

The long awaited welcome party has come Soo Yun wore hear best dress and entered the hall. There were many people inside some where older than her and some were probably the same age as her. there was a good ratio between the number of men and women inside the hall. She can't help shut after seeing the extravagance of the hall.

    "You should close your mouth or else a fly will go in", said by an unknown voice. She turned  around and saw a dashing guy who is probably a bit older than her.

    "I'm sorry I must've look like an idiot" She replied.

     "Nah don't worry you looked more like a little girl inside a toy store"

     "I'm sorry, what?" Soo yun got a little bit irritated.

    "I'm sorry what I meant was you looked really cute earlier." the guy apologized. Soo Yun suddenly felt a blush coming up her face. "By the way I am Dae-Hyun" He held out a hand for a hand shake.

      "Name's Soo Yun, Gwak Soo Yun, nice to meet you." she grabbed his hand for the shake.


           Suddenly a voice was heard from the speakers ordering everyone take a seat. Unlike other parties it is more like a briefing meeting for the new servants. Various people took turns in speaking like the Head Chef, Head of Security and the likes. The last speaker was the head chambermaid who was famous for being present in the palace even before the birth of the king.

           "As you all know," the head maid said, "We are no ordinary servants here, we are all well educated servants whose purpose is to use our talents for the sake of the royal family...."

        Unknown to most people a certain someone is watching from the shadows. 

         "It is important that we show proper behaviour and respect the royal family and their acquintances blah, blah,blah." He said in sync with the head chambermaid. The person was no ther than the prince. Everytime a welcome party is held he would sneak in and look at the faces of the newbies. and the fact that he knows the exact words the head maid will be saying would only mean that her speech is always the same. "There goes the old hag again with her robotic preprogrammed speech." he walked turned around and started walking away since he became bored from the Head maid's speech. He was nearing the front of the Comfort rooms when someone who was coming out of the ladies room came out without looking and slammed the door to his face.


   While the head of security was still giving his speech Soo yun's drink spilled on her dress be cause a woman who was walking bumped her while she was drinking.

     "Are you alright?" Dae hyun asked.

      "Yeah, it's just a little stain." she replied with a crooked smile. Oh my god this is my favorite dress among all my mom's gift. "I'll just go wash it off"

      "Okay" Dae hyung said with concern.

             She walked to wards the comfort room and tried washing the stain off, unfortunately the stain didn't get off completely. She walked towards the door while all her attention was focused in wiping her drss. When she opened the door  she heard a loud BANG so she immediately cheked out what she hit.



             "Ouch" the prince said out loud. while holding his nose in pain 

              "Oh my goodness I am so sorry" Soo Yun replied "I wasn't looking at all" she cwas continously bowed.

             "Do you even know who......" HE suddenly stopped when he saw her stained clothes and understand the situation. "Just look out next time"

               "I really am very sorry. Soo yun lifeted her haid from bowing. What she saw afterwards shocked her. She has never seen a face more beautiful as that and stared.

               "hey what are you looking at?" he asked 

               "No I am sorry it's just that i have never seen a face as beautiful.." she paused as she remembered something. I've seen that face before where did I see that face.


              "Noona look at the news" Woo Bin said.

             Soo Yun looked at their televison and saw the 'Princess's' candid photo.

                "Soo it's a princess, damn she's gorgeous" the little brother said.

              "YAh! you shouldn't say those words you brat." she yelled at her brother.

            Soo yun face the the"princess" with shocked eyes "Oh my God what have I done," she suddenly knelt before her and started apologizing again

            "Hey didn't I told you it's alright"

            "No it'll never be lright I ruin the princess' face"

             "Princess??!!" he said in confusion until he realized that she might have thought of himas a girl like in the news. "A-anyways stand up it'll be bad if someone sees this I'll just punish you later on so don't tell anyone you've seen me here."

             Soo Yun nodded in agreement. Then the "princess "ran away. She walked back towards her seat and upon her arrival Dae Hyun sensed something was wrong with her

            "Hey what's up?"

             "Nothing .......I'm just having a bad day."

            "o-okay." he didn't inquired any further.

            Soo Yun still pondered on what her punishment will be unti she thought of something not related to her problem.  The princess like male clothes?

 (his clothes at that time)

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Chapter 4: At least you have a good excuse to not update...
I'm glad you're back!
Chapter 4: It suddenly remembered me of Ren being in Jeon Woo Chi as a reporter . x)
the plot is cute :D
Criam_Rose #5
WAAAAH!!!! let's not argue about their ages...sigh...anyways better tell you something.......I made an account in tweeter ...but I'm to lazy to always check up on it so I don't really have followers...then one day someone followed me the account was Real Ren...something something...(which was too obvious to believe) then I commented at one of his pics I said "KYAA!! LIke it!!..then the following day .......I was back to zero followers...I mean....aaargh....anyways thank you guys for putting up comments and ....giving me some infos about Kpop....
I don't really know but the thing I know is Ren and Minzy's age are quite same. Anyway, I saw Action's MV. They're great especially Ren and JR. Good job for this chapter !
no Minzy is born in 1994 Ren is born 1995
Criam_Rose #8
Woah !!! Minzy's younger???? I thought She's older....