allows rain to drip in every single time theres a storm.


Taemin stepped out from the shelter , as he immediately felt the coldness hit his cheeks , as he shivered under the freezing wind that was travelling up the oversized skinnies . Afterall , some oversized knitted pants couldn't do much inside Taemin's body.


Taemin grabbed his shoes from the shoerack that he made out of unwanted wood he got from the factory nearby , or more likely , he digged inside the rubbish truck of the factory.


Currently covered in thick snow , Taemin's shoes were awesomely wet , from the snow. More of a freezing degree.




Taemin forced his feet inside the freezing cold shoes as he stepped on something.


A box of matches .


Taemin opened it , surprised to find it dry and perfectly unharmed .


Taemin , for once , smiled as he placed the matches inside his hoodie like as if it was his treasure. Taemin was sure , he could only rely on this box of matches for the whole night .




Taemin walked to school slowly , normally it takes him about half and hour to do so , but today , he took more then a full hour. His feet was freezing cold , as his hands felt like as if it was dipped inside some ice for the past hour , he could barely move it.


Taemin took small and stiff steps into the school , and immediately sighed as the warm air brushed against his cheeks , the heater in the school was indeed awesome for once.


Taemin walked into his classroom , as he sat at his isolated seat at a corner of the class , as girls laughed at him , pointing to his weird and oversized outfit .


He get alot of these. Exactly everyday , he will get pushed around , kicked , punched and slapped. And those teachers don't give a single about him. Why ? Because he is Lee Taemin. The boy who was sponsered by the charity , the boy who lives in a run-down house , a boy who can't afford proper things at his house. A boy that didn't have money to buy proper food and ate from the bin.


People hated Taemin , for no reason. And Taemin couldn't do anything.


Taemin sighed as he walked to his locker to get his books for the next lesson , to nobody's surprise , the locker was stuffed with rubbish and a big "Im a " written over it.


Taemin dug inside his locker and revealed his old books for the next lesson.He walked to the next classroom as he sat down at the other kind of isolated seat. He listened throughout the whole boring lesson , he looked as if he was paying attention , but he was far more distracted by the warmth he was feeling.


Weird enough , it's snowing outside. Classrooms does not have any sort of heaters , and Taemin sat next to the window , yet he felt as if he was sitting right on the sun. Taemin brushed off the droplets of sweat on his forehead , earning WTF-looks from students sitting nearby.


Taemin basically burned out throughout the whole lesson , he felt the world spinning by the time it was the last period.


Whats the last period ? Taemin reached out for the schedule in his locker as he gasped.




Taemin froze. Last period. Dance.


Taemin remembered that for the week , their dance is all about ballet. It changes every week though .


Taemin dragged himself into the dance room as he proceeded to change in an isolated corner , like always. In fact , when is he NOT in and isolated corner ?


Taemin collasped onto the floor as he waited for the teacher to come , the dance room was actually warm , not that warm , but actually Taemin felt the temperature around him become a reasonable one.


To Taemin's delight , the teacher haven't appeared for ages until there was the last hour of the lesson when the teacher appeared.




"Class dismissed~" The teacher walked out of the room as everyone sighed. Taemin changed back to his original oversized clothing and headed for the school gate.


It hasn't stop snowing , and the streets were dark. The snow stacked up to at least a few inches.


Taemin shivered as he headed for the so called home he has.


But around the fifteen minute mark , Taemin felt as if he got frozen. His legs couldn't move normally , then he decided to lean on one of the houses and rest.




Taemin leaned on a small cottage , he sighed as he heard , what seems to be coming from the cottage .


A Birthday Song.


Taemin smiled. It was his birthday today too.


Smells of roasted chicken and cakes immediately invaded like a bomb inside Taemin's head. Taemin let a tear drop from his eyes , as he could feel the frozen air invade him.


"Happy birthday to you , Happy birthday to you , happy birthday to Lee Taemin.." Taemin sang to himself as he lied on the snow , his back failed completely to work , using the last of the energy he is left with , he took out a matchstick and lighted it.


Warmth .


Taemin blinked. As he almost screamed . In front of him was a birthday cake and a plate of steak. It smelled heavenly , Taemin reached out for it , but the matchstick went out as the picture disappeared immediately.


"No..." Taemin lighted up another matchstick , as he saw his ex-classmates from another school sing for Taemin. Inside , includes Minho. Taemin smiled at the sight of his long-dead lover.


"Minho.." Taemin reaches out as the matchstick went out .


"NO !" Taemin took out all his matchsticks and lighted them up all at once. This time , he could see Minho sitting beside him.


"Minho hyung.." Taemin was about to hug Minho when he caught the sight of a falling star.


"The star is falling.. If one star falls , a spirit will rise..." Taemin mumbled , Minho nodded sadly.


"Taemin.. I will take you to another world , without worries , coldness and starvation , Happy Birthday , my dearest." Minho smashed his lips onto Taemin's , as Taemin enjoys it under Minho's hug.


Minho pulled away from the kiss as he looked at Taemin , his eyes full of tears.


"Will you go with me ?" Minho asked as Taemin nodded without a second thought , he took off his schoolbag as he found himself floating in the air , rising higher and higher with Minho.


"Happy Birthday , Taemin." Minho hugged Taemin closer.


Taemin found himself warmer and warmer in Choi Minho's arms.


Indeed , he was in the arms of an angel. He was in the arms of Choi Minho.


"I love you"




The next day , police found a dead boy lying on the cottage , he was holding onto a huge bunch of matchsticks , and his skin was turning blue from the coldness , and he was soaking wet.


But crafted on his lips , was an angelic smile .


~The End~



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pikkunuppi #1
Chapter 1: oh my... this is so sad but so happy... I love this :>
hanagoun #2
I feel the happiness inside of Taemin when he died :,)
Dalliance #3
Beautiful. I, somewhow, recognize the story a bit. I enjoyed it fully. So sad.. Thanks for showing it. (:
Omgggg. Loved it:D